Thiết kế bài dạy Tiếng Anh 11 - Tuần 29

Thiết kế bài dạy Tiếng Anh 11 - Tuần 29


 SECTION : writing


By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to practice students’ speaking and writing skills and help students to able to write a paragraph about their collections, real or imaginary, basing on the guidelines given.


1. Teacher : textbook , lesson plan

2. Students : textbook , notebook ,pen

III/ TIME : 45 minutes


1. Class order : Greeting , Checking attendance (1’)

2. Checking up( 3’-5‘) : Tasks sts to answers questions about the listening

 3. New lesson (1”)

Warm Up : Today we’ll write about a collection

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities content


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Date of preparing :	week: 10
Date of teaching : 	period : 82
	SECTION : writing 
By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to practice students’ speaking and writing skills and help students to able to write a paragraph about their collections, real or imaginary, basing on the guidelines given.
Teacher : textbook , lesson plan 
Students : textbook , notebook ,pen 
III/ TIME : 45 minutes 
Class order : Greeting , Checking attendance (1’) 
Checking up( 3’-5‘) : Tasks sts to answers questions about the listening
 3. New lesson (1”)
Warm Up : Today we’ll write about a collection 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Tasks students to observe the useful language carefully then use the words or phrases suggested to make sentences of their own.
Tasks some students to give their answers.
T asks some to give comments.
Tasks some of them give the answers to the questions, others give comments on the answers and give supported ideas if possible.
T asks some of them to give the answers, others give comments.
T asks students if they need more information which can help them to organize their ideas.
T asks students to write the draft of the writing first.
T asks students to exchange their writing with their partners’ then correct the mistakes themselves.
T walks around to help students if possible.
Tasks students to take their own drafts back then write the complete writing in their notebooks.
T explains or correct some common mistakes if necessary.
T asks students to copy the correction of some common mistakes and perfect their own writing with the accurate structures and vocabulary.
Tcan give the sample writing if having enough time.
T asks students to copy the sample writing then compare with their own writing if necessary.
Sts use the information in the speaking part to support the information required.
some students give their answers.
some others give comments.
Sts then collect the ideas 
and organize them and start to write complete paragraph.
Sts can ask their friends or their teacher to supply some ideas they do not know if necessary.
Sts choose one collection they like (collecting books, fish, pens, hats ) and start to write the draft of the writing first.
Sts exchange their writing with their partners’ then correct the mistakes themselves.
Sts ask the teacher for help if having any difficulty in correcting the mistake themselves.
Sts take their own drafts back then write the complete writing in their notebooks.
Sts listen to the teacher’s explanation or his correction on the blackboard.
Sts copy the correction of some common mistakes and perfect their own writing with the accurate structures and vocabulary.
Stscopy the sample writing then compare with their own writing if necessary.
Task 1( 12’-14’): 
Name of your collection
When you started your collection
How you collect them
How you classify them
How you keep them
Why you collect them
Your plan for the future
Suggested information:
I like collecting stamps.
I collected them three years ago.
I bought them from the post office
I classify them into categories: animals, birds, landscapes
I keep them in an album.
Because it broadens my understanding about people, animals, plants, and trees.
I continue to collect more stamps
Opening: Introduce the name of your collection
Main ideas: Answer the following questions
When did you start collecting ?/
When did you start your collection?
Why did you collect ?
How do you collect them?
How do you keep them?
How do you classify them?
How many  do you have?
- What will you do with your collection in the future?
- How do you feel about your collection?
Task 2 (15’-17’ ): 
 One of my hobbies is watching TV .My hobby starts when I was a boy of five .I would always ask my parents to turn on the TV set so that I could enjoy the cartoon films or advertisements 
Now I find that watching TV enables me learn many things .I learn a lot about how the wonders of the world .space travel ,tiny viruses and other fascinating things .
TV programs provide me with so many information and facts .I can stay at home and watch almost everything happen around me .
