Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 77 đến period 81

Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 77 đến period 81



A. Objectives

1. Aims: By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to:

- Know some hobbies and they can explain the meanings of some new words in

 context ,understand the passage by answering the questions.

2. Knowledges

+ Lexical-items: - Words and phrases related to hobbies.

+ Grammar: - cleft sentences

 3. Skills

- Main skill: reading

- Sub skills; Speaking,listening

B. Teaching method: communicative approach

C. Teaching aids: English book 11, Extra-board

D. Procedure


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- Asking students: Who’s absent today?
Date of teaching
Absent students
Period 77
A. Objectives
1. Aims: By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to:
- Know some hobbies and they can explain the meanings of some new words in 
 context ,understand the passage by answering the questions.
2. Knowledges
+ Lexical-items: - Words and phrases related to hobbies.
+ Grammar: - cleft sentences
 3. Skills
- Main skill: reading
- Sub skills; Speaking,listening
B. Teaching method: communicative approach
C. Teaching aids: English book 11, Extra-board
D. Procedure
 Teacher's activities
* Warm up (3mm)
- Show the pictures and guide the Ss to match the hobbies and pictures:
 * Swimming,keeping fish,playing chess,
fishing,playing the guitar,collecting stamps
- Ask Ss about their hobbies and introduce the lesson
I. Before you read (10mm)
1. Activity 1 
- Ask Ss to work with a partner and say their hobbies which they like to do in their free time
2. Activity 2
* Vocabulary
- Give and explain some words
 + admire (v)
 + variety (n)
 + album (n)
 + common (adj)
 + check voc (v)
- Ask Ss to read after
II. While you read
- Ask Ss to read the content of reading
1. Activity 1: task 1: matching
- Teacher's introduction for task 1
1. accomplished
a.thrown away
2. accompanying
3. modest
4. avid
d.going with a singer,using amusicalinstrument
5. discarded
e.Not very large
6. indulge in
f.keep me busy 
7.keep me occupied
g. allow oneself to do sth for pleasure.
- Ask Ss to work individual then compare with other partner
- Go around to give help
- Check the answers
- Ask Ss to translate into Vietnamese
2. Activity 2:Task 2
- Ask Ss to read the passage again
- Teacher's introductions for task 2
- Ask Ss to find the informations to answer 
the questions
- Help Ss to work in pairs then compare with other pairs
- Walk round to give a help
- Check the answers
III.After you read( 10 mm)
- Ask Ss to work in groups ( talk about your hobby)
- Go around to give help
- Call on some goups to give their results
- Check the answers
- Give feedback
- Look at the pictures and match
- Answer 
- Pair work
- Listen then copy down
- Read in chorus
- Read silently
- Listen carefully
- Individual work then pair work
- correct the answers
* suggested keys
1.-B 5. -a
2.-d 6. -g
3.-e 7. -f
- Translate into Vietnamese
- Read silently 
- listen carefully
- individual work
- pair work
- correct the answers
* suggested keys
1. His first job is playing his guitar.
2. No,he isn't.
3. Because he's accomplished guitarist and he is goog at accompanying people singing with his guitar.
4. His second hobby is keeping fish.
5. He bought some from the shop and collected some from the rice field near his house.
6. He is an avid stamp collector .
7. He collects them from discarded envelopes his relatives and friends give him
8. Local stamps.
9. He keeps the less common ones inside a small album.The common ones he usually gives away to others or if no one wants them,he simply throws them away.
- group work
- speak out
- Correct the answers
IV. Home work:- Do all exercises in work book
 - Read the text and do the tasks agian
* Comment
- Asking students: Who’s absent today?
Date of teaching
Absent students
Period 78
- Greeting class
A. Objective(s).
1. Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
