Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 74 đến period 78

Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 74 đến period 78

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

 - develop their reading skills such as

 - guess the meaning of words in context

 - scan for specific information

II. Skills: Reading and speaking

III. Teaching aids: textbook, pictures

IV. Procedure:


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Period 74 
Date of preparation: 7/02/09
Date of teaching: 12/ 02/09
Unit 12: The Asian Games
Part A: reading
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
 - develop their reading skills such as
 - guess the meaning of words in context
 - scan for specific information
II. Skills: Reading and speaking
III. Teaching aids: textbook, pictures
IV. Procedure:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- ask Ss to do the task
- ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer the given questions in their text book.
- introduce vocabulary
- read new words and ask Ss to repeat word by word.
- ask Ss to read the text individually in 5’.
- ask Ss to do the task individually then compare the answers with a partner.
- ask Ss to give answers and explain the reason of their choice.
- ask Ss to do the task individually then check with a peer.
- ask Ss to give the answers and point out the information in the text.
- comment
- ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
- call some couples to present
- gives suggested answers
- ask Ss to find to which paragraph each main idea refers.
- give correct answers.
- ask Ss to work in groups, take turn to talk about the Asian Games
- assign homework
Warm up
List some sports you know:
Volleyball, football, tennis, biking, karate do, Wushu, fencing, weightlifting, boxing
I. Answer the questions on page 136
1. Every four years.
2. All the countries in Asia.
3. Wushu, bodybuilding
II. Vocabulary
1. intercultural knowledge Kiến thức liên văn hoá
2. solidarity [,sɔli'dổrəti] Tình đoàn kết
3. athlete (n)	['ổθli:t] vận động viên điền kinh
4. oficial (n) [ə'fi∫l] quan chức
5. facility (n) [fə'siliti] điều kiện thuận lợi
6. aquatic sports [ə'kwổtik] thể thao chơi dưới nước
7. effort (n) ['efət] sự cố gắng
II. Reading the new words
III. Checking vocabulary: rub out and remember.
* Reading the text
* Task 1: fill in each blank with a suitable word.
1. facilities
2. aquatic
3. enthusiasm
4. effort
5. advancing
6. appreciated
* Task 2: Scan the passage and complete the following table.
1. 1951
2. 2nd Asian games in Manila, The Philippines
3. 1954
4. squash, rugby, fencing and mountain biking.
5. 2002
* Task 3:
1. The purpose of the Asian Games is to develop intercultural knowledge and friendship within Asia.
2. 9,919 participants did.
3. They won the gold medal in bodybuilding, billiards and in women’s karate do.
1. Paragraph number
Main ideas
The purpose of the Asian games
The 14th Asian Games
The five-decade history of the Asian Games.
2. Summarize the main ideas of the reading passage, basing on the suggested questions
- How often are Asian Games held?
- What is the purpose of the Asian Games?
- What do you know about the first Asian Games?
(year, host country, number of countries, number of sports)
- What do you know about the 14th Asian games?
(year, host country, number of countries, number of sports)
- In which sports did Vietnamese win gold medal at the 14th Asian Games?
- learn by heart vocabulary.
- redo all the tasks
- do the task
- ask and answer the questions in pairs.
- take notes.
- listen.
- repeat in chorus and individually.
- read the text individually.
- do the task individually then check with a partner.
- give and explain the answers.
- do the task individually.
- write the answers on the board.
- work in pairs to do the task
- some couples present in front of the class
- do the task individually then check with a partner
- work in groups, take turn to summarize the reading passage
- take notes
Period 75 
Date of preparation: 10/02/09
Date of teaching://
Unit 12: The Asian Games
Part B: Speaking
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and give information about the Asian Games and
 talk about sports results.
II. Skills: speaking
III. Teaching aids: textbook, pictures
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- ask Ss to fill in each blank with a suitable word then check with the whole class.
- give Ss useful structures.
- ask Ss to study the information from the table then read the dialogue.
- ask Ss to work in pairs to do the task.
- ask some couples to present in front of the class.
- ask Ss to work in groups to do the task.
- ask Ss some questions
- call the leader of each group to report
- comment
- ask Ss to work in groups to take turn to speak about one of the Asian Games.
- ask some Ss to speak in front of the class.