I think I will continue to watch TV although TV programs are always useful to me .Watching TV is actually a good hobby .
Teacher corrects some writing of the students if having time.
Students take notes of the teacher’s explanation 
Ask students to write their own paragraphs and hand in their papers next time.
Prepare language focus 
Date of preparing : 3 /04/08	UNIT 13: HOBBIES 	week: 10
Date of teaching : 10/04/08 	SECTION : language focus 	period : 83
After the lesson , sts will be able to distinguish the sounds / pt / ,/ bd / , / ps / ,/ bz/,and revise some grammar points( Cleft Sentences)
Teacher : textbook , lesson plan 
Students : textbook , notebook ,pen 
III/ TIME : 45 minutes 
Class order : Greeting , Checking attendance (1’)
Checking up ( 3’-5 ‘): Tasks sts to answer some questions about the writing 
New lesson : (1’)
Warm Up : Today we’ll study how to pronounce the sounds and understand the use of some grammar points( Cleft Sentences)
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
T models the two sounds for a few times and explains the differences in producing them 
T calls on some sts to repeat them 
T can help sts mistake their pronounciation 
T asks sts to repeat these sentences 
T asks sts to practise these sentences 
Tcalls on some sts to read them in front of class 
T corrects 
Activity 1
T explains how to change direct speech into reported speech with gerund briefly then give some examples to illustrate and asks students to work in pairs to do the exercise suggested.
T asks students to discuss the answers with their friends.
T asks some of the students to do the exercise orally.
Activity 2
Tasks others to give comments. 
Tgives the suggested answers if necessary.
T explains the example carefully.
T asks students to work in pairs to do the exercise suggested.
T asks students to discuss the answers with their friends.
T asks some of the students to do the exercise orally.
Activity 3:
Tasks others to give comments. 
T gives the suggested answers if necessary.
Texplains the example carefully.
Tasks students to work in pairs to do the exercise suggested.
T asks students to discuss the answers with their friends.
T asks some of the students to do the exercise orally.
T asks others to give comments. 
T gives the suggested answers if necessary
Sts listen and observe
Sts repeat them 
Sts repeats these sentences 
and practise them in pair 
Sts read them in front of class 
Activity 1
Sts listen to the teacher’s explanation.
sts work in pairs. Do the exercise given in the textbooks.
sts discuss the answers with their friends then correct the mistakes themselves.
sts discuss the answers with their friends.
some of the students to do the exercise orally.
 other students give comments.
sts take notes of the suggested answers.
Activity 2
Sts notice the teacher’s explanation.
Sts work in pairs. Do the exercise given in the textbooks.
sts discuss the answers with their friends then correct the mistakes themselves.
 some of the students to do the exercise orally.
other students give comments.
ststake notes of the suggested answers.
Activity 3:
sts notice the teacher’s explanation.
stswork in pairs. Do the exercise given in the textbooks.
sts discuss the answers with their friends then correct the mistakes themselves.
some of the students to do the exercise orally.
 other students give comments.
sts take notes of the suggested answers.
I/ pronounciation : (7-9’)
Listen and repeat : 
/ pt /
/ bd /
/ ps /
/ bz /
Practise reading aloud these sentences (page 151) 
II/Grammar And Vocabulary (20’-25’)
Cleft sentences take the structure :In cleft sentences , the noun /pronoun is emphasized , as distinguisted from someone /something ,subject focus ,object focus ,adverbial focus 
EX1: Tom decided to go 
It was Tom who decided to go 
EX 2: He ate an apple . 
It was an apple that he ate 
EX 3: They bought this from an old man 
It was from an old man that they bought this (not from me )
It + be + noun/pronoun + defining relative clause 
Exercises 1 : Write the following sentences after the model , paying attention to the subject of the sentence 
EX: The man gave her the book .
It was the man who gave her the book .
It was the boy who visited his uncle last month .
It was my mother who bought me a present on my birthday 
It was Houng and Sandra who sang together at the party .
It was Nam’s father who got angry with him 
It was the boys who played football all day long .
It was the girl who received a letter from her friend yesterday . 
It was his presence at the meeting that frightened the children . 
Exercise 2 ; Write the following sentences after the model , paying attention to the object of the sentence 
EX: The boy hit the dog in the garden 
It was the dog that the boy hit in the garden . 
It is English that the man is learning . 
It was the book that the woman gave him 
It was the postcard that she sent her friend .
It was the book that Hoa borrowed from Long 
