Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Unit 13: Hobbies - Period 77 đến period 81

Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Unit 13: Hobbies - Period 77 đến period 81

Part: Reading


• Language content : + To introduce Ss to the passage about hobbies

 + To provide Ss with some new words relating to the topic

• Language function: + Reading the passage for specific information and guessing meaning

 in context

• Educational aim : At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

 - develop their reading comprehension

 - use the information they have read to discuss the related topic

1. Language:

a) Vocabulary: the new words are in task 1

b) Grammar : no structure

2. Skills: Reading

3. Method: Communicative approach

4. Techniques/ activities: Pair work, group work, questions – answer

5. Teaching aids needed: Textbooks, board, chalk, pictures

6. Procedures:

• Stabilization: (1m)

a. Warm- up: + Greets the Ss

 + Has a short chat with the Ss

b. Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance


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 Date of teaching: 
 Period : 77 
Unit 13: HOBBIES
Part: Reading
Language content : + To introduce Ss to the passage about hobbies
 + To provide Ss with some new words relating to the topic
Language function: + Reading the passage for specific information and guessing meaning 
 in context
Educational aim : At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: 
 - develop their reading comprehension
 - use the information they have read to discuss the related topic 	 
1. Language:
Vocabulary: the new words are in task 1 
 Grammar : no structure
2. Skills: Reading
3. Method: Communicative approach
4. Techniques/ activities: Pair work, group work, questions – answer
5. Teaching aids needed: Textbooks, board, chalk, pictures 
6. Procedures:
 Stabilization: (1m)
Warm- up: + Greets the Ss
 + Has a short chat with the Ss 
b. Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance
Checking up previous lesson: (5ms)
-Calls on a student to come to the b/b
-Asks the student to make 2 sentences using relative clauses without relative pronouns
-Gives feedback and marks
Presentation of the new material: (35ms)
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
The content of the lesson
ate (n)anh (Example) 
e)tebooks?gful and correct words will be the winner"17ms
I. Lead-in
-makes a question:
 1What do you like to do in your free time? 
-gives feedback
-asks Ss to look at the pictures in the textbook and name the hobbies described
-gives feedback
-tells the aim of the lesson: Hobbies
II. Before you read
-sets a situation:” You are going to read a passage about a person’s hobbies. And then you do some tasks bellow”
III. While you read
Task 1
-gives instructions” read the passage quickly and stop at the lines that contain these words to guess the meaning”
-asks Ss to work individually to do the task in 5 minutes
-asks Ss to compare their answers with their friends
-asks Ss to give their answers
-gives feedback
Suggested answers:
(at the end of the lesson plan)
-checks understanding of the new words by asking them to do the following exercise
(the exercise is at the end of the lesson plan)
-gives instructions” read through the sentences and identify part of speech of the words to fill in each blank. Then choose the most suitable word from the box to fill in the blank, paying attention to their right form”
-asks Ss to work individually to do the task
-lets Ss do the task in 3 ms
-asks Ss to compare their answers with their friends
-asks Ss to give their answers 
-gives feedback
The keys:
1. indulge in 2.accomplished 
3. avid 4. modest
5. keep me occupied 
6. discarded 7. accompanying
Task 2
-gives instructions “ skim the questions to understand them and underline the key words/ question words then decide what information needed to find in the text. Read the part carefully to find the answers”
-asks Ss to work in pairs, read and answer the questions
-lets Ss do the task in 5 ms
-asks Ss to give their answers
-gives feedback
The keys:
1. His first hobby is playing his guitar
2. No, he isn’t
3. Because he is an accomplished guitarist and he is good at accompanying people singing by his guitar.
 IV. After you read 
-asks Ss to talk about their hobbies
-lets Ss prepare in 2 minutes
-asks Ss to stand up to present in front of the class
-gives feedback
-listen and answer the teacher’s questions
-look at the pictures in the textbook and answer
-listen and answer
-listen to the teacher
-listen to the teacher
-listen to the teacher’s instructions
-work individually to do the task in the allotted time
-compare their answers
-give their answers
-listen and answer
-listen to the teacher’s instructions
-work individually and do the task in the allotted time
-compare their answers with their friends
-give their answers
-listen and answer
-listen to the teacher’s instructions
-work in pairs and answer the questions
-do the task in the allotted time
-give their answers
-listen and answer
-listen to the teacher’s instructions
-prepare in the allotted time
-present in front of the class

