Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 71 đến period 75

Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 71 đến period 75

A. Objectives

1. Aims: By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to:

- Understanding the history of The Asian Games and the purpose of developing intercultural knowledge and friendship within Asia.

- Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific information,

guessing meaning in context and passage comprehension.

1. Knowledge

+ Lexical-items: - Verbs( advance,appreciate,take place)

 - Nouns ( aquatic sports,intercultural knowledge,solidarity)

 Grammar: -omission of relative pronouns

 3. Skills

- Main skill: reading

- Sub skills; Speaking,listening

B. Teaching method: communicative approach

C. Teaching aids:

- Teacher: English book 11, Extra-board

- Students: English book 11


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- Asking students: Who’s absent today?
Date of teaching
Absent students
Period 71
A. Objectives
1. Aims: By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to:
- Understanding the history of The Asian Games and the purpose of developing intercultural knowledge and friendship within Asia.
- Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific information,
guessing meaning in context and passage comprehension.
1. Knowledge
+ Lexical-items: - Verbs( advance,appreciate,take place)
 - Nouns ( aquatic sports,intercultural knowledge,solidarity)
 Grammar: -omission of relative pronouns
 3. Skills
- Main skill: reading
- Sub skills; Speaking,listening
B. Teaching method: communicative approach
C. Teaching aids: 
- Teacher: English book 11, Extra-board
- Students: English book 11
D. Procedure
 Teacher's activities
* Check Ss during the lesson
* Warm up (3mm)
- Give some questions then ask Ss to answer
 + Name some sports ?
 + What sports do you like to play best? why?
 + In which sporting events are these 
sports competed?
- Correct Ss' answers
- Introduce the topic of the lesson
" The Asians Games"
I. Before you read (10mm)
- Ask Ss to work with a partner.
Discuss the questions:
* How often are the Asian Games held?
* How many counties take part in the Asian Games?
* What sports is Vietnam best at?
- Walk round to give a help
- Check the answers
II. While you read (18mm)
- Ask Ss to read the passage
- Explain some new words
+ advance (v)
+ appreciate (v)
+ take place (v)
+ aquatic sports (n)
+ intercultural knowledge (n)
+ enthusiasm (n)
1. Activity 1: task 1
- Ask Ss to study the aim of task 1
carefully(fill each blank with a suitable word),
- Ask Ss to work individual then compare with other partner
- Walk round to give a help
- Check the answers
2. Activity 2:Task 2
- Ask Ss to read the passage again
- Ask Ss to find the informations to complete the table
- Help Ss to work in pairs then compare with other pairs
- Walk round to give a help
- Check the answers
3. Activity 3:Task 3
- Ask Ss to read again the passage
-Ask Ss to study three questions
- Ask Ss to discuss in group of four to
answer the questions
- Walk round to give a help.
- Ask Ss to compare their answers
- Call some groups to answer
- Check the answers 
III.After you read( 10 mm)
- Ask Ss to work in groups ( name the sports in which Vietnamese athletes have won gold medals at the Asian Games).
- Walk round to give a help
- Call some goups to give their results
- Check the answers
- Answer freely
* suggested keys
- They are:volleyball, football,tennis,
- I like to playBecause it makes
- In Sea Games and Asian Games
- Pairs work
- Correct the answers
* suggested keys
* Every four years
* 42
* Wushu,body building
- Read silently
- Listen carefully and write down
- Study carefully
- Individual work then copare with other partner
- Correct the answers
* suggested keys
1. facilities 4. effort
2. aquatic 5. advancing
3. enthusiasm 6. appreciated
- Read silently
- Pairs work then compare with other pairs
- Correct the answers
* Suggested keys
1. 1951
2. the 2nd Asian Games in Manila,the Philippines
3. 1958
4.Squash,rugby.fencing and mountain 
