Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 7 - Unit 2: Personal experience

Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 7 - Unit 2: Personal experience

Teaching item : READING



* To provide students with some vocabulary so that they express their personal experience

* To help students revise the simple past tense


* To express their personal experience


 * To advise students to do things now well so that they can be proud of them later

 1/ Languages :

* Vocabulary : + make a fuss about sth (v.phr) + sneaky (a)

 + glance (v) + idol (n)

 + embarrass (v) + experience (n)

 + imagine (v) + a wad of dollar

* Structures: The simple sentence with the simple past tense

 + My most embarrassing experience happened a few years ago.

 + I was in grade 9 .

2/ Skill : Scanning & Skimming

3/ Education factor :

 + To educate in students sincerity, carefulness


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Period : 07	
Date of preparation : 	
Date of teaching : 
Teaching item : READING
* To provide students with some vocabulary so that they express their personal experience 
* To help students revise the simple past tense
* To express their personal experience
 * To advise students to do things now well so that they can be proud of them later
	1/ Languages : 
* Vocabulary : 	+ make a fuss about sth (v.phr) 	+ sneaky (a) 
 	+ glance (v) 	+ idol (n)
 	 	+ embarrass (v)	+ experience (n)
	 	 + imagine (v)	+ a wad of dollar
* Structures: The simple sentence with the simple past tense
	+ My most embarrassing experience happened a few years ago.
	+ I was in grade 9 .
2/ Skill : Scanning & Skimming
3/ Education factor : 
	+ To educate in students sincerity, carefulness
 1/ Method : Communicative approach .
 2/ Techniques : Eliciting , Questioning , Giving situation , Explanation , Translation, Definition , Game : Crossword, and Using pictures , Dicussion
 3/ Materials needed : Lesson plan , Textbook , Colour chalk , Handout , Pictures 
 4/ Students' preparation :
 	* Read the guiding books and grammatical books before going to school .
	* Prepare new words for the reading and the keys for task1,2 ,3 and exercise in the part of After you Read
 1. Stablization : (1 minute)
 * Greeting the students and asking them something about the attendance , their health, the weather and preparation.
2. Checking up the previous knowledge: (5 ms)
	+ Answer the following questions:
Tell me some qualities for true friendship you know.
Tell me some adjectives that are used to describe personalities
+ Choose the correct answer (worksheet)
A. January	B. dangerous	C. village	D. game
There is a lot of thing .
A. do 	B. did	C. to do	D. doing
They made her .there for the weekend.
A. make	B. to made	C. making	D. to make
The suggested answers:
+ Answer the following questions:
Some qualities for true friendship are unselfishness , constancy , trust , sympathy , loyalty
Some adjectives that are used to describe personalities are caring , hospitable , helpful , understanding , modest , honest , sincere , generous , pleasant.
+ Choose the correct answer
1. D	2C	3A
 3. Presentation of the new materials . 
1. Warmer:
Game : Crossword
* Giving out a crossword which has 10 horizontal lines and one vertical line . The word in the vertical line is made up of 10 letters from 10 horizontal lines.
Ä Each correct word in the horizontal line gets 10 points and the one in the vertical line gets 40 points
The student who first finds the key word will win the game
* Giving information / definition of the words in the horizontal line.
(See Appendix)
F Key word is EXPERIENCE
Lead in :
* Asking the sts some questions
1. What’s “experience” ?
2. Have you ever been in an embarrassing situation ?
3. What did you do then ?
* Emphasizing on the students’ answers and introducing the lesson
* Listening to the teacher instruct how to play the game
* Listening to the teacher give information / definition of the words in the horizontal line.
* Answering the questions 
1. An event or activity that affects you in some way.
2. Yes/ No
3. I ..
* Writing the title of the lesson
Period 07 : READING
2. Pre reading:
Activity 1:
Describe the pictures
* Asking the sts to look at the pictures and guess what is happening in each of them in pairs
* Looking at the pictures and guessing what is happening in each of them in pairs
A. Before you read:
1. Describe the pictures
Activity 2:
Pre-teaching vocabulary:
* Introducing the sts to some new words
New words:
1. make a fuss about sth (definition) : become angry or excited about something and complain (laøm aàm yõ, la om soøm)
2. sneaky (a) ['sni:ki] : vụng trộm, lén lút, giấu giếm, thầm lén
