Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 8: Celebrations - Period: 45 listening

Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 8: Celebrations - Period: 45 listening


 Aim(s):Educate Ss to appropriate about the celebrations in Vietnam and on the world.

 - Develop extentive listening skills.

 - Use the information they have listen to for other communicative tasks. Lexical items: Words and phrases related to the listening.

II. METHOD: Integrated, mainly communicative.

III. TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, cassette tapes, lesson plan.



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Preparing date: 15/12/2007.
Teaching date: B3.................
 Aim(s):Educate Ss to appropriate about the celebrations in Vietnam and on the world. 
 - Develop extentive listening skills.
 - Use the information they have listen to for other communicative tasks. Lexical items: Words and phrases related to the listening.
II. METHOD: Integrated, mainly communicative.
III. TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, cassette tapes, lesson plan.
IV. Procedure.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Warm –up 
- Asks some questions.
1) What is special about the New Year holiday in Japan?
2) Can you guess what Japanese do on these days?
* Introduce the new lesson:
Warm –up 
- Listen and answer.
- Answer freely.
- Listen.
Before you listen
- Work in pairs. Asks Ss to guess which of the following activities the Japanese often do on their New Year’s Days.
- Asks Ss to read the sentences carefully to understand them.
- Guides Ss to use some strategies.
- Asks Ss to choose activities the Japanese often do on their New Year’s Days. 
Guessing the main idea:
- Asks Ss to look at the picture to describe.
T: You look at the picture you can guess what happen during the New Year holiday in Japan?
- Guides Ss and asks Ss to work in groups.
- Walks around the class to help Ss when necessary
- Calls them to describe the picture.
- Remark and give opinions.
- Gives Ss some new words and explain the meaning.
Constacy: sự bền lòng , tính kiên trì
Shrine: đền thờ miếu thờ.
Pine tree: cây thông
Represent: đại diện
- Guides Ss to read them.
- Asks Ss to read in chorus and individual
- Calls some Ss to practice them in front of the class.
Before you listen
- Guess which of the following activities the Japanese often do on their New Year’s Days.
- Read the sentences carefully to understand them.
- Choose activities the Japanese often do on their New Year’s Days 
- Look at the picture to describe.
S: The Japanese celebrate their New Year Day to what others do in the world. Japanese women/ housewives wear their traditional clothes- Kimono and go to the shrine to pray for good luk. And houses are decorated with pine trees which represent longevity.
- Copy down.
- Read in chorus and individual.
While you listen 
Task 1
* Introduce: You are going to listen to two people talking about how the New Year is celebrated in Japan. Listen and tick the things you hear.
- Asks Ss to read through statements to understand them.
- Instructs them to use some strategies to do the task.
- Read/Play the tape the first.
- Checks Ss to do the sentences.
- Read/Play the tape the second.
- Checks Ss to do the sentences.
- Listen to the tape last time and listen everyone sentence to know corrected information. 
- Asks Ss to compare their answers with friends .
- Walks around the class to help when necessary.
- Calls Ss to answer the sentences in front of the class.
- Corrected answers.
While you listen
Task 1
- Listen to two people talking about how the New Year is celebrated in Japan. Listen and tick the things you hear.
- Read through statements to understand them.
- Listen 3 times.
- Compare the answers with friends.
- Answer the sentences in front of the class
- Write the correct answers: 
1.they put on special clothes 
2.everyone cleans the house.
3.bells ring 108 times
4.housewives prepare special foods
5.they decorate their houses with kumquat trees.
6.they go to a shrine
7.they give each other “lucky money”
8.they drink rice wine
9.they play cards
10.they watch television
11.they eat a special meal
 - Compare T’s answers.
Task 2
Introduce: You are going to listen to the tape again and answer the questions
- Guides Ss to listen to some strategies.
- Asks Ss to read the questions carefully to understand the contents in task 2.
- Asks Ss to try to answer the questions with the things they remember from the previous times of listening.
- Read/Play the tape again.
- Checks Ss to answer the questions.
- Read/Play the tape last times and corrected information. 
- Walks around the class and help when necessary
- Asks Ss to compare their answers with their friends.
- Calls some Ss to practice the answers in front of the class.
- Feedbacks and gives correct answers.
Task 2
- Listen to the tape again and answer the questions.
- Listen to some strategies.
- Read the questions carefully to understand them.
- Try to answer the questions with the things they remember from the previous times of listening.
- Listen the tape last times and corrected information. 
- Compare the answers with friends.
- Practice in pairs in front of the class.
- Write the correct answers:
1) Because they want to get rid of the dirt of the old year and welcome the new year.
2) From television or radio.
3) Kimonos or special dress.
4) No, New Year is mostly celebrated among family only.
- Compare T’s answers.
After you listen
- Work in pairs. Asks Ss to compare the following aspects of the Vietnamese New Year with those of the Japanese one.
1. Preparation
2. Activities on New Year’s Eve.
3. Food and clothes.
4. People to celebrate with.
- Guides Ss make some strategies.
- Asks Ss to work in pairs and discuss the following couples.
- Walks around the class and help when necessary
- Asks Ss to compare their answers with their friends.
- Calls some Ss to practice the answers in front of the class.
- Feedbacks and gives correct answers.
 * In the celebration of New Year, we realize there are some similarities and also some differnces between the Vietnamese and the Japanese.
1. The similarities
2. The differences
* On New Year Days.
In Vietnam, on the first and second days, people usually go to visit their grandparents, parents and relatives. On the third day, people visit their old teachers, neighbors or friends. They exchange best wishes. And there is a most different aspect: games and other forms of entertainment for children and adults such as dragon or unicorn dance.
In Japan, New Year is almost celebrated among family
After you listen
- Compare the following aspects of the Vietnamese New Year with those of the Japanese one.
- Work in pairs and discuss the following couples.
- Compare their answers with the friends.
- Write the correct answers.
1. The similarities
+ people clean and decorate the houses.
+ people send each gifts greetings cards.
+ people cook special foods for the New Year.
+ people wear special dress, and go to church, pagoda or shrine.
+ people eat and drink traditional foods.
+ people celebrate the New Year in the three days.
2. The differences
On New Year’ Eve.
* In Vietnam, people usually gather at their parents’ house to have the end-of-year meal, sometimes stay there to welcome the first time of the new year.
* In Japan, family gather in their house in front of a TV to watch the national singing contest until the 108th bell is rung, and they all say “Happy New Year”

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