Ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh khối 11 - Period 03 đến period 07

Ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh khối 11 - Period 03 đến period 07


• Language content : + To introduce Ss to the passage about friendship

 + To provide Ss with some new words relating to the topic

• Language function: + Reading the passage for gist and for specific information

 + Expressing their ideas about friendship

• Educational aim : At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

 - to develop their reading comprehension

 - aware of the importance of friends in their life

1. Language:

a) Vocabulary: unselfishness, loyalty, constancy

b) Grammar : no structure

2. Skills: Reading

3. Method: Communicative approach

4. Techniques/ activities: question- answer, multiple choice, gap-fill, discussion

5. Teaching aids needed: textbooks, board, chalk, pictures

6. Procedures:

• Stabilization: (1m)

a. Warm- up: + Greets the Ss

 + Has a short chat with the Ss

b. Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance

• Checking up previous lesson: (no checking)

• Presentation of the new material: (40ms)


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 Date of teaching: 
 Period : 03
Part: Reading
Language content : + To introduce Ss to the passage about friendship
 + To provide Ss with some new words relating to the topic
Language function: + Reading the passage for gist and for specific information
 + Expressing their ideas about friendship
Educational aim : At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: 
 - to develop their reading comprehension
 - aware of the importance of friends in their life 
1. Language:
Vocabulary: unselfishness, loyalty, constancy
 Grammar : no structure
2. Skills: Reading
3. Method: Communicative approach
4. Techniques/ activities: question- answer, multiple choice, gap-fill, discussion
5. Teaching aids needed: textbooks, board, chalk, pictures 
6. Procedures:
 Stabilization: (1m)
Warm- up: + Greets the Ss
 + Has a short chat with the Ss 
b. Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance
Checking up previous lesson: (no checking)
Presentation of the new material: (40ms)
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
The content of the lesson
I. Lead-in
-sets a situation:” When you have happiness or sadness, who do you often share with?”
-makes some questions:
1. Do you have many friends?
2. What do you think about a true friend?
3.What qualities/ conditions to have a true friendship?
-gives feedback
-tells the aim of the lesson: Friendship
II. Before you read
-asks Ss to tell the qualities of true friendship, then teaches new words
Teach word by word following the principle and steps of teaching words
New words: 
+ selfish (a): # unselfish (a)
-> selfishness (n) # unselfishness (n)
+ constant (a) –constancy (n)
+ loyal (a) – loyalty (n)
+ trust (n)
+ sympathy (n) 
-checks understanding of the new words
III. While you read
-asks Ss to read the passage and do the tasks below
Task 2
-asks Ss to read the reading and do task 2
-lets Ss do the task in 2 ms
-asks Ss to give their answer-gives feedback
The keys:
B. (Conditions of true friendship)
Task 1
-gives instructions 
-explains the words in the box
-asks Ss to do the task
-lets Ss do the task in 3 ms
-asks Ss to give their answers
-gives feedback
The keys:
1. mutual
2. incapable of
3. unselfish
4. acquaintance/ friend
5. give – take
6. loyal to 
7. suspicious
Task 3
-asks Ss to read the reading and answer the questions 
-lets Ss do the task in 5 ms
-asks Ss to stand up and answer
-gives feedback
IV. After you read
-asks Ss to work in groups and discuss the question
“Why do we need to have friends?”
-lets Ss do in 5 minutes
-calls some Ss to stand up and speak out
-gives feedback
-look at the pictures ( in the textbook)
-listen and answer the teacher’s questions
-listen and answer
-listen to the teacher
-listen to the teacher and answer
-listen and guess the meaning of the new words
-copy down the new words in their note-books
-listen and answer
- read the passage and do the tasks
-reread the reading and do the task
-do the task in the allotted time
-give their answer
-listen and answer
-listen to the teacher’s instructions and take notes
-do the task in the allotted time
-give their answers
-listen and answer
-copy down the answers in their note-books
-read the reading and answer
the questions
-do the task in the allotted time
-stand up and answer
-listen and answer
- work in groups and discuss the question
-do the task in the allotted time
-stand up and speak out
-listen and answer
Unit 1: 
Part: Reading
New words: 
+ selfish (a): # unselfish (a)
-> selfishness (n) # unselfishness (n)
+ constant (a) –constancy (n)
+ loyal (a) – loyalty (n)
+ trust (n)
+ sympathy (n) 
Task 2
The keys:
B. (Conditions of true friendship)
Task 1
The keys:
1. mutual
2. incapable of
3. unselfish
4. acquaintance/ friend
5. give – take
6. loyal to 
7. suspicious