- assign homework
Warm up
Fill in each blank with a suitable word (use a poster)
1. The first Asian Games were held in. in..
2. There were.sports at the 2nd Asian Games
3. parcipants fromcountries took part in the 14th Asian Games.
4. Vietnamese athletes won gold medals in, billiards and women’s karate do.
Answers :
1. India / 1951
2. six
3. 9,919 / 44
4. bodybuilding 
In order to ask information about the Asian Games such as the places where the Asian Games were held, the year when the Asian Games were held, number of sports and countrieswe can use questions
- When and where were the (1st) Asian Games held?
- How many countries took part in the Games?
- How many sports were there at the Games?
Task 1: 
Suggested Answer:
- When and where were the 2nd Asian Games held?
- In 1954 in Philippines.
- How many countries took part in the Games?
- 18
- How many sports were there at the Games?
- 8
- When and where were the 3rd Asian Games held?
- In 1958 in Japan.
- How many countries took part in the Games?
- 20
- How many sports were there at the Games?
- 13
Task 2:
- In which sports did Vietnamese athletes win medals?
- How many medals did they win?
Or: In which sport did Vietnamese athletes win 2 gold medals and 1 bronze medal?
Sample speaking
In bodybuilding, the Vietnamese athletes won one gold medal and one bronze medal. In billiards, they won one gold medal and one silver medal
Talk about the Asian Games you know
The 14th Asian Games were held in Busan, Korea in 2002. There were 9,919 participants from 44 countries took part in it. There were 38 sports at the Games. The Vietnamese athletes made a great effort at the Games and they won 2 gold medals in bodybuilding and billiards, and two others in women’s karatedo.
Write a short paragraph about one of the Asian Games (about 50 words)
-do the task individually
- listen and take notes
- study the table and the example in the textbook
- work in pairs to do the task
- some couples present in front of the class
- work in groups to do the task
- the leader of each group reports
- take turn in the groups to speak about one of the Asian Games
- present in front of the class
- take notes
Period 76 
Date of preparation: 10/02/09
Date of teaching: 19/02/09
Unit 12: The Asian Games
Part C: Listening
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop their listening skill to ask and answer about the Asian Games report “program”
II. Skills: Listening and speaking
III. Teaching aids: textbook, CD, teacher’s book
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- ask Ss to do the task.
- ask Ss to work in pairs to look at the pictures on page 141 then ask and answer the questions given in their textbook
- introduce some new words
- ask Ss to read these words, make sure they understand them well
- ask Ss to read sentences in task 1 quickly.
- play the CD for the first time 
- check if the Ss can answer.
- play the CD for the second time and one more if necessary for Ss to hear the information.
- call some Ss to express their ideas.
- comment and give correct answers.
- ask Ss to do the task individually: listen to the CD again to answer the questions then compare the answers with a friend.
- ask Ss to ask and 
 answers the questions in pairs
- give correct answers.
- have Ss work in groups
- ask the representative of each group write the answers on board.
- give correct answers
- assign homework
Warm up
- Name some gymnastics you know or see.
- What do you call a person who displays in gymnastics?
-gymnastics: marathon, weightlifting, swimming, pole/vaulting, javelin, jumping
- we call him/her a gymnast
I. Look at the pictures and answer the questions
Gymnastics, long jump, high jump, swimming
II. Vocabulary
1. coming live truyền trực tiếp
2. land tiếp đất
3. freestyle bơi tự do
4. bar thanh xà
5. gymnasium phòng tập thể dục
6. gymnast vận động viên thể dục
Task 1: choose the best option
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. D
Task 2: 
1. It was at 10.15 p.m.
2. They have won six gold medals
3. He has competed in the long jump 2 times
4. High jump was the last sport event mentioned in the report
5. He was very disappointed
Fill in each blank with suitable words 
 The program was on at (1)... It was “The Asian Games Report”. The most important event was the women’s 200-metre (2) . The Japanese, Yuko got the gold medal. She made a new world record time of (3) .. By the third day, the Japanese athletes had won (4)  gold medals. In the Gymnasium, Lily, the Chinese gymnast won the gold medal with an average of (5) . points. Lee Bong-ju, a Korean athlete, won the gold medal in the (6) .. event at the distance of 8.9 m. The last event mentioned was (7) . Vichai from Thailand still failed at his third attempt. He felt very (8) . as he couldn’t do what he himself had wished. 
Suggested answers