It was his grandfather who(m) the little boy greeted in a strange language .
It was the policeman who (m) the pedestrian asked a lot of questions .
It was the strange who (m) the dog barked at 
Exercise 3: Write the following sentences after the model ,paying attention to the adverbial modifier of the sentence 
Ex She bought him a present at the shop . 
It was at the shop that she bought him a present .
It was in the garden that the boy hit the dog .
It was for tea that she made some cakes .
It was for him that his father repaired the bicycle .
It was in Britain that he met his wife .
It was from the shop that she bought that present 
It was at 8:00 a.m that the meeting started 
Summarises the main points of the lesson 
learnt by heart verbs ,form and do exercises in text book 
prepare reading of unit 14 
Date of preparing : 4 /04/08	week: 10
Date of teaching : 11/04/08	period : 84
	SECTION : reading 
After the lesson , sts will be able to help students to guess the meaning of some words and do the task given in order to understand the reading about recreations
Teacher : textbook , lesson plan 
Students : textbook , notebook ,pen 
III/ TIME : 45 minutes 
Class order : Greeting , Checking attendance (1’)
Checking up(3’-5’): Tasks sts to tell about cleft sentences
 3.New lesson : (2’-3’)
Warm- up 
What do you do when you have spare time?
 Can you name some favorite leisure activities of teenagers?
 Whom do you like to carry out these forms of entertainment?
Today we are going to read a very interesting piece of writing about hobbies 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
_ asks students to look at the pictures then answer the questions provided.
_ asks students some guiding questions.
_ asks students to answer the questions orally.
_ asks students to give comments if possible.
_ explain the pictures and give the suggested answers.
presents some new words.
_ gives the brief meaning of the words using various techniques.
_ helps students pronounce the words correctly.
plays the tape then ask students to do task 1.
_ asks some students to give the answers then correct their answers if necessary.
_ asks students to give the evidence to illustrate their answers to make sure that they understand the reading.
_ gives suggested answers.
_ asks students to copy the right answers.
asks students to read the reading again then do task 2 in pairs orally.
_ asks some students to give the answers.
_ can ask students to give the evidence to illustrate their answers.
_ corrects the students’ answers and give suggested answers.
_ asks students to rewrite the sentences basing on the information given.
observe the pictures then answer the teacher’s questions orally.
students answer the questions orally.
 _ students give comments if possible.
students pronounce the words correctly.
listen to the tape then read the reading again and do task 1 individually.
_ compare their results with those of their friends.
_ some of them give the answers, others give comments.
_ take notes of the suggested answers if necessary.
Task 2
_ work in pairs and complete the sentences with the information in the reading
_ compare their results with those of their friends.
_ some of them give the answers, others give comments.
_ take notes of the suggested answers if necessary.
Guiding questions:
What is the most popular form of entertainment in Britain?
What kind of sports do British men usually attend? 
How can British people take part in activities such as bricklaying, stock market, painting, karaoke..?
Do these courses require qualifications?
Watching TV.
snooker, pool, darts. 
They can pay the fees to entry weekend courses.
No, they don’t.
Pre teaching vocabulary : (8’-10’) 
-recreation (n)	:sựtiêu khiển
-pursuits (n) 	:sở thích
-snooker (n) 	:bi-da
-darts 	(n) 	:trò ném phi tiêu
-spectator (n) 	:khán giả
-rugby 	(n) :môn bóng bầu dục
-enormous (adj)	:rộng lớn
-sophisticated 	(adj):phức tạp
-engrave (v) 	:khắc
While- reading : 
Task1 (10’-14’) :Translate them into Vietnamese 
1A, 2B, 3B, 4A, 5B, 6A
Task 2: Answer the questions 
1. Because they make people happy, healthy, and open-minded.
2. Football and rugby in winter, cricket and athletics in summer.
3. Walking and swimming
4. Because weekend courses bring people happiness. 
Post- reading:(7’-8’)
Tell some other useful activities ? – shoemaking, glass engraving, “living with more meaning” course.
 Do you find recreation useful ? Can you name some common forms of entertainment in VietNam? – Yes. In VietNam we can join basket ball, karate, swimming, or cooking course, 
Students work in pairs and answer the question:
	Are all the British leisure activities mentioned in the passage also popular in Vietnam?
Read the reading carefully and translate it into Vietnamese.
Learn the vocabulary listed by heart.
Prepare B. speaking

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