+ How do you say “vuïng troäm, leùn luùt” in English ?
3. glance (v) [glɑ:ns] : at sth / sb (miming)
+ Do you action of glance and ask the sts : “What am I doing ?”
4. idol (n) ['aidl] : (situation) 
+ Do you know Hoang Hai ? He’s a very famous singer from Hanoi. He’s now becoming the .of teenagers.
* Asking the sts to read the words above in chorus after the teacher
* Calling on some sts to read again
* Writing the new words
* Reading the words above in chorus after the teacher
* Some sts to read again
2. New words:
1. make a fuss about sth : become angry or excited about something and complain (laøm aàm yõ, la om soøm)
2. sneaky (a) ['sni:ki] : vụng trộm, lén lút, giấu giếm, thầm lén
3. glance (v) [glɑ:ns] : at sth / sb
4. idol (n) ['aidl] :
Activity 3 : Task 1: (Page 24)
Checking vocabulary
* Giving the sts extra board and asking them to work in pairs, completing the sentences, using the words just learnt.
1. The girl was so shy that she didn’t look at him in the face. She just .at him and looked away.
2. She complains noisily about anything she doesn’t like. She is the type of person who is always 
3. She was in a very situation. She felt so stupid and didn’t know what to say.
4. Teenagers nowadays often have their own ..who they really love and intimate in different ways.
5. I don’t like the look of that man. There is something .about him.
* Checking with the class
Ä Expected answers:
1. glanced 2. making a fuss
3. embarrassing 4. idols 
5. sneaky
* Looking at the extra board, work in pairs to find out the necessary words to complete the sentences
Feedback :
1. glanced
2. making a fuss
3. embarrassing
4. idols
5. sneaky 
3 . Completing the following sentences
1. The girl was so shy that she didn’t look at him in the face. She just .at him and looked away.
2. She complains noisily about anything she doesn’t like. She is the type of person who is always 
3. She was in a very situation. She felt so stupid and didn’t know what to say.
4. Teenagers nowadays often have their own ..who they really love and intimate in different ways.
5 . I don’t like the look of that man. There is something .about him.
3. While reading:
Activity 1: Task 2: (Page 24)
Put the pictures of the events in the correct order of the story.
* Asking the sts to work in pairs to put the pictures of the events in the correct order of the story 
* Going around the class to provide help if necessary.
* Having the sts compare their answers with a friend.
* Calling on some students to explain their answers in front of the class.
The suggested answers:
1) pic. d 2) pic. b 3) pic. f
4) pic. e 5) pic. a 6) pic. c
* Working in pairs to put the pictures of the events in the correct order of the story 
* Comparing their answers with a friend.
* Some students explain their answers in front of the class.
B. While you read :
Task 2: (Page 24)
Put the pictures of the events in the correct order of the story.
The answer keys:
1) pic. D 2) pic. B
3) pic. F 4) pic. E 5) pic. A 6) pic. C
Activity 2: Task 3 : (Page 24)
Questions & Answers
* Asking the students to work in pairs : Read the passage again and answer the questions 
* Telling the students to underline the information that support the answers.
* Having the students compare their answers with a friend.
* Calling on some students to explain their answers in front of the class.
The suggested answers:
1.The girl wished to have a red hat when she was in grade 9.
2. Because her father knew her biggest dream.
3. She saw a wad of dollar notes exactly like the ones her father had given her.
4. Because she was sure that the boy was a thief. He had stolen her money.
5. She brought the pretty hat of her dream.
* Working in pairs : Read the passage again and answer the questions 
* Underlining the information that support the answers.
* Comparing their answers with a friend.
* Some students explain their answers in front of the class.
Task 3: (Page 24)
Answer the questions
The answer keys:
1.The girl wished to have a red hat when she was in grade 9.
2. Because her father knew her biggest dream.
3. She saw a wad of dollar notes exactly like the ones her father had given her.
4. Because she was sure that the boy was a thief. He had stolen her money.
5. She brought the pretty hat of her dream.
4. Post reading:
* Asking the students to discuss in groups.
“What do you think the girl had to do after she discovered that the money she had taken from the boy’s bag was not hers ?”
* Going around the class to provide help if necessary.
* Working in groups and discuss the question
* Sharing their ideas in groups . One secretary from each group takes notes the group’s ideas. 
* Then a representative of each group reports their group’s ideas in front of the class.