-listen and answer
Unit 13: 
Part: Reading
Task 1
The keys:
1. indulge in 
2. accomplished 
3. avid 
4. modest
5. keep me occupied 
6. discarded 
7. accompanying 
Task 2
Answer the questions:
The keys:
1. His first hobby is playing his guitar
2. No, he isn’t
3. Because he is an accomplished guitarist and he is good at accompanying people singing by his guitar.
4. His second bobby is keeping fish
Homework: (4ms)
Asks Ss to write in their notebooks: 
+ learn the lesson well.
+ write a short paragraph talking about their hobbies
Preparation for the next lesson: 
Asks Ss to prepare part: “Speaking”
Self –evaluation:
Task 1:
Suggested answers:
1. accomplished
Well-trained, skilled
tài ba, tài hoa
2. accompanying
Going with a singer, using a musical instrument
đệm đàn
3. modest
 Humble, unassuming
nhỏ, khiêm tốn
4. avid
Say mê
5. discarded
Thrown away
đã bị bỏ đi
6. indulge in
Allow oneself the pleasure of
Đam mê vào một việc gì đó
7. keep me occupied
Keep me busy
làm cho tôi bận rộn
Exercise 1: Use the words above to complete the following sentences
I’ll forget about dieting today. I’m going to .eating whatever I like.
He’s an ..musician. All his songs are very popular.
I love all fictions by Sidney Sheldon. I’m an ..collector of his works.
He doesn’t like a big house in the centre. His only dream is to have a . little house on the outskirt.
I spend most of my free time looking after these puppies. They really
They don’t need the old radio any more. It can be
Her mother loves .her on the organ.
 Date of teaching: 
 Period : 78
Unit 13: HOBBIES
Part: Speaking
Language content : + To enable Ss to use appropriate language to talk about hobbies 
Language function: + Asking and answering about a hobby and talking about collections
Educational aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
 + use the required language to ask and answer about a hobby 
	 + use the required language to talk about collections 
1. Language:
Vocabulary: oversea, categories,  
Grammar : Wh- questions 
2. Skills: Speaking 
3. Method: Communicative approach
4. Techniques/activities: pair work, group works, role- play
5. Teaching aids needed: textbooks, board, chalk
6. Procedures:
 Stabilization: (1m)
Warm- up: Greets the Ss
Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance
Checking up previous lesson: (5ms)
- Calls on one student to go to in the front and tell his/ her classmates about his/ her hobbies 
- Give feedback and marks
Presentation of the new material: (34ms) 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
The content of the lesson
I. Lead-in
-asks Ss to play game “ Find someone who”
-gives instructions” go around the lass and interview your classmates to find out someone who likes or doesn’t like these activities then tick in the right column and ask him/her to give the reasons why. The person who firstly finishes the task will be the winner”
(the handout is at the end of the lesson plan)
-conducts the game
-tells the aim of the lesson: Asking and answering about hobbies
II. Pre- Practice
Task 2 
-asks Ss read through the dialogue between Lan and Huong 
-explains some new words
+ stall (n) : small shop
+ tag (n): label to show the name of sth) eg: a book)
-reads the dialogue along with a good student
-asks Ss to work in pairs and practice the dialogue between Lan and Huong
-lets Ss practice in 2 minutes
-calls on some pairs to stand up and perform in front of the class
-gives feedback
III. Practice
Task 3
-asks Ss study the suggestions about collection of stamps
-reads through and explains some new words
+ overseas (a )
+ categories (n): example
-makes the questions:
1. What is the hobby?
2. Could you tell me how to collect them? And how to organize them?
3. Where do you keep your stamps?
4. Why do you collect stamps?
5. What do you plan for the future?
-asks Ss to work in pairs and make similar dialogue
-lets Ss do in 8 minutes
-calls on some pairs to stand up and present
-gives feedback
-listen to the teacher’s instructions
-play the game
-listen and answer
read through the dialogue between Lan and Huong 
-listen and answer
-reads the dialogue along with the teacher
-work in pairs and practice the dialogue
-practise in the allotted time