 - Talk about a bobby,collection
- Improve speaking skill
2. Knowledges.
- lexical items: words related to hobby/collection
- Grammar: simple present
3. Skill
+ Main skill: speaking
+ Sub skills: listening, writing
B. Teaching method: Communicative approach 
C. Teaching aids:English book 11, extra-board
D. Procedure
 Teacher's activities
 Warm up: (3mm)
- Ask Ss to close their books
- Give the verbs that go with
classify stamps
+ Who often does these things?
- Introduce the topic of the lesson
I. Pre-speaking: 
1. Activitry 1: Task 1 (8')
- Teacher's introductions" Say which of the following you would like/not like to do and why
- Give model:interviewing
T:Which of the hobbies would you like to 
S: Simming.I like it because it's good for 
 my health and helps me to stay fit
T: And which one wouldn't you like to do?
S: fishing.I'm not patient enough.
- go around to observe and give help
- Call on some pairs of Ss to speak
- give feedback
2. Activity 2: Task 2 ( 8')
- Teacher's introductions" Lan is talking to Huong about her hobby of collecting books.Practise reading their dialogue with a
- Run through
- Call on some pairs to practise reading
II. While speaking: Task 3 (12')
- Teacher's introductions for task 3
- Ask Ss to make a similar dialogue about collecting stamps
- Ask Ss to work in group of four 
- Go around to observe and give help
- Ask Ss to compare their results with other groups
III. Post speaking(12')
- Ask Ss to practise the conversation with a partner
- Give feedback
- Group work
- Correct the answers
* Suggested keys
-à A stamp collector
- Listen carefully
- listen 
- Observe and listen
- Pairs work
- listen
- pair work
- listen
- Group work
- Pair work
- Speak out
* Suggested keys
T: What is your hobby?
S: I like collecting stamps
T:Could you tell me how to collect stamps?
S: I can buy them from the post office.I get them from members of my family,friends,relatives,postmen.I can make pen friends with people overseas,exchange stamps with others
T: Could you tell me how to organize stamps?
S: I classify them into categories:animals.plants,birds,landscape,
people(heroes,politicans,football players,singers etc)
T: Where do you keep your stamps?
S: In albums
T: What do you collect stamps for?
S: I think: I collect stamps to broaden my knowledge,I can know more about 
landscape,people,animals,plantsand trees.
T: I see.What do you plan to do next?
S: I'll collect more stamps and attend stamp 
exhibitions to learn more from experience collectiors
T: I wish I would see your albums someday
IV. Home work: (2') - Ask SS to do tasks again at home
 - Practise the dialogue with a partner at home if possible
V. Comment:
Period 79
- Greeting class- Asking pupil: who' absent today?
A. Objectives
1. Aims: By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to :
- Understand the benefits of reading books
- Develop the listening skill
- Present the ideas in front of the class
2. Knowledge
+ Lexical-items: bygone,ignorantly,profitably,gingantic.
+ Grammar: Ceft sentences
 - Subject focus
 - Object focus
 - Adverbial focus
3. Skill:
+ Main skill: listening
+ Sub-skills: speaking and writing 
B. Teaching method: communicative approach
C. Teaching aids: English book 11, extra-board,cassette player
D. Procedure
* Warm up (5mm)
+ Guessing pictures" stick some pictures of books,going fishing,playing chess,swimming"
- Ask Ss to speak out their thought about the pictures.
- Lead students to the topic
I. Before you listen(10mm)
- Ask Ss to open the books and read the Listen and repeat
1. Activity 1 :vocabulary
- Explain and give the meaningof words.
 + ignorantly (adv)
 + bygone (adj)
 + gigantic (adj) 
 + continually (adv)
- Ask Ss to read all the words
2. Activity 2:
- Teacher's introdutions"write down three benefits from reading books"
- Go around to observe and give help
- Ask SS to compare their results with 
others groups
- Check
- Ask Ss to guess the main idea of the listening
II. While you listen. 
1. Activity 1: task 1(12')
- Ask Ss to read the sentences in task 1 three minutes 