Task 3
Answer the questions:
Homework: (4ms)
Asks Ss to write in their notebooks:
+ learn the lesson well.
+ talk about your best friend 
Preparation for the next lesson: 
Asks Ss to prepare part: “Speaking”
Self –evaluation:
 Date of teaching: 
 Period : 04
Part: Speaking
Language content : + To practice describing people’ physical characteristics and 
 + To provide Ss with some Adjs and expressions used to describe
	 people’ physical characteristics and personalities 
Language function: + Asking and answering about a famous friend
Educational aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
 + describe people’ physical characteristics and personalities, using 
 appropriate adjectives
1. Language:
Vocabulary: Adjs and expressions used to describe physical characteristics and 
Grammar : 
2. Skills: Speaking 
3. Method: Communicative approach
4. Techniques/activities: pair work, role-play
5. Teaching aids needed: textbooks, board, chalk, pictures
6. Procedures:
 Stabilization: (1m)
Warm- up: + Greets the Ss
Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance
Checking up previous lesson: (5ms)
+ Asks Ss to write the new words about qualities
+ Asks Ss some questions about friendship
+ Gives feedback and marks
Presentation of the new material: (35ms) 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
The content of the lesson
I. Lead-in
-shows out the picture and ask Ss to describe the girl
-gives feedback
-tells the aim of the lesson: Describing people
II. Pre-practice
-hangs the chart in which there are some words used to describe people’s physical characteristics
-has Ss to take notes
III. Controlled-practice
Task 1
-asks Ss to look at the pictures in their book 
-asks Ss to work in pairs and describe them
-lets Ss do the task in 5 ms
-calls on some Ss to stand up and perform
-gives feedback
Task 2
-asks Ss to look at the list of Adjs in task 2 
-helps Ss understand the some new words 
-asks Ss “Which of these personalities is the most important in friendship? Why?”
-gives feedback
-asks Ss to work in groups and do task 2 
-lets Ss do in 5 minutes
-goes around to offer help
-calls on one/two leader to stand up and report their discussion
-gives feedback
Task 3 
-sets the situation (in the textbook) and gives instructions
-helps Ss master the questions with the suggestions
-provides Ss with some words/ word phrases in “Useful language”
-asks Ss to work in pairs and play the roles
-lets Ss to discuss in 8 minutes
-asks some pairs to perform their interview
-gives feedback
-look at the picture and describe
-listen and answer
-listen to the teacher
-look at the chart on the b/b
-take notes in their note books
-look at the pictures in their book 
-work in pairs and describe the people in the pictures
-do the task in the allotted time
-stand up and perform
-listen and answer
-look at the list of Adjs in task 2 
-listen and guess the meaning of the new words and take notes
-listen and answer the teacher’s question
-work in groups and do the task
-do the task in the allotted time
-stand up and report
-listen and answer
-listen to the teacher’s instructions
-listen and take notes in their note books
-work in pairs and take the roles 
-do the task in the allotted time
-stand up ask and perform
-listen and answer
Unit 1: 
Part: Speaking
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Homework: (4ms)
Asks Ss to write in their notebooks:
+ learn the lesson well.
 + tell your classmates about one of your friend that you admire him /her.
Preparation for the next lesson: 
Asks Ss to prepare part: “Listening” 
Self –evaluation:
The chart:
Describing people’s appearance
Tall, medium, short
Slim, plump(buï baãm, ñaày ñaën), overweight, thin, well-built(löïc löôõng), normal build
+ Length: long, short, shoulder- length
+ Style: straight, wavy, curly, crew- cut 
+ Colour: black, grey, red, brown
Others: a fringe(maùi), a bun( buùi toùc), plait( ñuoâi sam)(to wear one’s hair in a bun/ a plait/ plaits)
Oval, round, large, square, skinny(gầy trô xöông), chubby (phuùng phính), long, with high cheekbones
Small, big, black, brown, blue
Straight, crooked, big, small, flat(teït)
Pointed chin, double chin
Thin, full, narrow, heart- shaped
Broad, high
White, pale, suntanned, dark, brown, black
A smooth complexion/ pale complexion/ dark complexion/ clear skin/ greasy skin(da nhôøn)
General appearance
Beautiful(women/ girl), handsome(men), pretty( women/ girl), good- looking( men and women), plain
She was in her late teens(18,19 years old), he was in his early twenties( 21- 23), she was about thirty years old, 
 Date of teaching: 
 Period : 05
Part: Listening
Language content: + To encourage Ss to listen to a talk about one’s best friends
 + To help Ss practice listening 
Language function: Talking about a best friend 
Educational aim: At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
 + Listen to a monologue for specific information
 + have chances to talk about their best friends 