-stand up and perform
-listen and answer 
-study the suggestions about collection of stamps
-listen and take notes
-listen and answer the teacher's questions
-work in pairs and do the task
-prepare the task in the allotted 
-stand up and present
-listen and answer
Unit 13: 
 Part: Speaking
Task 1
+stall (n) : small shop
+ tag (n): label to show the name of sth) eg: a book)
Task 2
+ overseas (a )
+ categories (n):
Task 3
Suggestion questions:
1. What is your hobby?
2. Could you tell me how to collect them? 3. How do you organize them?
4. Where do you keep your stamps?
5. Why do you collect stamps?
6. What do you plan for the future?
Homework: (5ms)
Asks Ss to practice more at home	
Preparation for the next lesson: 
Asks Ss to prepare part: “Listening” 
Self –evaluation:
Handout for the game
Doesn’t like
Stamp- collecting
Reading books
Watching T.V
Playing computer games
 Date of teaching: 
 Period : 79
Unit 13: HOBBIES
Part: Listening
Language content: + To encourage Ss to listen to a monologue about hobbies
 + To help Ss practice listening 
Language function: Listening for specific and for detailed information
Educational aim: At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
 + develop extensive listening skills
 + use the acquired language to talk about hobby 
1. Language:	
 a) Vocabulary : gigantic, ignorantly
 b) Grammar : no structures
2. Skills: Listening- Speaking 
3. Method: Communicative approach
4. Techniques/activities: Pair work, T-F statements, gap- filling
5. Teaching aids needed: Textbooks, board, chalk, tape
6. Procedures:
 Stabilization: (1m)
Warm- up: + Greets the Ss
b. Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance
Checking up previous lesson: (5ms)
- Calls on two Ss to ask and answer about their hobbies
- Give feedback and marks
Presentation of the new material: (35ms)
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
The content of the lesson
I. Lead-in
-makes a question: “Do you like reading books?”
-gives feedback
-divides the class into 2 groups
-asks Ss to play game 
“ Competition game”
-gives instructions "list the ben ... nswers will be the winner” 
-conducts the game
-tells the topic of the lesson: Benefits of reading books
II. Before you listen
-lets Ss repeat the words
-introduces some new words 
+ gigantic (a) (Synonym): very big, very great 
+ ignorant (adj): lacking knowledge, unaware of sth
-elicits some more from the listening passage
+ bygone (a): past
+ to be fed up with: boring of doing sth
+ to cope with: to face with
+ jungle (n): tropical forest
-sets the situation: “You will hear a student talk about his hobby. Listen and do some tasks below”
III. While you listen
Task 1
-gives instructions “read through the statements carefully to understand them and underline key words and work out what information they need to concentrate on while listening”
-explains some new words if any
-plays the tape the first time
-asks Ss to give their answers
-plays the tape the second time to check their answers
-gives feedback
The key:
1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 
5. T 6. T 7. T 8. F 
Task 2
-gives instructions “read the passage carefully, identify the word you need to fill in each blank and guess the answers”
-has Ss to listen to the tape and do the task
-asks Ss to give their answers
-plays the tape again 
-asks Ss to compare their answers with their partners
-asks Ss to give their answers
-gives feedback(T may play the tape to check their answers)
The key:
1. wonderful 2. disease
3. jungle 4. certainly
5. ignorantly 
IV. After you listen
-asks Ss to work in groups and talk about the disadvantages of over- reading (reading too much)
-lets Ss do in 5 minutes
-goes around to check and help
-calls on some representatives in front of the class to perform
-gives feedback
Suggested answers:
+ becoming shortsighted
+ not having enough physical exercise
+ lacking practical knowledge
+ becoming a bookworm
-listen and answer the teacher’s questions
-listen and answer
-sit in groups
-listen to the teacher’s instructions
-play the game
-listen to the teacher
-repeat the words
-listen and guess the meaning of the new words and take notes
-listen to the teacher