1. 10.15
2. freestyle
3. 1 minute 58 seconds.
4. 6 
5. 9.5 
6. long jump
7. high jump
8. disappointed
Rewrite the content of the listening passage
- do the task 
- speak out the gymnastics they know
- look at the pictures and ask and answer the questions given
- take notes.
- repeat in chorus and individually
- read sentences in task 1 quickly.
- listen carefully.
- listen again.
- express their ideas.
- listen to the CD again to find the answers then check with a partner
- some couples ask and answer in front of the class
- work in groups 
- the leader of each group write the answers on board
- take notes
28th week 
Self selected lesson No 6
Relative clauses 
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to do correctly exercises, using grammar they have 
 learned in unit 11
II. Skills: Writing
III. Teaching aids: handout
IV. Procedure:
I. Complete the sentences with –ing, -ed, being+ -ed or to-infinitive form of these verbs
Build drive educate elect flow travel introduce need print say tell of give write win appear
1. The man..the bus is my brother.
2. I went to a reunion for studentsin physics department during the 1980s
3. As my aunt told me what she thought, I felt like a schoolboyby his headmaster.
4. There is a sign on the gate”Entry forbidden”
5. Emma Thompson is the most famous actress.on stage here.
6. Across the river were some of the deerinto the park in the 19th century.
7. Rivers..into Baltic sea are much cleaner now than 10 years ago.
8. New Zealand was the first country.women the vote.
9. The we speak will be on sale later this afternoon
10. Anyonefurther information can see me in my office
11. The guests on our show is the youngest golferthe Open
12. Mary O’Brien, the the council only last week, has resigned
13. We live in a 1906
14. Any passengersto Cambridge should sit in the first two carriages of the train
15. Melanie was the only persona letter of thanks
II. Replace the relative clauses by an infinitive or infinitive phrase
1. He was the first man who left the burning building
2. The child is lonely. He would be happier if he had someone that he could play with
3. Here are some accounts that you must check
4. My brother is the only one who realized the danger
5. The Queen Elizabeth is the largest ship which has been built on the Clyde
6. We had a river in which we could swim
7. The fifth man who was interviewed was entirely unsuitable
8. She is the only woman who was appointed to the board
9. Have you bought a book that Kevin can read?
10. I wish we had a garden that my children could play in
being told off
to appear
to give
being printed
to win
to write
1. He was the first man to leave the burning .
2. The child is lonely. He would be happier if he had someone to play with
3. Here are some accounts for you to check
4. My brother is the only one to realize
5. the Queen Elizabeth is the largest ship to be built on the Clyde
6. We had a river to swim in
7. The fifth man to be interviewed was
8. She is the only woman to be appointed to the board
9. Have you bought a book for Kevin to read?
10. I wish we had a garden for my children to play in
Period 77 
Date of preparation: 19/02/09
Date of teaching: 22/02/09
Unit 12: The Asian Games
Part d: Writing
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
 - describe the preparation for the coming Asian Games	
II. Skills: Writing and speaking
III. Teaching aids: textbook, handouts
IV. Procedure 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- ask Ss some questions.
- ask some questions.
- have Ss work in pairs to ask and answer
- call some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class.
- comment and give correct answers
- get Ss write their paragraph individually in 15’
- go around and offer help
- ask Ss to work in pairs to exchange their work and give corrective feedback to each other
- pick one or two works to correct with the class
- assign home work
Warm up
1. Do you think that Vietnam will become a host country of the Asian Games in the near future?
2. As a host country of the Asian Games, what should we prepare?
1. Yes, we hope so
2. We should do many things to prepare for it such as: build more stadiums, hotels, improve roads
Answers questions
1. What will we do if Vietnam is going to hold the Asian Games?
2. Why will we have to upgrade the National Sports Centres and stadiums?
3. What about the training areas and the roads?
4. What will we have to equip the hotels and guest houses with?
5. What form of mass media will be used to advertise all the preparations for the games?
6. Who will you recruit to serve the games?
7. What competition will we hold?
Suggested answers
1. We’ll have to build one more National stadium and some sports buildings and car parks.
2. Because they are not in good condition.
3. W e will widen the training areas, the roads and the sports building.