1. Language:	
 a) Vocabulary: apartment building, sense of humour , 
 b) Grammar : no structures
2. Skills: Listening- Speaking 
3. Method: Communicative approach
4. Techniques/activities: group work, question-answer, T- F statement, discussion
5. Teaching aids needed: textbooks, board, chalk, tape
6. Procedures:
 Stabilization: (1m)
Warm- up: + Greets the Ss
b. Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance
Checking up previous lesson: (5ms)
 -Calls two Ss to stand up and talk about his/ her best friend
 -Gives feedback and marks
Presentation of the new material: (35ms)
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
The content of the lesson
I. Lead-in
-asks Ss to close their books 
-divides Ss into two groups
-gives instructions” Ss go to the b/b and write down words describing people’s physical characteristics and personalities as much as possible in 3 ms. Which groups has the most correct words will be the winner.”
-conducts the game
-makes some questions
1. .Have you got a best friend?
2. What qualities do you admire him/ her?
-gives feedback
-tells the aim of the lesson: Talking about a best friend
II. Before you listen
-asks Ss to work in pairs , ask and answer the questions
-calls on some pairs to stand up and perform
-gives feedback
-lets Ss repeat the words
-introduces some new words 
+ apartment building
+ sense of humour
-sets the situation: “You will listen to Lan and Long talk about their best friends“
III. While you listen
Task 1
-asks Ss to read the information in task 1 in 2ms
-asks Ss to guess the answers
-gives feedback
-plays the tape the first time
-asks Ss to give their answers
-plays the tape again
-gives feedback
The key:
Lan’s talk
1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 
 5. T 6. F
 Long’s talk
1. F 2. F 3. T 4.T 5. T
Task 2
-asks Ss to reread the information in task 1 again
-asks Ss to guess the answers
-asks Ss to listen to the tape and do the task
-plays the tape 
-asks Ss to give their answers
-plays the tape again 
-asks Ss to compare their answers with their partners
-asks Ss to give their answers
-gives feedback(T may play the tape to check their answers)
The key:
(using chart)
IV. After you listen
-asks Ss to reread the information in task 1 and 2 
-asks Ss to work in pairs and talk about how Ha and Minh have been Lan’s and Long’s best friends
-lets Ss do in 3 minutes
-calls some Ss to stand up and perform
-gives feedback
-close their books
-sit in groups
-listen to the teacher’s instructions
-play the game
-listen and answer the teacher’s questions
-listen and answer
-listen to the teacher
-work in pairs , ask and answer the questions
-stand up and perform
-listen and answer
-repeat the words
listen and guess the meaning of the new words and take notes
-listen to the teacher
-the information in task 1 in 2ms
-guess the answers
-listen and answer 
-listen to the tape and do the task
-give their answers 
-listen and answer
-reread the information in task 1 again 
-guess the answers
-listen to the tape and do the task
-listen to the tape 
-give their answers
-listen to the tape again
-share their answers with their partners
-give their answers
-listen and answer
-take notes in their note-books
-reread the information in task 1 and 2 
-work in pairs and do the task
-do the task in the allotted time
-stand up and perform
-listen and answer
Unit 1: 
Part: Listening
New words: 
+ apartment building
+ sense of humour
Task 1
The keys:
 LAN’s talk
1. F 
2. F 
3. T 
4. F 
5. T
6. F
 Long’s talk
1. F 
2. F 
3. T 
5. T
Task 2
The keys:
Homework: (4ms)
Asks Ss to write in their notebooks:
+ learn the lesson well.
 + write a short paragraph (100 words) about your best friend
Preparation for the next lesson: 
Asks Ss to prepare part: “Writing” 
Self –evaluation:
 Date of teaching: 
 Period : 06
Part: Writing
Language content: To help Ss write about a friend, real or imaginary 
Language function: Practicing writing about a friend, real or imaginary
Educational aim : At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
 write about a friend, real or imaginary using the words and
	 expressions that they’ve learned in previous lesson 
1. Language: 
 a) Vocabulary: ( review) the words and expressions about physical characteristics 
	and personalities
 b) Grammar : ( review) the past simple and the simple present tense
2. Skills: Writing
3. Method: Communicative approach
4. Techniques/activities: brainstorming, discussion
5. Teaching aids needed: textbooks, board, chalk, pare board 
6. Procedures:
 Stabilization: (1m)
Warm- up: + Greets the Ss
b. Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance
Checking up previous lesson:(5ms)
 Asks Ss to talk about how Ha and Minh have been Lan’s and Long’s best friends
 Gives feedback and marks
Presentation of the new material: (36ms)
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
The content of the lesson
I. Warm up
-asks Ss to play game” Guessing game” 
