Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Period: 72 - Lesson 13: A conversation at lunch

Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Period: 72 - Lesson 13: A conversation at lunch

I.Objectives :

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to :

 -know more some new words

 -practice the dialogues

 -ask and answer about the dialogue

1.Knowledge :

 -Language : past simple / past continous

 -Vocabulary : tropical fauna , animal, monkey , snatch , tiger

2.Skills :

 -Main-skills : speaking

 -Sub-skills : reading , writing , listening

II.Methods and techniques : eliciting , explaining , guessing , asking and answering , T/F statements , pairwork , individual , groupwork

III.Teaching aids : textbook , pictures , poster


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Week : 24 Preparing date : 16/2/2009
Period : 72 Teaching date : 18/2/2009
Lesson 13 : A conversation at lunch .
I.Objectives :
By the end of the lesson sts will be able to :
	-know more some new words
	-practice the dialogues
	-ask and answer about the dialogue 
1.Knowledge :
	-Language : past simple / past continous 
	-Vocabulary : tropical fauna , animal, monkey , snatch , tiger
2.Skills :
	-Main-skills : speaking
	-Sub-skills : reading , writing , listening
II.Methods and techniques : eliciting , explaining , guessing , asking and answering , T/F statements , pairwork , individual , groupwork
III.Teaching aids : textbook , pictures , poster 
IV.Procedure :
Teacher’s & students’activities
*Warm-up :
-give some pictures of animals and ask sts to guess what they are
-elicit the new lesson
*Presentation :
-ask sts to look at the pictures in the book and guess the situation of the dialogues
-elicit some new words and structures from sts
-drill reading
*Practice :
+Activity 1 :
-read the dialogue twice and ask sts to listen
-let them practice the dialogue in pairs 
-call some pairs to practice before the class
-ask the others to remark
-correct if necessary
+Activity 2 : 
-stick the poster on the board and ask sts to do the task
-ask sts to do in groups of five or six , answer the questions and write on the sub-boards
-stick the sub-boards on the board
and ask the whole class to remark
-give feedback
*Production :
-ask sts to find out the sentences in the dialogue using the simple past and the past continous .
-call some sts to write their sentences on the board
-ask the others to remark
-correct if necessary
-ask some sts what they did they do if they went the zoo 
-correct if necessary 
*Vocabulary :
-tropical fauna (n) : hệ động vật nhiệt đới
-animal (n) : động vật
-monkey (n) : con khỉ
-snatch (v) : giật , giựt 
-tiger (n) : con hổ
*Structure :
+ Past simple :
.Use : express an action happened and finished in the past .
.Form : S + V2 (ed) +.
.Key words : yesterday , ago , last., in 2007
.Ex : I bought a new bike yesterday .
+ Past continous :
.Use : express an action happening at a point of time in the past .
.Form : S + was / were + Ving ..
.Ex : She was watching TV at 7 p.m last night .
*Answer the questions :
1.What time did Bill phone Jack ?
2.What was Jack doing when Bill phoned him ?
3.What did Jack see in the zoo ? 
4.Did he see monkeys , tigers ?
5.When did he see Tom ? 
*Key :
1.Ten o’clock .
2.He was visiting the zoo .
3.He saw many strange animals .
4.Yes he did .
5.when he was watching the tigers .
*Key :
-I phoned you were..
-What time did ..?
-We were visiting.
-My sister had ..and wanted..
-Did ?
-When we were watching.., a boy suddenly fell.
-What happened ?
-One monkey snatchedwhen he was standing.
-Did .? He went..
-We saw ..when we were watching.
V.Homework :
-learn by heart new words and structures
-read the dialogue again
-prepare the next part
VI.Comments :
Sts don’t practice the dialogues well . They feel difficult to pronunce some words : tropical fauna , suddenly , snatched . The teacher should spend more time on guiding sts to practice the dialogue . Sts understand the contents of the dialogues well .

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  • docweek 24 - 72 -av11.doc