Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 23 - Unit4: Volunteer work - C: Listening

Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 23 - Unit4: Volunteer work - C: Listening


 1. Aim:By the end of the lesson sts will be able to listen about a man 's talking about Spring school in Ho Chi Minh City.

 - From that they can develop such listening micro-skills as intenisve listening for specific information and taking notes while listening.

 2. Lexical items: Words/ phrases related to to activites of volunteer work .

 like : charity, fund- raising activities, donation, informal school, Organization for Educational Development, Co- operate, co- ordinate, sponsor, .

 3. Structures: The narrative statements , present simple tense.

II. TEACHING AIDS: p ictures , posters ,tapescript

III. ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: Sts may not be familiar with the note- taking task .


1- Organization:

 - Greeting and checking the sts attendance

2- Checking the old lesson:

 * Present their talk in front of the class( base on task 2,3 in speaking part)


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Week: 08 	Unit4: Volunteer Work
Period: 23	c- listening
I- objectives:
	1. Aim:By the end of the lesson sts will be able to listen about a man 's talking about Spring 	school in Ho Chi Minh City. 
	- From that they can develop such listening micro-skills as intenisve listening for 	specific information and taking notes while listening.
	2. Lexical items: Words/ phrases related to to activites of volunteer work .
	 like : charity, fund- raising activities, donation, informal school, 	Organization for Educational Development, Co- operate, co- ordinate, sponsor, .....
	3. Structures: The narrative statements , present simple tense.
II. Teaching aids: p ictures , posters ,tapescript
III. Anticipated problems: Sts may not be familiar with the note- taking task .
V- Procedures:
1- Organization:
	- Greeting and checking the sts’ attendance
2- Checking the old lesson:
	* Present their talk in front of the class( base on task 2,3 in speaking part)
3- New lesson 
Teacher’ s acts
Students’ acts
Competition game :Put the vocabulary items on the board :
Call on some sts to form 2 teams, and one person from the team runs to the board, as a presentative. 
Ask sts to read through the questions and choices on page 51 and makes sure sts understand all them.
Have sts work in pairs then call on some sts to answer the questions and explain their reasons. 
After that ,check with the class.
Then teach some new words will appear in the tapecript.
Help sts to pronounce the words correctly.
Have sts practise reading in chorus 1-2 times then call on some to check.
Ask sts to guess the meaning of these words or give the meaning of some difficult words.
-Introduce the situation; we're going to listen to a man's talking about Spring School in Ho Chi Minh City . Listen to the tapes fill in the missing information.
-Have sts read the sentences in the task 
-Play the tape the first time.
Ask sts to do the task individually .
-Play the tape the second time .Ask sts to compare their answers with a partner.
-Play the tape the third time and stop in the right answers to check the last time. 
-Explain questions, have sts read the questions again to make sure that sts understand the task clearly.
-Play the the first time and lets sts to listen and answer the questions
-Play the tape the second time .Ask sts to compare their answers with a partner.
-Play the tape the third time and stop in the right answers to check the last time. 
-Put sts in groups to summarise the story about Spring School , using the suggestions. 
 -Go around the class to check and offer help.
-Call on some to present their summary .
-Elicit feedback from the class and give finally comments.
-Ask sts to write a paragraph about their own volunteers' work in 100 - 120 words.
Play the game in 2 groups.
 Reorder the words in the board. 
Work in pairs to answer the questions on page 51. 
Listen to teacher carefully. And practise reading new words in chorus .
practise reading in chorus 1-2 times then individually to check.
Listen to teacher carefully.
Read the sentences in the task carefully 
Listen to the tape three times and do the task individually and in pairs.
-Study the questions and discuss the way to do the task.
-Read the questions carefully. 
-Guess the answers .
-Listen to the tape three times and do the task in pairs and individually.
-Work in groups to summarise the story
Take notes.
1.Warm up:
awr, vaindil, rytamr, eht edag, , termoe, fersfeu.
1. war 2. invalid. 3. The aged.
4. remote. 5. suffer.
2.Before you listen: 
- charity ['t∫ổriti] lòng nhõn họ̃u; lòng khoan dung hụ̣i từ thiợ̀n; tụ̉ chức cứu tờ́
 - fund- raising activities
 - donation [dou'nei∫n] vọ̃t tặng; vọ̃t cúng
 - informal school [in'fɔ:ml]	
 - Organization for Educational Development
 - Co- operate [kou'ɔpəreit] hợp tác, cụ̣ng tác, 
 - co- ordinate [kou'ɔ:dineit] sắp xờ́p; phụ́i hợp
 - sponsor ['spɔnsə] đỡ đõ̀u, bảo trợ
 - diadvantaged children : 
3. While you listen: 
Task 1: 
1. informal 