C. After you read:
Discuss the question:
“What do you think the girl had to do after she discovered that the money she had taken from the boy’s bag was not hers?”
* Asking the students to write down the homework
+ Prepare SPEAKING
+ Learn the new words from the reading by heart.
* Writing down the homework
+ Prepare SPEAKING
+ Learn the new words from the reading by heart.
The children ..playing football in the street.
They can go somewhere in the city by ..
He always helps people, so he is very .
He is very good, but he doesn’t talk much in front of people, so he is very 
He always cares the other , so he is very ..
He is neither short nor medium , so he is ..
She is very beautiful. She has black ..
When he has something to eat , he always gives to the other. So he is very .
Her hair is not white. Her hair is ..
I have got a close . He is Nam living in Qui Nhon.
Nội dung đñề thi số : 001
1). Choïn töø coù caùch phaùt aâm khaùc so vôùi caùc töø coøn laïi:
	a). Child	b). Which	c). School	d). Church
2). Choïn töø coù caùch phaùt aâm khaùc so vôùi caùc töø coøn laïi:
	a). January	b). Dangerous	c). Game	d). Village
3). Mary agree questions.
	a). Answer	b). Answering	c). Answered	d). To answer
4). The boy saw the cat ......through the window.
	a). Jump	b). To jump	c). To jumping	d). Jumped
5). We have homework .........tonight.
	a). Do	b). To do	c). Did	d). To be done
6). She decided as soon as possible.
	a). Leaving	b). To leave	c). Leave	d). Left
7). It is too cold ..........out tonight.
	a). Going	b). To go	c). Go	d). Went
8). They allowed him ........write his wife a letter.
	a). Writing	b). Wrote	c). To write	d). Write
9). I heard them the next room
	a). Talked	b). To talk	c). Talk	d). To be talking
10). They made her for the weekend.
	a). Stayed	b). To stay	c). Staying	d). Stay
Nội dung đñề thi số : 002
1). They made her for the weekend.
	a). Staying	b). To stay	c). Stay	d). Stayed
2). We have homework .........tonight.
	a). Do	b). To do	c). Did	d). To be done
3). Choïn töø coù caùch phaùt aâm khaùc so vôùi caùc töø coøn laïi:
	a). Child	b). School	c). Church	d). Which
4). They allowed him ........write his wife a letter.
	a). To write	b). Writing	c). Wrote	d). Write
5). It is too cold ..........out tonight.
	a). Going	b). To go	c). Go	d). Went
6). Choïn töø coù caùch phaùt aâm khaùc so vôùi caùc töø coøn laïi:
	a). January	b). Game	c). Dangerous	d). Village
7). Mary agree questions.
	a). Answered	b). Answering	c). To answer	d). Answer
8). She decided as soon as possible.
	a). Leave	b). To leave	c). Leaving	d). Left
9). The boy saw the cat ......through the window.
	a). Jump	b). To jump	c). To jumping	d). Jumped
10). I heard them the next room
	a). Talked	b). To talk	c). Talk	d). To be talking
Nội dung đề thi số : 003
1). Choïn töø coù caùch phaùt aâm khaùc so vôùi caùc töø coøn laïi:
	a). January	b). Game	c). Dangerous	d). Village
2). They made her for the weekend.
	a). To stay	b). Stay	c). Staying	d). Stayed
3). The boy saw the cat ......through the window.
	a). To jump	b). Jump	c). To jumping	d). Jumped
4). It is too cold ..........out tonight.
	a). Going	b). To go	c). Go	d). Went
5). They allowed him ........write his wife a letter.
	a). Writing	b). Write	c). Wrote	d). To write
6). Choïn töø coù caùch phaùt aâm khaùc so vôùi caùc töø coøn laïi:
	a). Child	b). Which	c). School	d). Church
7). I heard them the next room
	a). To be talking	b). To talk	c). Talked	d). Talk
8). Mary agree questions.
	a). To answer	b). Answering	c). Answered	d). Answer
9). She decided as soon as possible.
	a). Leave	b). To leave	c). Leaving	d). Left
10). We have homework .........tonight.
	a). Do	b). To do	c). Did	d). To be done
Nội dung đề thi số : 004
1). The boy saw the cat ......through the window.
	a). To jump	b). Jump	c). To jumping	d). Jumped
2). They allowed him ........write his wife a letter.
	a). Writing	b). Wrote	c). To write	d). Write
3). It is too cold ..........out tonight.
	a). Go	b). To go	c). Went	d). Going
4). Choïn töø coù caùch phaùt aâm khaùc so vôùi caùc töø coøn laïi:
	a). January	b). Dangerous	c). Game	d). Village
5). Mary agree questions.
	a). Answered	b). Answering	c). To answer	d). Answer
6). I heard them the next room
	a). Talked	b). To talk	c). Talk	d). To be talking
7). They made her for the weekend.
	a). Staying	b). To stay	c). Stay	d). Stayed
8). She decided as soon as possible.
	a). Left	b). To leave	c). Leaving	d). Leave
9). We have homework .........tonight.
	a). Do	b). To do	c). Did	d). To be done
10). Choïn töø coù caùch phaùt aâm khaùc so vôùi caùc töø coøn laïi:
	a). School	b). Which	c). Church	d). Child

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  • docTiet 7 Reading.doc