-read the statements in task 1 
-listen and take notes
-listen to the tape and do the task
-give their answers 
-listen and answer
-listen to the teacher’s instructions 
-guess the answers 
-listen to the tape and do the task
-give their answers
-listen to the tape again
-share their answers with their partners
-give their answers
-listen and answer
-take notes in their note-books
-listen to the teacher’s instructions
-work in groups and do the task in the allotted time
-present in front of the class
-listen and answer
Unit 13: 
Part: Listening
New words: 
+ gigantic (a) very big, very great 
+ ignorant (adj): lacking knowledge, unaware of sth
+ bygone (a): past
+ to be fed up with: boring of doing sth
+ to cope with: to face with
+ jungle (n): tropical forest
Task 1
The keys:
1. T 
2. F 
3. F 
4. F 
5. T 
6. T 
7. T 
8. F 
Task 2
The keys:
1. wonderful 
2. disease
3. jungle 
4. certainly
5. ignorantly 
Homework: (4ms)
Asks Ss to write in their notebooks:
+ write a paragraph about disadvantages of watching T. V too much 
Asks Ss to prepare part: “Writing” 
Self –evaluation:
 Date of teaching: 
 Period : 80
Unit 13: HOBBIES
Part: Writing
Language content: To provide Ss with practice writing a collection
Language function: Practicing writing a collection 
Educational aim : At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
 + write about a collection
1. Language: 
 a) Vocabulary : 
 b) Grammar : the simple present tense
2. Skills: Writing
3. Method: Communicative approach
4. Techniques/activities: brainstorming
5. Teaching aids needed: textbooks, board, chalk, pare board 
6. Procedures:
 Stabilization: (1m)
Warm- up: + Greets the Ss
b. Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance
Checking up previous lesson:(no checking because the teacher wants to save time
So that Ss can have more time to practise writing) 
Presentation of the new material: (39ms)
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
The content of the lesson
I. Warm up
-asks Ss to list some kind of collections
Eg: collection of stamps, collection of books, collection of songs, collection of ancient things, 
-tells the aim of the lesson: Write about a collection
II. Pre-Writing 
-asks Ss to look at the network and make an outline for the information about book collection
 Where to how to how to 
 buy books collect keep
to Book how to 
collect Collection classify
books books
when stared plan for
collecting the future
Suggested answers: ( at the end of the lesson plan)
III. While-writing
-asks Ss to look at the outline and write down their work
-lets Ss do the task in 15 ms
-goes around to observe and offer help
IV. Post writing
-selects some of Ss’ paper sheets and hang them on the b/b 
-has Ss correct their friends’ mistakes on the b/b
-gives feedback
-listen and answer
-listen and answer
-look at the network and make an outline
-look at the outline and write down 
-do the task in the allotted time
-hand in the paper sheets
-look at their friends’ work 
-correct their friends’ mistakes 
-listen and answer
Unit 13: 
 Part: Writing
Write about a collection 
Homework: (5ms)
Asks Ss to correct the mistakes and write the complete one in their note books
Preparation for the next lesson: 
Asks Ss to prepare par: “Language Focus” 
Self –evaluation:
Suggested answers from the network:
+ How to collect books: buy the book when find it interesting
+ How to keep books: keep them in a big bookshelf,
+ Where to buy/get book: in a bookshop, second-hand stall, from parents/ friends
+ How to classify books: different categories: history, people, science, ..
+ Why to collect books: to broaden knowledge, know more about the world,
+ When started collecting: young, 12 years old,.
+ Plan for the future: continue to make collection richer
 Sample writing:
 I’m very much interested in collecting books and have a book collection at home. I stared collecting books when I was a 12- year- old student. I buy book whenever I find them interesting. Near my house are several book shops, so when I have free time I go there to find books for my collection. Sometimes I also buy books in second-hand book stalls, and occasionally, my parents and friends give me some.
