Ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh khối 11 - Period 08 đến period 12

Ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh khối 11 - Period 08 đến period 12


• Language content : + To introduce Ss to the passage about personal experiences

 + To provide Ss with some new words relating to the topic

• Language function: + Reading the passage for gist and for specific information

• Educational aim : At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

 - to develop their reading comprehension

 - draw out their own experiences in their own life

1. Language:

a) Vocabulary: idol, glance, sneaky,

b) Grammar : no structure

2. Skills: Reading

3. Method: Communicative approach

4. Techniques/ activities: question- answer, gap-fill, discussion

5. Teaching aids needed: textbooks, board, chalk, pictures

6. Procedures:

• Stabilization: (1m)

a. Warm- up: + Greets the Ss

 + Has a short chat with the Ss

b. Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance

• Checking up previous lesson: (no checking)

• Presentation of the new material: (40ms)


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 Date of teaching: 
 Period : 08
Part: Reading
Language content : + To introduce Ss to the passage about personal experiences
 + To provide Ss with some new words relating to the topic
Language function: + Reading the passage for gist and for specific information
Educational aim : At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: 
 - to develop their reading comprehension
 - draw out their own experiences in their own life 
1. Language:
Vocabulary: idol, glance, sneaky, 
 Grammar : no structure
2. Skills: Reading
3. Method: Communicative approach
4. Techniques/ activities: question- answer, gap-fill, discussion
5. Teaching aids needed: textbooks, board, chalk, pictures 
6. Procedures:
 Stabilization: (1m)
Warm- up: + Greets the Ss
 + Has a short chat with the Ss 
b. Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance
Checking up previous lesson: (no checking)
Presentation of the new material: (40ms)
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
The content of the lesson
I. Lead-in
-asks Ss to play game” Hangman”
-gives instructions
-conducts the game
The key: Embarrassing
-makes a question” Have you ever been in an embarrassing situation?”
-gives feedback
-tells the aim of the lesson: An embarrassing situation
II. Before you read
-asks Ss to look at the pictures in their book and guess what is happening in each of them
-gives feedback
-tells the aim of the reading: the story about the most embarrassing experience of the girl
-introduces some new words:
New words: 
+ idol (n) (Example)
+ glance (v) + at (Mime)
+ sneaky (a) (Translation)
-> sneaky look
+ make a fuss ( Translation)
-checks understanding of the new words(by asking Ss to do task 1)
III. While you read
Task 2
-asks Ss to work in pairs, read the passage and put the pictures in the order of the story
-lets Ss do the task in 5 ms
-asks Ss to give their answers 
-gives feedback
The keys:
1.d 2. b 3. f 4. e 
 5. a 6. c
Task 1
-gives instructions
-lets Ss do the task in 3 ms
-asks Ss to give their answers
-gives feedback
The keys:
1. glanced 2. making a fuss 
 3. embarrassing 
4.idols 5. sneaky
Task 3
-asks Ss to reread the passage and answer the questions
-lets Ss do in 3 minutes
-calls some Ss to stand up and answer the questions
-gives feedback
IV. After you read
-divides Ss into 6 groups 
-asks Ss to discuss the question” What do you think the girl had to do after she discovered that the money she had taken from the boy’s bag was not hers?”
(asks Ss to write their ideas on a paper board)
-lets Ss do the task in 3 minutes
-selects some and sticks on the b/b 
-asks the other Ss to gives their comments
-gives feedback
-listen to the teacher’s instructions
-play the game
-listen and answer the teacher’s questions
-listen and answer
-listen to the teacher
-look at the pictures in their book and guess what is happening in each of the picture
-listen to the teacher 
-listen and guess the meaning of the new words
-copy down the new words in their note-books
-listen and answer
-work in pairs, read the passage and put the pictures in the order of the story
-do the task in the allotted time
-give their answers
-listen and answer
-copy down the answers in their note-books
-listen to the teacher’s instructions
-do the task in the allotted time
-give their answers
-listen and answer
-copy down the answers in their notebooks
-read the reading and answer
the questions
-do the task in the allotted time
-stand up and answer
-listen and answer
-work in groups and discuss the question
-do the task in the allotted time
-stand up and speak out
-listen and answer
Unit 2: 
Part: Reading
New words: 
+ idol (n) 
+ glance (v) + at 
+ sneaky (a) 
-> sneaky look
+ make a fuss 
Task 2
The keys:
2. b 
3. f 
4. e 
5. a 
 6. c
Task 1
The keys:
1. glanced 
2. making a fuss 
3. embarrassing 
4. idols 
5. sneaky
Task 3
Answer the questions:
Homework: (4ms)
Asks Ss to write in their notebooks: 
+ learn the lesson well.
+ write a short paragraph about one of the most experiences in your daily life 
Preparation for the next lesson: 
Asks Ss to prepare part: “Speaking”
Self –evaluation:
 Date of teaching: 
 Period : 09
Part: Speaking
Language content : + To introduce Ss to some useful structures used to talk about the past 
 + To enable Ss to use the past tenses to talk about the past experiences
Language function: + Talking about the past experiences
Educational aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
 + use the structures to talk about a past experiences and how it affect their life 
1. Language:
Vocabulary: old Vocabulary 
Grammar : Revise: + The present perfect
 + The past simple
 + Make + O + Adj / V bare inf
2. Skills: Speaking 
3. Method: Communicative approach
4. Techniques/activities: pair work, role-play, matching
5. Teaching aids needed: textbooks, board, chalk, pictures
6. Procedures:
 Stabilization: (1m)
Warm- up: + Greets the Ss
Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance
Checking up previous lesson: (5ms)
+ calls on one student to come to b/b 
write these words in E.L: + laøm oàn ( make a fuss)
 + boái roái, lung tuùng (embarrasing)
 + nhìn leùn (sneaky look)
Asks Ss some questions about the story
+ Gives feedback and marks
Presentation of the new material: (35ms) 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
The content of the lesson
I. Lead-in
-makes questions:
1.. Do you like listening to music? Why?
2. Do you like playing football? Why?
-gives feedback
-transforms the answers