5. 2002
- read silently
- Study individually
- Group work of four
- Compare their answers
- Speak out
- Correct the answers
* Suggested keys
1. The purpose of the Asian Games is to
develop intercultural knowledge and friendship within Asia.
2. 9,919 participants took part in the 14th Asian Games
3.They won the gold medals in bodybuilding,billiards and women's 
karatedo at the Busan Games.
- Group work
- Speak out
- Correct the answers
IV. Home work:- Do all exercises in work book
 Asking students: Who’s absent today?
Date of teaching
Absent students
Period 72
A. Objective(s).
1. Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
 - Asking for and giving information about the Asian Games
 - Talking about sports results of Vietnamese athletes in the 14th Asians Games.
2. Knowledges.
- lexical items: bronze, silver, karatedo
- Structure:- The questions " when,where and how many"
3. Skill
+ Main skill: speaking
+ Sub skills: listening, writing
B. Teaching method: Communicative approach 
C. Teaching aids:English book 11, extra-board
D. Procedure
 Teacher's activities
* Check Ss during the lesson
* Warm up: (3mm)
- Ask Ss to close the book then ask Ss to 
answer the questions
+When and where were the 14th Asian Games held/
+ How many countries took part in the Games?
+ How many sports were completed at the Games?
- Check the answers
- Introduce the topic of the lesson
I. Activity 1: Task 1( 10mm)
- Ask Ss to study the information in 
the table
- Setting model
A. When and where were the 1st Asian Games held?
B: (They were held ) in 1951 in India.
A. How many countries took part in the 
A: How many sports were competed at the Games?
B: 6
- Ask Ss to work in pairs( Ask and answer questions about the Asian Games
- Walk round to give a help.
- Call some pairs to speak 
- Check the answers
II. Activity 2: Task 2 ( 10mm)
- Ask Ss to study the example
- Ask Ss to work in groups to talk about the the sports results of Vietnamese ethletes at 14th Asian Games, using the 
information from the table
- Explain some new words
 + bodybuilding (n)
 + billiards (n)
 + karatedo (n)
- Ask Ss to read
- Setting modal
A.In which sport did Vietnamese athletes won medals?
B. Body buildind, Billiards,Karatedo,
A. How many medals did they win?
A. In which sport did Vietnamese 
athletes win 2 gold and 1 bronze medals?
B. Karatedo.
- Call a good pairs to speak out
- Ask Ss to use the modal talking the sports results of Vietnamese athletes at
14th Asian Games. 
- Walk round to give a help
- Call some group to speak out
- Check the mistakes
- Individual work
- Correct the answers
* Suggested keys
1. The 14th Asian Games were held in Busan,Korea.
2. 42 countries
3. 38 sports
- Study carefully
- Observe the model
- Pairs work
- Speak out 
- Correct the answers
- Listen and copy down
- Read in chorus
- Listen and copy down
- Observe carefully
- Speak out
- Pairs work
- Speak out
- Correct mistakes
Suggested questions
A.- When and where were?
 - How many coutries.?
 - How many sports.?
 - Which sports did..?
 - How many medals?
IV. Home work: In 30 words write about athletics or sports you like best
- Asking students: Who’s absent today?
Date of teaching
Absent students
Period 73
A. Objectives
1. Aims: By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to :
- Develop extensive listening skills
- Use the information they have listened to for doing exercises: multiple-choice questions and comprehension questions
2. Knowledge
+ Lexical-items: - freestyle (n)
 - gymnastics (n)
 - high jump (N)
 - long jump (n)
+ Structure: - Relative clauses
 - Omission of relative pronouns
3. Skill:
+ Main skill: listening
+ Sub-skills: speaking and writing 
B. Teaching method: communicative approach
C. Teaching aids: 
- Teacher: English book 11, extra-board.
- Students: English book 11 
D. Procedure
* Check Ss during the lesson
* Warm up (5mm)
- Aks Ss to name some gymnastics you know or see?
- What do you call a person who displays in gymnastics?
- Walk round to give a help
- Check the answers
- Introduce the new lesson