 Now I have a total of about 100 books and I keep them all in a big bookshelf in my bedroom. I classify them into different categories: books about history, books about famous people,... 
 I love collecting books because books help me broaden my knowledge and know more about the world. Also, reading books train my patience.
 In the future, I’ll continue to make my collection richer and richer. I hope to have a library of my own.
 Date of teaching: 
 Period : 81
Unit 13: HOBBIES
Part: Language Focus
At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
+ distinguish the clusters / pt /, / bd /,/ /ps / and / bz/ and pronounce them exactly 
+ use cleft sentences ( subject focus, object focus, and adverbial focus) correctly and appropriately to solve communicative tasks. 
1. Vocabulary: The words with the clusters / pt /, / bd /,/ /ps / and / bz/ in: stopped, robbed, stops, robs, 
2. Structure: Cleft sentences: subject focus, object focus, and adverbial focus
3. Procedures:
I. Warm- up (5ms)
-greets Ss
-has a short chat with Ss
II. Checking up Previous knowledge( no checking)
III. Content of the lesson (35ms)
-asks Ss to pronoun these words:
 Stopped robbed stops robs
-gives feedback
-tells the aim of the task : the sounds / pt /, / bd /,/ /ps / and / bz/ 
-introduces some more in the text book
-has Ss listen and repeat the words
-calls some Ss to stand up and repeat
-helps Ss practice the sentences
-calls some Ss to stand up and practice them
-gives feedback
Revision and Exercises
 I. A. Presentation 1: Cleft sentence with Subject focus
-asks Ss to look at the following sentence and comment on it :
 The girl visited his parents last Sunday.
 -> It was the girl who visited his parents last Sunday.
-tells the aim of the exercise : Cleft sentence with subject focus
-asks Ss to draw out the pattern:
 It + be + Subject Focus + Clause
-gives another example in the textbook
 B. Exercises 1: 
-gives instructions” Write the following sentences in the same ways as the example”
-lets Ss do exercise 1 in 4 ms
-asks Ss to give their answers
-gives feedback
The keys:
It was the boy who visited his uncle last month.
It was my mother who bought me a present on my birthday.
It was Huong and Snadra who sang together at the party.
II. A. Presentation 2: Cleft sentence with Object focus
-asks Ss to look at the following sentence and comment on it :
 The girl visited his parents last Sunday.
 -> It was his parents that the boy visited last Sunday.
-tells the aim of the exercise : Cleft sentence with Object focus
-asks Ss to draw out the pattern:
 It + be + Object Focus + Clause
-gives another example in the textbook
 B. Exercises 2: 
-gives instructions” Write the following sentences in the same ways as the example”
-lets Ss do exercise 1 in 4 ms
-asks Ss to give their answers
-gives feedback
The keys:
It is E.L that the man is learning.
It was the book that the woman gave him.
It was the postcard that she sent her friend.
III. Presentation 3: Cleft sentence with Adverbial focus
-asks Ss to look at the following sentence and comment on it :
 The girl visited his parents last Sunday.
 -> It was last Sunday that the girl visited his parents.
-tells the aim of the exercise : Cleft sentence with Adverbial focus
-asks Ss to draw out the pattern:
 It + be + Adverbial Focus + Clause
-gives another example in the textbook
 B. Exercises 3: 
-gives instructions” Write the following sentences in the same ways as the example”
-lets Ss do exercise 1 in 4 ms
-asks Ss to give their answers
-gives feedback
The keys:
It was in the garden that the boy hit the dog.
It was for tea that she made some cakes.
It was for him that his father repaired the bicycle.
IV. Home work (5ms)
-asks Ss to write in their note-books:
 + do all the exercises in the exercise note-book
 + Reorder the words to form a cleft sentence.
1. word / he / it / in / was / that / loved / sailing / the / most.
2. December / was / met / in / we / it / that / first.
3. John / it / window / today / was / the / that / broke.
 4. scholarship / was / it / the / won / who / Lan.
-asks Ss to prepare “ Unit 14 - Reading” 
V. Teacher’ s comments
Self –evaluation:

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