4. We will have to equip all the hotels and guest houses with modern facilities to welcome foreign athletes and visitors.
5. The radio and television will be used for advertising.
6. We should recruit university teachers and students with good English
7. We should hold a competition to choose an official song for the coming Asian Games.
Sample writing
To prepare for the Asian Games, we have a lot of things to do. First of all, we will build one more National Stadium because at the moment we have only one. Next we will upgrade the existing stadiums and sports centres so that they meet the international standard. At present they are too small and many of them are rundown. We will widen and equip training areas because they do not have enough facilities and are not large enough to accommodate a huge number of participants. We will also need to improve the roads leading to stadiums and sports centers where the games are going to take place. We will upgrade and build more hotels and guest houses because most of our hotels and guest houses at the moment do not meet the international standards. Besides, we need a lot of English-speaking staff, so we will train and recruit volunteers from and young people who speak English well. We will also advertise our preparation work on TV to call for sponsor. Finally, we will need to have an official song for the event, so we might want to hold a competition to choose the best song. If we do all the things above well, the Asian Games held in our country will be successful.
Redo all the tasks
- answer the questions
- work in pairs
- some pairs ask and answer in front of the class
- work individually to write paragraph
- work in pairs to exchange writing and give corrective feedback to each other
- take notes
Period 78 
Date of preparation: 20/02/09
Date of teaching: 23/02/09
Unit 12: The Asian Games
Part e: language focus
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
 - distinguish the sounds [str], [skr] and [skw] and pronounce the words and sentences containing
 these sounds correctly.
 - master the use of relative clauses and equivalent types of clauses without relative pronouns
II. Skills: Writing and speaking
III. Teaching aids: textbook, real things or pictures
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- use real things or pictures to introduce the three sounds
- model the three sounds for a few times and explain the differences in producing them.
- read the words in each column all at once.
- read the words again and ask Ss to repeat.
- ask Ss to practise pronouncing the words in pairs.
- read the sentences and ask Ss to underline the words with the sounds [str], [skr], [skw]
- ask Ss to practise the sentences in pairs.
- give some examples
 and ask Ss to find out the rules
- explain if Ss can not
- ask Ss to work in 2 groups
- check with the whole class and give correct answers
- have Ss play the game ”lucky star”
- check with the whole class and give correct answers
- have Ss work in groups
- go around the class to help
- check with the whole class
- give correct answers
- assign homework
Warm up
Pictures of strawberry, ice-cream, square
1. Pronounce the three sounds separately
[str], [skr], [skw]
2. Pronouncing the words containing the sounds
3. Practising the sentences containing the target sounds.
I. Presentation
1. Examples
- The man whom you met yesterday is my father
- The man you met yesterday is my father
- The book which I bought yesterday is good
- The book I bought yesterday id good
2. Notes: we can omit the object pronouns in spoken English in defining relative clauses
II. Practice
 Exercise 1
1. Have you found the bike you lost?
2. Most of the classmates he invited to the birthday party couldn’t come.
3. The short stories John told were very funny.
4. The dictionary I bought yesterday is expensive, but very interesting.
5. I didn’t like the man we met this morning
6. The beef we had for lunch was really delicious.
Exercise 2
1I work with
2we went to.
3. ..we’re living..
4they were talking about
5he applied for
6I slept in..
 Exercise 3
The sentences in which the relative pronouns can be omitted are
1. The girl who are we going to see is from Britain 
3. What was the name of the man who you met yesterday?
5. Do you know the girl who he is talking to?
6. This is the novel that I’ve been expecting
Redo all the exercises in the textbook and workbook
- do the task.
- listen carefully.
- listen carefully
- listen and repeat.
- practise pronouncing the words in pairs.
- some Ss pronounce the words
- practise the sentences in pairs.
- some Ss read the sentences
- listen and take notes
- work in groups, which group has more correct answers in the shortest of time will win
- play the game “lucky star”
- work in groups
- take notes

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