- Ask Ss to guess the answers "true or 
- Play the tapescript first.
- Ask Ss to give the answers first.
- Play the tapescript second.( Sentence by sentence)
- Play the tapescript third
- Check the answers
2. Activity 2: task 2(8')
- Ask Ss to read the passage
- Ask Ss to listen again to write the missing words
- Ask Ss to guess the missing words
- Play the tapescripe first.
- Call on some Ss to give their ideas
- Play the tapescripe second
- Call on Ss to give the answers
- Play the tapescrip 
- Check the answers
III. After you listen (10mm)
- Ask Ss to study the aim of after you listen
- Ask Ss to work in group of four to talk about the disadvantages of over-reading (reading too much)
- Walk round to give a help
- Check the answers
IV. Home work :( 2mm)
V. Comment:
- Look at the pictures
- Answer the questions
- Present the ideas
- Listen carefully
- take notes
* Suggested keys
- Read in chorus
- Group work of four
- compare
* Suggested answers
- Books help to widen our knowledge.
- Book give us valuable experience.
- Books are good sourcesof infofmation
- Books make our life better
- Guess
- Read silently
- guess
- Listen first
- Guess the answers
- Listen again carefully
- Correct the answers
* Suggested keys
1-T 3 - F 5 -T 7-T 
2 -F 4 -F 6-T 8 - F
- Individual work
- Pairs work
- Guess
- Listen carefully
- Give their ideas
- Listen carefully
- Correct the answers
* Suggested keys
1.wonderful 4. certainly
2. disease 5. ignoranly
3. jungle
- Individual work
- Group work of four
- Correct the answers
* Suggested keys
+ harm for eyes
+ bad behaviour if you read unseleced books
+ Weak body
+ Not having enough time for studying 
- Write about the disadvantages of over
reading in not more than 80 words
period 80
A. Objectives
1. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Write a short paragraph about collection
2. Knowledge
- Lecxical items: Words and phrases related to collection
- Grammar: cleft sentences
3. Skill
+ Main skill: writing
+ Sub- skills: speaking, listening
B. Teaching method: Communicative approach
C. Teaching aids: English book 11, extra-board
D. Procedure
 Teacher's activities
I. Warm up( 5mm)
- Ask Ss to find words going with COLLECT
- Give scores and then praise the winner
Keys: stamps,dolls,stuffed animals,old
II. Pre writing (10')
1. Introduction:
You are going to write about your real or imaginary collection.
2. Guideline and examples
- Name of your collection
- When you started your collection
6 years ago
- How you collect them
Collect them from friends,relatives
- How you keep them
In ablum
- How you classify them
Paper notes and coins
- Why you collect them
Keep beautiful pictures on money's value
- Your plan for the future
Identify the features of money in different ages,continue this collection
3. Making the detailed outline:
- Teacher's introductions
- Go around and control class
 + Stamp collection
 + 6 years ago
 + Collect both native stamps and foreign stamps from the letters of friends and relatives
 + Classify them into categories/put stamps of animals,flowers,birds on 
different pages
 + Keep them into two ablums,one for local and the other for foreign ones 
 + Collecting stamps help to broaden
knowledge about the world /an effectve way to be good at geography 
 +Join the stamp exhibitions to learn from experienced stamp collectors/can 
expose collection at an exhibition in the future
III. While writing (15')
 - Ask Ss to write a complete paragraph
about stamp collection.
III. Post writing(13')
- Ask Ss to work in group of four 
- Go around to observe and give help
- Ask Ss to compare their writings.
- Choose the writings of two groups
- Stick the posters on the board 
- Comment
- Give marks
IV.Home work: (2mm)
- group work ( A-B)
- Tell what they are going to write
- Observe and listen carefully
- Observe carefully
- Group work of four
 - listen carefully
- Write a paragraph about the stamp
- Work in group of four
- Express their ideas orally
- Group work
- Compare their writings
