Thiết kế bài dạy Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 7 - Unit 4: Volunteer work perfect gerund, perfect participl present participle

Thiết kế bài dạy Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 7 - Unit 4: Volunteer work perfect gerund, perfect participl present participle

1. Aim:

 - Ps will be able to talk about volunteer work and use perfect gerund ,perfect participl

 present participle

2. Language contents :

 @ Vocabulary : Words and phrases to talk about volunteer work

 @ Grammar: perfect gerund ,perfect participl present participle

3. Techniques: questions – answers

4. Teaching aids. Chart , handout

 5. Procedure.


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Date : 18 / 10 /2009 
Period 7	 UNIT 4: Volunteer work
1. Aim: 
 	 - Ps will be able to talk about volunteer work and use perfect gerund ,perfect participl 
 present participle
2. Language contents :
 @ Vocabulary : Words and phrases to talk about volunteer work
 @ Grammar: perfect gerund ,perfect participl present participle
3. Techniques: questions – answers 
4. Teaching aids. Chart , handout
 5. Procedure.
 Teacher’s and pupils’ activities
T asks sts to answer the questions
Sts discuss in pairs and answer
-T presents the lesson 
T presents topic and grammar
T asks sts to answer the questions
Sts work in pairs to ask and answer
T calls some pairs to talk in front of the ckass
 T comments
T presents about Gerund and present participle 
Sts listen and copy
T asks sts to write
Sts work individually .
T calls 3 sts to read their writing
T comments and corects
T asks sts to do exercises.
Sts work in pairs to do the exercises
T gives the handouts
T has pupils sit in groups of 4 to discuss and do the exercise
 T calls some ps to speak in front of the class
T corects whole class
Where do stdents do volunteer work ?
Which kind of volunteer work do you like ?
what is the aim of volunteer work ?
Topic: volunteer work 
What do volunteers do to .?0
+ help people in remote or mountainuos areas 
+ help old or sick people
+ help disadvantaged or handicapped children
+ take part in directing the traffic
Grammar: perfect gerund ,perfect participle, present participle
I. Participles
There are three kinds of participles in English: present participle, past participle and perfect participle. You probably know the first two from certain tenses and adjective forms. Apart from that, participles are also used to shorten sentences.
1. Present Participle
The present participle is the ing-form. You surely know this form:
* from progressive / continuous tenses (e. g. Present Progressive) – I am speaking.
* as an adjective form – The film is interesting.
* as a gerund – He is afraid of flying.
Not the exceptions in spelling when adding 'ing':
Exception Example
final e dropped (but: ee is not changed) come – coming (but: agree - agreeing)
final consonant after short, stressed vowel is doubled sit – sitting
final consonant l after vowel is always doubled (in British English) travel – travelling
Final ie becomes y lie – lying
The present participle can be used to describe the following verbs:
come, go, sit
Example: The girl sat crying on the sofa.
The present participle can also be used after verbs of the senses if we do not want to emphasise that the action was completed. (see Infinitive or Ing-Form)
feel, find, hear, listen to, notice, see, smell, watch
Example: Did you see him dancing?
Furthermore, the present participle can be used to shorten or combine active clauses that have the same subject.
Example: She left the house and whistled. – She left the house whistling.
2. Perfect Participle
The perfect participle can be used to shorten or combine clauses that have the same subject if 
*  one action (the one where the perfect participle is used) is completed before the next action starts.
Example: She bought a bike and cycled home. – Having bought a bike, she cycled home.
*  one action has been going on for a period of time when another action starts.
Example: He had been living there for such a long time that he didn't want to move to another town. – Having lived there for such a long time, he didn't want to move to another town.
The perfect participle can be used for active and passive voice.
* active voice: having + past participle (Having cooked, he set the table.)
* passive voice: having been + past participle (Having been cooked, the food looked delicious.)
- Cách dùng tương tự Present Participle & gerund nhưng về mặt ý nghĩa, nó diễn tả hoặc nhấn mạnh sự hoàn thành của 1 hành động
Eg1: Finishing my homework, I went to bed: Sau khi làm xong bài tập tôi đi ngủ
Having finished my homework, ... : Sau khi đã làm xong bài tập ...
* Câu thứ hai nhấn mạnh việc đi ngủ chỉ xảy ra sau khi đã làm xong bài tập.
Eg2: I approve of helping the poor: Tôi đồng ý với việc giúp đỡ người nghèo
I approve of having helped the poor: Tôi đồng ý với việc các bạn đã giúp đỡ người nghèo
* Câu thứ hai diễn tả ý giúp đỡ người nghèo này đã xảy ra rồi.
- Perfect gerund:
Eg: I had had dinner and then I went out for a walk last night.
~~> Having had dinner, I ...
* Use: Rút gọn & diễn tả 1 hành động xảy ra trước 1 hành động khác/
- Perfect participle:
Eg: The denied having been there.
* Use: diễn tả hành động xảy ra trước hoặc ko xảy ra trước. 
I. Write about a kind of volunteer work your friends and you usually do to help people.
We usually take part in 
II. Change into simple sentences , using perfect participle.
After I had taken many photos, I closed my camera.
I had seen the film once, so I did not want to see it again
I had nothing to eat so I now feel hungry.
As I has broken my pen, I had to buy a new one
III. Change the following complex sentences into simple ones using present participle.
I watched the girls while they were playing.
While he was going home, he methis father.
Because my father was busy, he could not come.
As soon as I entered the room, I found my friend sick.
IV. Production
Exercise : ( hand outs )
Do the exercise 1 again
Handouts : Complete each sentence with one of these verbs :
answer, apply, be, be, listen, make, see, try, use, wash, work, write, cause, escape, go, help, interrupt, live, play, solve, spend, walk.
1. He tried to questions.
2. Could you please much noise?
3. I music.
4. I considered...........for the job but in the end I decided against it.
5. Have you finished............your hair yet?
6. If you walk into the road without looking, you risk.........knocked down.
7. Jim is 65 but he isn’t going to retire yet. He wants to carry on........... .
8. I don’t mind you...........the phone as long as you pay for all your calls.
9. Hello! here! What a surprise!
10. I’ve put off............the letter so many times. I really must do it today.
11. What a stupid thing to do! Can you imagine stupid?
12. Sarah gave find a job in this country and decided to go abroad.
13. Do you feel like...........out this evening?
14. It took us a long time but we finally succeeded in ............the problem.
15. I’ve always dreamed a small house by the sea.
16. The driver of the other car accused me of.............the accident.
17. There was a fence around the lawn to stop people from............on the grass.
18. Forgive me but may I ask you some questions?
19. Where are you thinking of............your holiday this year?
20. The guards weren’t able to prevent the prisoner from............. .
21. I wanted to cook the meal by myself but Dave insisted 
22. I’m sorry we’ve had to cancel our game of tennis tomorrow. I was really looking forward to.......... .

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  • doctu chon bam sat 11.doc