-gives instructions” One student goes to the b/b and T gives her/ him a piece of paper with the name of one student in the class. Others have to ask Yes/ No questions to find out who he is- (Ss should ask about the appearance, personalities or clothes)”
Eg: Is the person the boy/ girl?
 Is he/ she tall/ short?
(The game continues until the time is up)
-conducts the game
-tells the aim of the lesson: Writing about a friend, real or imaginary
II. Pre-Writing 
Task 1
-asks Ss to tell what they want to know about when they write about a friend
-gives feedback
( Name, age, home address, when and where first met, his/ her personalities, physical characteristics, what you like about him /her)
-divides Ss into 3 groups
-gives some pieces of papers having the table below
Where/ when first met
Physical characteristics
-lets Ss discuss in 3 ms
-hangs the chart on the b/b
-gives feedback( adds some more if necessary)
-provides Ss with some structures and an outline
+ We first met at / when 
+ We have a lot in common 
+ What I like most about him/ her is / that 
-calls on one good student to stand up and asks him/ her about his/ her friend basing on the outline to get the answers as a model
III. While-writing
-ask Ss to work individually and write about their friend/ real or imaginary basing on the outline
-lets Ss do the task in 15 ms
-goes around to observe and offer help
IV. Post writing
-asks Ss to change their paperboards & check each other
-selects some to hang on the b/b 
-has Ss correct their friends’ mistakes on the b/b
-gives feedback
-listen to the teacher
-listen to the teacher’s instructions
-play the game
- listen to the teacher
-listen and answer
-listen and answer
-sit in groups
-get the papers
-do the task in the allotted time
-look at the b/b
-listen and answer
-listen to the teacher and take notes
- stand up and answer
-listen to the teacher’s instructions
-do the task in the allotted time
-change their papers to check each other
-look at their friends’ work 
correct their friends’ mistakes 
-listen and answer
Unit 1: 
Part: Writing
Writing about a friend, real or imaginary
+ Name(sex)
+ Age
+ home address
+ when and where first met
 his/ her personalities
+ physical characteristics
+ what you like about him /her
+ We first met at / when 
+ We have a lot in common 
+ What I like most about him/ her is / that 
Homework: (3ms)
Asks Ss to correct the mistakes and write in their note books
Preparation for the next lesson: 
Asks Ss to prepare par: “Language Focus” 
Self –evaluation:
 Date of teaching: 
 Period : 07
Part: Language Focus
At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
 + distinguish the sounds /d / and /t / and pronounce them exactly 
 + use some structures containing Inf with and without To appropriately
1. Vocabulary: + the words the sounds /d / and /t / in: jam, changeable 
 + Inf with To/ Inf without To 
2. Structure: no structures 
3. Procedures:
I. Warm- up (5ms)
-greets Ss
-has a short chat with Ss
II. Checking up Previous knowledge ( no checking because the lesson is long)
III. Content of the lesson (35ms)
Pronunciation (10ms)
-asks Ss how to pronoun these words:
 enjoy, bridge , cheap, which
-gives feedback
-tells the aim of the lesson : practice the sounds /d / and /t / in a single word and practise them in sentences 
-introduces some more in the text book
-has Ss listen and repeat the words
-calls some Ss to stand up and repeat
-helps Ss practice the dialogue containing the target sounds
-calls some pairs to stand up and practice
-gives feedback
Grammar (25ms)
Presentation and Exercises
 I. A. Presentation 1 : To Inf
-asks Ss to give some Verbs followed by To inf
-gives feedback 
-tells the aim of the exercise 1: To Inf
-presents the language: To infinitives are used:
 1. After “ have, decide, want, hope, promise ”
 2. Expressing purpose
 Why are you learning E.l”
 -> To get a good job
 3. After “ Something, nothing, anything, nowhere, anybody”
 4. Too Adj + To Inf
 Adj enough + To-inf
-gives other examples in the text book
 B. Exercise 1:	
-gives instructions
-lets Ss do exercise 1 in 3 ms
-asks Ss to give their answers
-gives feedback
The keys:
1. Who wants to eat something?
2. I have some letters to write
II. A. Presentation 2 : Bare Inf
-asks Ss to tell some verbs followed by Bare Inf
-gives feedback
-tell the aim of ex 2: Inf without To
-presents the language
 + After “ let, make”
 + After perception Verbs” see, hear, watch, feel”
-gives examples in the textbook
 B. Exercise 2:
-gives instructions
-asks Ss to do the same with Ex2 in 4 ms
-asks Ss to give their answers
-gives feedback
The keys:
1. The police watched them get out of the car
2. They let him write a letter to his wife
3. ..
IV. Home work (5ms) 
-asks Ss to write in their note-books:
 + do all the exercises in the exercise note-book
 + give examples with Verbs with or without “To”
-asks Ss to prepare “ Unit 2- Reading” 
V. Teacher’ s comments
Self –evaluation:

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