2. 30 street children.
3. 250 children (with special difficulties)
4. 1998.
5. volunteers, June.
Task 2:
1. It provides classes to disadvantaged children in Ho Chi MInh City.
2. Dance, theatre, singing and folk music classes were set up in 1999.
3. B/c they need money to continue their English and Performance Arts classes.
4. They dance, sing and play music at one of the largest hptels in Ho Chi Minh City.
5. They are needed because the school need help to organise dinner held annually.
4. After you listen
Elicit feedback.
Spring School is an informal school in Ho Chi Minh City...........
5. Homework:
Teacher's Activities
Students' Activities
1.Warm up: (5mn): 
Competition game - slap the board.(revise the vocabulary items sts learnt in previous lessons).
Put the vocabulary items on the board :
 - awr, vaindil, rytamr, tineretnscoi, eht edag, phoragena, termoe, fersfeu. 
Call on some sts to form 2 teams, and one person from the team uns to be the board, as a presetative. 
Give Vietnamese traslation for each one of the words on the board. The first team hit the correct word gets the point. The presentative changes, ready for the next word... after 3 minutes the team with more points will be the winner.
Play the game in 2 groups.
 Reorder the words in the board. 
1. war 
2. invalid.
3. intersection.
4. The aged.
5. orphanage.
6. remote.
7. suffer.
2.Before you listen: (15mn)
Ask sts to read through the questions and choices on page 51 and makes sure sts understand all them.
Have sts work in pairs then call on some sts to answer the questions and explain their reasons. 
After that ,check with the class.
Then teach some new words will appear in the tapecript.
Help sts to pronounce the words correctly.
Have sts practise reading in chorus 1-2 times then call on some to check.
Ask sts to guess the meaning of these words or give the meaning of some difficult words.
Work in pairs to answer the questions on page 51. 
Listen to teacher carefully. And practise reading new words in chorus .
 - charity ['t∫ổriti] lòng nhõn họ̃u; lòng khoan dung hụ̣i từ thiợ̀n; tụ̉ chức cứu tờ́
 - fund- raising activities
 - donation [dou'nei∫n] vọ̃t tặng; vọ̃t cúng
 - informal school [in'fɔ:ml]	
 - Organization for Educational Development
 - Co- operate [kou'ɔpəreit] hợp tác, cụ̣ng tác, 
 - co- ordinate [kou'ɔ:dineit] sắp xờ́p; phụ́i hợp
 - sponsor ['spɔnsə] đỡ đõ̀u, bảo trợ
 - diadvantaged children : 
practise reading in chorus 1-2 times then individually to check.
3. While you listen: (20mn)
Task 1: 
Introduce the situation; we're going to listen to a man's talking about Spring School in Ho Chi Minh City . Listen to my reading then fill in the missing information.
Have sts read the sentences in the task to make sure that they understand the task clearly and underline key words in each sentence.
Play the tape the first time.
Ask sts to do the task individually .
Play the tape the second time .Ask sts to compare their answers with a partner.
Call on some sts to check their answers.
Play the tape the third time and stop in the right answers to check the last time. 
Task 2:
Ask sts to read the questions carefully and dicuss the way to do the task in groups. 
Call on some to present in front of the class. 
Listen and explain some difficult questions if necessary 
Have sts read the questions again to make sure that sts understand the task clearly.
Ask sts whether they can answer the questions without listening again and guess the answers by remembering or not .
Play the the first time. Call some sts to check.
Play the tape the second time .Ask sts to compare their answers with a partner.
Call on some sts to check their answers.
Play the tape the third time and stop in the right answers to check the last time. 
 Listen to teacher carefully.
Read the sentences in the task carefully 
Listen to the tape three times and do the task individually and in pairs.
1. informal 
2. 30 street children.
3. 250 children (with special difficulties)
4. 1998.
5. volunteers, June.
Study the questions and discuss the way to do the task.
Some present the own opinion of the way to do the task.
Read the questions carefully. 
Guess the answers .
Listen to the tape three times and do the task in pairs and individually.
1. It provides classes to disadvantaged children in Ho Chi MInh City.
2. Dance, theatre, singing and folk music classes were set up in 1999.
3. B/c they need money to continue their English and Performance Arts classes.
4. They dance, sing and play music at one of the largest hptels in Ho Chi Minh City.
5. They are needed because the school need help to organise dinner held annually.
4. After you listen (5mn)
Put sts in groups to summarise the story about Spring School , using the suggestions. 
 In the mean time, go around the class to check and offer help.
Call on some to present their summary .
Elicit feedback from the class and give finally comments. 
Work in groups tosummarise the story 
5. Homework:
 Ask sts to write a paragraph about their own volunteers' work in 100 - 120 words.
Take notes.

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  • docAv11(T23).doc