Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 14: Recreation - D - writing: describing a camping holiday

Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 14: Recreation - D - writing: describing a camping holiday

Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to describe a camping holiday

* Lexical items: camp fire (n), campsite (n), umbrella tent (n), hill (n), open fire (n)

* Teaching aids: handouts, pictures, posters

* Skills: Writing, listening, reading, speaking,

* Method and technique: individual, pairwork, groupwork, brainstorming


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Instructor	: Mrs. Đỗ Thị Xuân
Candidate	: Trịnh Thị Ngát
Class 	: 11B4	Room: 15
Time	: 45 minutes	Date: April 2, 2010
* Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to describe a camping holiday
* Lexical items: camp fire (n), campsite (n), umbrella tent (n), hill (n), open fire (n)
* Teaching aids: handouts, pictures, posters
* Skills: Writing, listening, reading, speaking, 
* Method and technique: individual, pairwork, groupwork, brainstorming
I. WARM-UP (4 mins)
* Brainstorming
put up an umbrella
Activities during a camping holiday
T: Ask Ss to list all activities during a camping holiday
* Lead-in:
T: Do you like going camping?
T: Have you ever gone camping?
T: Where did you go?
T: Tell the class some activities you did during the trip.
 T: Now, today you are going to learn how to describe a camping holiday: Unit 14: Recreation, D- Writing: Describing a Camping Holiday.
II. PRE-WRITING (4 mins)
1. Teaching vocabulary
camp-fire (n)	: lửa trại (Question)
 T: What do you call a fire in a camping holiday?
umbrella tent (n)	: lều (Picture)
 T: (Point at the picture) What is this?
campsite (n) = campground: địa điểm cắm trại (Synonym)
 T: What is the synonym of “campground”?
hill (n)	: đồi (Picture)
 T: (Point at the picture) What is this?
open fire (n)	: bếp ngoài trời (Translation)
 T: How can you say “bếp ngoài trời” in English?
Checking: Gap-filling
We see lots of trees from the ________.
The boys have just put up an ___________ in the _______.
They danced and sang around the __________ all night last night. 
They are cooking food over an __________.
Expected answers:
1. hill
2. umbrella tent - campsite
3. camp-fire
4. open fire
2. Matching the events with the appropriate pictures (Task 1, p.159-160) ( 4 mins)
Ask Ss to do the task individually 
Call some Ss to read aloud their answers
Check with the class
Expected answers:	1.g	2.a	3.b	4.c	5.f	6.d	7.h	8.i	9.e
3. Answering the questions about their camping holiday ( 7 mins)
T asks Ss to answer the questions base on the information in the task 1 :
T: Where and when did you going camping?
Ss: They went camping to Ba Vi last week. 
T: When did the bus leave the school?
Ss: They left the school at 5 a.m.
T: What did they do during the camping holiday?
Ss: They put up the umbrella tent, watched wildlife in the forest, went fishing and swimming in the lake, cooked food over an open fire, sang and danced around the campfire, and played games.
T: When did they leave the campsite?
Ss: The following day they left the campsite at 4 p.m
T: Look at all of the pictures and tell me how did they feel during the camping holiday?
Ss: They felt happy, ...
4. Notes (3 mins)
a. Tense: The simple past
b. Time connectors: First, next, after that, then, ...
c. Conjunctions: Although, in addition, moreover, and, .....
5. The format of a description (4 mins)
T elicits the outline :
a. Introduction: Time and place your class went camping
b. Body: Activities during the trip
c. Conclusion: Your feeling after the trip
6. Writing a passage about your camping holiday. (Task 2, p.160) ( 8 mins)
Instruction: Imagine you are one of the students in class 11A2. Write a passage about your class’s camping holiday, using the information in the task 1.
T gets Ss to work in groups of 8 to write a passage about their camping holiday.
Give each group one poster and ask Ss to write down
Go around to control and collect the Ss’ typical mistakes
IV. POST-WRITING: Correction ( 10 mins)
Call 2 group finish first to stick the poster on the board.
Elicit comments from the whole class
Give feedback and sample: 
Last weekend, our class went to Ba Vi for a two-day camping holiday. The bus left the school at 5a.m. When we arrived at the campsite, first we put up the umbrella tent. Next we went round to watch wildlife in the forest. Some went fishing and swimming in the lake, then we went back to our tent and prepared lunch, we cooked our favorite food over an open fire. In the evening we sang and danced around the campfire. The next day we played games and we left the campsite at 4 p.m. Although the trip made us tired, we felt very happy because we had a good time to live together.
V. HOMEWORK (1 mins)
Learn the new words by heart
Write a short paragraph of 80 words to describe your trip
Prepare the next lesson: Language Focus	
	Hue, April 2, 2010
	Teacher’s comments 	Student
	Đỗ Thị Xuân	Trịnh Thị Ngát
Umbrella tent

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