- Listen to the teacher and give the remarks 
- Take note
* Suggested keys
 My hobby is collecting stamps.I collected stamps 6 years ago.I have been collecting both local stamps and foreign stamps from the letters of friends and relatives.
I classify the stamps into categories.I put stamps of animals,flowers,birdson different pages.
I keep them in two albums,one for local and the other for foreign ones.
Collecting stamps help to broaden my knowledge about the world aroundme
and it is also an effective way to be good at geography
 I plan to join the stamp exhibitions to learn from experienced stamp collectors and I can expose my 
collections at an exhibition in the future 
- Rewrite your hobby
period 81
- Greeting class
A. Objectives
1. Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Pronounce /pt/-/bd/-/ps/ -/bz/
- Pronounce the words and sentences containing these clusters correctly.
- Build sentences with "cleft sentences" such as subject focus,object focus,adverbial focus
2. Knowledge
+ Lexical items: + to frighten (v)
 + to bark (v)
 + to hit (v)
 + to rub (v)
+ Grammar: Cleft sentences : + Subject focus
 + Object focus
 + Adverbial focus
3. Skill
+ Main skills: reading and speaking
+ Sub skills: writing and listening
B. Teaching method: Communicative approach
C. Teaching aids: English book 11,extra-board
D. Procedure
 Teacher's activities
I. Warm up: (5')
 Jumbled words
1. ptes 4. bsat
2. upjm 5. atrp
3. bor 6. bur
- Divide class into 2 groups: A and B
- Ask Ss to rearrange these letters into meaningful words
- Decide the winner
I. Pronunciation (13mm)
1. Activity 1:
- Introduce and read three sounds
* /p/ /b/
 step rob
 jump stab
 trap rub
- Explain how to pronounce/pt/,//ps/,/bd/,
 and /bz/
-=> /p/+ed =>/pt/ ; /b/+ed => /bd/
 /p/+s =>/ps/ ; /b/+s => /bz/
- Guide and help Ss to practise these words with the sounds /pt/,/bd/,/ps/,/bz/
in the book.
2. Activity 2:
- Read all sentences
- Ask Ss to read all sentences
- Ask Ss to read individually
- Walk round to give a help
- Ask SS to listen to the tape-recorder and repeat in chorus and then individually
 III. Grammar: Cleft sentences
1. Activity 1: Subject focus
- Give an example
eg: Mr Bang went to Britain twice
=> It was mr Bang who went to Britain twice
- Explain the way to write cleft sentences with subject focus
* Note: 
Khi muốn nhấn mạnh vào chủ thể hay người gây ra hành động ta dùng câu chẻ để diễn đạt và đặt trọng tâm vào chủ thể đó
+ Practise :Exercise1
- Ask Ss to practise 
- Ask Ss to compare their results
- correct
2. Activity 2: Object focus
- Give an example
eg: The boy hit the dog
=> It was the dog that the boy hit
- Explain the way to write cleft sentences with object focus
* Note: 
Khi muốn nhấn mạnh vào tân ngữ hay đối tượng của hành động người ta dùng câu chẻ để diễn đạt và đặt trọng tâm vào tân ngữ đó
+ Practise :Exercise2
- Ask Ss to practise 
- Ask Ss to compare their results
- correct
3. Activity 3: Adverbial focus
- Give an example
eg: Ho Chi Minh was born in Vietnam.
=> It was in Vietnam that Ho Chi Minh was born
- Explain the way to write cleft sentences with adverbial focus
* Note: 
Khi muốn nhấn mạnh vào trạng ngữ(thời gian, địa điểm) của mệnh đề,người ta dùng câu chẻ để diễn đạt và đặt trọng tâm vào trạng ngữ đó
+ Practise :Exercise23(p.153)
- Ask Ss to practise 
- correct
- Observe
- Group work
* Suggested keys
1. step 4. stab
2. jump 5. trap
3. rob 6. rub
- Read in chorus
- Listen carefully
- Read in chorus
- Read individually
- Listen carefully
- Read in chorus
- Listen carefully
- Observe
- Listen carefully and take notes
- Pairs work
- Compare their results
- Correct the answers
- Observe
- Listen carefully and take notes
- Pairs work
- Compare their results
- Correct the answers
- Observe
- Listen carefully and take notes
- Pairs work
- Compare their results
- Correct the answers
III. Home work: (2mm
- Practise pronunciation
- Rewrite the cleft sentences above
V. Comment

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  • docUnit 13 Hobbies.doc