I. Before you listen(10mm)
- Ask Ss to open the books and read the Listen and repeat
- Explain and give the maining of words.
 + freestyle
 + bar
 + gymnasium
- Ask Ss to read all the words
- Ask Ss to answer three questions
- What are the names of these sports?
- Have you ever wathed sports like these on television?
- which sports do you like best?why?
- Walk round to give a help 
- Check the answers
II. While you listen. (23mm)
1. Activity 1: task 1
- Ask Ss to study the information s 
- Ask Ss to listen to then choose the best answer A,B,C or D.
- Play the tapescript first.
- Check the answers first.
- Play the tapescript second.
- Play the tapescript third
- Check the answers
2. Activity 2: task 2
- Ask Ss to read the passage again
and study the qestions
- Ask Ss to listen again to answer the questions
- Play the tapescripe first.
- Ask Ss to give the answers
- Play the tapescripe second
- Call Ss to give the answers
- Check the answers
III. After you listen (10mm)
- Ask Ss to study the aim of after you listen
- Ask Ss to work in group of four to talk about a famous athlete you know.
- Walk round to give a help
- Check the answers
IV. Home work :( 2mm)
- Write a pragraph about a famous 
athletic you know
- Individual work
- Correct the answers
* Suggested keys
1. swimming,jumping ,weighlifting,pole
2. We call him/her a gymnast.
- Listen and copy down in their notebooks.
- Read in chorus
- pairs work
- Correct the answers
*suggested keys
1. Gymnastic,long jump,high jump,
2+3: answer freely
- Individual work
- Listen first
- Give the answers
- Listen again carefully
- Correct the answers
* Suggested keys
1-C 3 - B 5 - D
2 -A 4 - B
- Individual work
- Pairs work
- Listen carefully
- Correct the answers
* Suggested keys
1. 10.15 p.m 4. high jump
2. 6 golds medals 5. He looked very 
3. 2 times disappointed.
- Individual work
- Group work of four
- Correct the answers
- Write a pragraph about a famous 
athletic you know
- Asking students: Who’s absent today?
Date of teaching
Absent students
period 74
A. Objectives
1. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Describing the preparations for the coming Asian Games.
2. Knowledge
- Lecxical items: advertise(v),equip(v), hold(v),promote(v),recuit (v),upgrade.
- Grammar:- Relative clauses
 - Omission of relative
3. Skill
+ Main skill: writing
+ Sub- skills: speaking, listening
B. Teaching method: Communicative approach
C. Teaching aids: 
- Teacher: English book 11, extra-board
- Students: English book 11 
D. Procedure
 Teacher's activities
* Check Ss during the lesson
* Warm up( 5mm)
- Devide the class into four groups
- Ask Ss to 
- Ask Ss to work in group 
+ Group 1:build,hold
+ Group 2: upgrade
+ Group 3: widen,equip
+ group 4:advertise,recruit
- Walk round to give a help 
- Ak SS to on the black board
- Check the answers
- Introduce the topic of the lesson
"Describing the preparations for the Games"
I. Activity 1(10mm)
- Ask Ss to study the aim and all the information in columns A,B 
- Help Ss to knowledge exactly about 
the informations about the cues
- Ask Ss to match the verbs in column A
with the noun phrases in column B.(pairs
- Walk round to give a help.
- Check the answers
II. Activity 2 (13mm)
- Ask Ss to open the book
- Ask Ss to suppose Vietnam is going to hold the Asian Games.What will we have 
do to prepare for the Games?
- Give some questions
 1. What will you do first?
 2. Why will we have to upgrate the Nationl Sports Centres and stadiums?
 3. What about the training areas and the roads?
 4. What will we have to equip the hotels
and guest houses with?what for?
 5. Which form of mass media will be used to advertise all the preparations for the Games?
 6. Who will you recruit to serve the Games?
 7. What competition will we haveto hold?
- Ask Ss to work in group of four to
answer the questions
- Walk round to give a help
- Ask Ss to compare their results with other groups
- Check the answers
III. Activity 3 (15mm)
- Ask Ss to write a paragraph about 100-
120 words about the preparation for the Games.
- Give some usful languages
