Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 3: A party - Lesson 5: Language focus

Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 3: A party - Lesson 5: Language focus

I. Objectives:

1. Educational aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- distinguish the sounds /l/, /r/ and /h/

- pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly

- distinguish the uses of infinitive and gerund in active and passive voices

- use these structures to solve communicative tasks

2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students learn to pronounce 3 sounds and grammar

3. Skill: fluency in pronounce 3 sounds and use of infinitive and gerund in passive


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Unit 3: A Party
LESSON 5 : Language Focus
I. Objectives:
1. Educational aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- distinguish the sounds /l/, /r/ and /h/
- pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly
- distinguish the uses of infinitive and gerund in active and passive voices
- use these structures to solve communicative tasks
2. Knowledge:
- General knowledge: Students learn to pronounce 3 sounds and grammar
3. Skill: fluency in pronounce 3 sounds and use of infinitive and gerund in passive
II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: textbook, chalks.
IV. Procedures:
Teacher ‘s activities
Students’ activities 
- T gives sts 6 words and asks them to put the words to the right columns / l / /r / and / h /: holiday, library, run, help, Lisa, realize.
- After that, T asks sts to look at their book, listen and repeat the sounds.
- Then, T asks sts to listen and repeat these sentences below.
Listen and repeat
- T asks sts to put the words in correct order to make the two sentences:
Ex1: the book / time/ return / she / on / to / failed / library / the.
Ex 2: work / mind / the / helping / would / me / with / you / ?
- T introduces the grammar 
Exercise 1
The Gerund:
* Some verbs followed by To inf: mean, demand, seem, want, agree, expect, offer, hope, refuse,..
* Some verbs followed by V-ing dislike, risk, keep, appreciate, miss, mind, mention, enjoy,...
B. Passive infinitive and gerund: 
- to be + pp
- being + pp ( in context meaning)
- Ex:
I expected (invite)	to the party. (to be invited)
No one enjoys (laugh)	 at.
(being laughed)
- T asks sts to work in pairs to do exercise 1 within 3 mins.
- After 3 mins, T asks some sts to show their answers on the board.
- T corrects and gives comments.
Suggested answers:
1. having
2. getting
3. to tell
4. practicing
5. to see
Exercise 2:
- T reviews the forms of “passive infinitive and gerund”.
+ passive _inf: to be + Past participle
+ Passive_gerund: being + Past participle
- T asks sts to work in pairs again to do task 2 within 3 mins.
- After 3 mins, T asks sts to show their answers.
- T corrects their mistakes and gives feedback.
Suggested answers:
Exercise 3:
- T asks sts to do task 3 individually within 3 mins.
- After 3 mins, T asks sts to write their answers on the board.
- T asks them to explain their answers.
- T corrects their mistake and gives comments.
Suggested answers:
Put the words in correct order
Write down
Work in pairs to do the task
Write down
Work in pairs
Work individually
- T summarizes the main points of the lesson. 
- T asks sts to do the exercises again in their notebooks and prepare: TEST YOURSELF A.
Listen to the teacher

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  • docUnit3 language focus.doc