 + link words :first,next,then and finally
 + conjuntions: because,so,moreover
 + Tenses : simple future,simple present.
- Ask Ss to work in group of four according to the answers of the questios in task 2
- Walk round to give a help
- Ask Ss to compare their writings.
- Ask Ss to hang their writings on the board then check mistakes 
- Remark the students' writings
- Give marks
IV.Home work: (2mm)
- Write a paragraph about the preparations for the Games
- Study the letters carefully
- group work
- Correct the answers
Suggested keys
* build,upgrade,widen,equip,advertise,
- Read silently
- Study carefully individual
- Pairs work
- Correct the answers
* suggested keys
1+b 4+e 7+f
2+d 5+g
3+a 6+c
- open the book
- Listen carefully
- Group work of four
- Compare their results
- Correct the answer
- Study the aim 
- Observe carefully
- Group work of four
- compare their writings
- correct the mistakes
 - listen carefully
- Write a paragraph about the preparations for the Games
 Asking students: Who’s absent today?
Date of teaching
Absent students
period 75 
A. Objectives
1. Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Distinguish the clusters /str/,/skr/,/skw/.
- Pronounce the words and sentences containing these clusters correctly.
- Use relative clauses and omission of relative pronouns correctly.
2. Knowledge
+ Lexical items: + to apply for (v)
 + to book (v)
 + to repair (v)
 + flight (n)
 + diamond (n)
- Grammar: - Omission of relative pronouns
3. Skill
+ Main skills: reading and speaking
+ Sub skills: writing and listening
B. Teaching method: Communicative approach
C. Teaching aids: 
- Teacher: English book 11,extra-board
- Students: English book 11
D. Procedure
 Teacher's activities
I. Pronunciation (13mm)
1. Activity 1:
- Introduce and read three sounds
- Help Ss to read after the teacher
- Guide and help Ss to practise these words with the sounds /str/,/skr/,/skw/
in the book.
2. Activity 2:
- Read all sentences
- Ask Ss to read all sentences
- Ask Ss to read individually
- Walk round to give a help
- Call some Ss to read aloud
II. Grammar: (30 mm)
1. Activity 1: Exercise 1
- give example
eg:I like the diamond ring.Mary is wearing it
 + I like the diamond ring Mary is wearing
- Explain the grammar of omission of relative pronouns
- Ask Ss to rewrite the sentences,
- Help Ss to do exercise 1 in pairs the compare with other pairs
- walk round to give a help
- Check the answers
2. Activity 2: Exercise 2
- Ask Ss to read all sentences in ex 2
- Explain then help Ss to complete each of the sentences,using a suitable sentence in the box to make a relative clause with a
- Ask Ss to work in pairs
- Ask Ss to compare their results with other pairs
- Walk round to give a help
- Check the answers
3. Activity 3: Exercise 3
- Ask Ss to study all sentences in Ex 3
- Ask Ss to tick (V) the sentences in which the relative pronoun can be omitted
- Ask ss to work individual then compare in group
- Walk round to give a help
- Check the answers
- Listen carefully
- Read in chorus
- Read in chorus
- Listen carefully
- Read in chorus
- Read individually
- Listen carefully
- Listen carefully
- Pairs work
- Correct the answers lost
2. he invited to the birthday party
3. John told
4.I bough yesterday
5. we met this morning.
6.we had for lunch
- Read silently
- Listen carefully
- Pairs work
- Compare their results
- Correct the answers
* Suggested keys
1. I enjoy my job because I like the people I
work with.
2.The dinnerparty we went to wasn't very enjoyable.
3. The house we're living in is not in good condition.
4. I wasn't interested in the things they were talking about.
5. He didn't get the jog he apply for.
6. The bed I slep in was very modern.
- Individual work
- Individual work then compare in group
- Correct the answers
* Suggested keys
1. V
3. V
5. V.
6. V 
III. Home work: (2mm)
1. Completing the sentences with relative clauses 
a. Do you like the book?
b. That was the lady ?
c. I will tell you a story.?
d. Tom's friend,
IV. Comment

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