1. Listening to music makes me relax
2. Playing football makes me healthier
II. Pre-practice
-sets situations: “These are the thing that you might have done or experienced and how they might have affected you”
Make + O + Adj / V bare inf
III. Controlled-practice
Task 1 
-gives instructions
-asks Ss to work in pairs and do task 1: Matching
-lets Ss do the task in 3 ms
-calls on some Ss to stand up and perform
-gives feedback
 The keys:
1.d 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. e
Task 2
-sets the situation( in the textbook)
-asks Ss to work in pairs and do the task
-lets Ss do in 5 minutes
-goes around to offer help
-asks Ss to give their answers
-gives feedback
 The key:
1.b 2.d 3.h 4.a 5.e 6.g 7.c 8.f 
-calls on some pairs to stand up and play the roles
-gives feedback
Task 3 
-asks Ss to underline the structures used to talk about past experience in the dialogue 2
-reminds Ss of using the past simple and the present perfect
-gives feedback
-provides Ss with some useful structures in “Useful structures”
 (T may ask some questions to get the answers that the Ss can follow)
-asks Ss to work in pairs and make similar dialogues 
-lets Ss to discuss in 8 minutes
-asks some pairs to perform 
-gives feedback
-listen and answer the teacher’s questions
-listen and answer
-look a the b/b and write down
-listen to the teacher
-listen and take notes in their notebook
-listen to the teacher’s instructions
-work in pairs 
-do the task in the allotted time
-stand up and perform
-listen and answer
-listen to the teacher
-work in pairs and do the task
-do the task in the allotted time
-give their answers
-listen and answer
-stand up and practice the conversation
-listen and answer
-listen to the teacher’s instructions
-listen and take notes
-listen and answer
-listen and take notes in their note books
-work in pairs and do the task
-do the task in the allotted time
-stand up ask and perform
-listen and answer
Unit 2: 
Part: Speaking
Task 1
The keys:
2. c 
3. a 
4. b 
5. e
Task 2
The key:
Task 3
1. Have you ever ?
2. How did it happen?
3. When did it happen?
4. How did the experience affect you?
Homework: (4ms)
Asks Ss to write in their notebooks:
+ learn the lesson well.
 + write a short paragraph about a past experience that has had an influence on you.
Preparation for the next lesson: 
Asks Ss to prepare part: “Listening” 
Self –evaluation:
 Date of teaching: 
 Period : 10
Part: Listening
Language content: + To encourage Ss to listen to a talk about an unforgettable experience
 + To help Ss practice listening 
Language function: Talking about an unforgettable experience – a fire
Educational aim: At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
 + Listen to a monologue for specific information
 + have chances to express their agreement or disagreement 
1. Language:	
 a) Vocabulary: memorable, embrace, terrified, 
 b) Grammar : no structures
2. Skills: Listening- Speaking 
3. Method: Communicative approach
4. Techniques/activities: group work, question-answer, T- F statement, discussion
5. Teaching aids needed: textbooks, board, chalk, tape
6. Procedures:
 Stabilization: (1m)
Warm- up: + Greets the Ss
b. Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance
Checking up previous lesson: (5ms)
 -Calls two Ss to stand up and play the roles, talk about their past experience
 -Gives feedback and marks
Presentation of the new material: (35ms)
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
The content of the lesson
I. Lead-in
- makes some questions
1.Have you ever seen a fire?
2. How would you feel if you were in a fire?
-gives feedback
-tells the aim of the lesson: Talking about a fire
II. Before you listen
-asks Ss to look at the picture in the textbook and answer the questions
1. What can you see in the picture?
2. Do you think what caused the fire?
3. Do you think what the girl learned from the fire?
-gives feedback
-lets Ss repeat the words
-introduces some new words 
+ memorable (a)
+ terrify (v)
-> terrified(a)
 + embrace(v) 
-sets the situation: “You are going to listen to Christina telling about her most unforgettable experience on an interview“
III. While you listen
Task 1
-asks Ss to read the statements in task 1 and underline the key words
-gives feedback
-plays the tape the first time
-asks Ss to give their answers (correct the false sentences)
-gives feedback
The key:
1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T 
Task 2
-asks Ss to read the summary and guess the missing words
-has Ss to listen to the tape and do the task
-asks Ss to give their answers
-plays the tape again 
-asks Ss to compare their answers with their partners
-asks Ss to give their answers
-gives feedback(T may play the tape to check their answers)
The key:
1. small 2. everything 
3. family 4. replaced 
5. took 6. appreciate
IV. After you listen
-makes some questions:
1. If you lost a thing ( eg: a T.V, a computer) in the fire, could you buy it again?
2. If you lost a family member ( your father, mother ), could you have her / him again?
3. So, Is family important than things?
-gives feedback
-asks Ss to work in groups and discuss whether they agree or disagree with Christine idea
-lets Ss do in 4 minutes
-calls some representative to stand up and perform
-gives feedback
-listen and answer the teacher’s questions
-listen and answer
-listen to the teacher
-look at the picture in the textbook , ask and answer the questions
-listen and answer
-repeat the words
listen and guess the meaning of the new words and take notes
-listen to the teacher
-read the statements in task 1 and underline the key words
-listen and answer 
-listen to the tape and do the task
-give their answers 
-listen and answer
-read the summary and guess the missing words 
-listen to the tape and do the task
-give their answers
-listen to the tape again
-share their answers with their partners
-give their answers
-listen and answer
-take notes in their note-books
-listen and answer the teacher’s questions
-listen and answer
-work in groups and discuss
-do the task in the allotted time
 -stand up and perform
-listen and answer
Unit 2: 
Part: Listening
New words: 
+ memorable (a)
+ terrify (v)
-> terrified(a)
 + embrace(v) 
Task 1
The keys:
1. T 
2. F (13 years ago) 
3. F ( in the kitchen)
4. F (was sleeping) 
5. T
Task 2
The keys:
1. small 
2. everything 
3. family 
4. replaced 
5. took 
6. appreciate
Homework: (4ms)
Asks Ss to write in their notebooks:
+ learn the lesson well.
 + write a short paragraph (100 words) expressing your idea about Christina‘s idea
Preparation for the next lesson: 
Asks Ss to prepare part: “Writing” 
Self –evaluation:

 Date of teaching: 
 Period : 11
Part: Writing
Language content: To provide Ss with practice writing a personal letter telling about a past 
Language function: Practicing writing a personal letter telling about a past experience
Educational aim : At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
 write a personal letter telling about a past experience 
1. Language: 
 a) Vocabulary: ( review) 
 b) Grammar : ( review) the past tenses
2. Skills: Writing
3. Method: Communicative approach
4. Techniques/activities: brainstorming, discussion
5. Teaching aids needed: textbooks, board, chalk, pare board 
6. Procedures:
 Stabilization: (1m)
Warm- up: + Greets the Ss
b. Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance
Checking up previous lesson:(no checking to save time for Ss to write) 
Presentation of the new material: (40ms)
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
The content of the lesson
I. Warm up
-shows out some pictures
+ A boy who is calling for help in the river
+ A boy who is being late for school
-makes questions:
1. Have you ever in such situations?
2. How the experience affected you?
-tells the aim of the lesson: Writing about a past experience
II. Pre-Writing 
-asks Ss to tell form of a letter
-gives feedback
+ The heading( Date)
+ The salutation ( Greeting)
+ The body
+ The closing ( your love, your son, )
+ The signature(Name of the writer)
-hangs the chart on the b/b
-asks Ss to read the story and answer the following questions
1. When it happened?
2. Where it happened?
3. How it happened?
4. Who was involved?
5. How it affected the writer?
-lets Ss do in 3 ms
-asks Ss to give their answers
-gives feedback
-calls on one good student to stand up and tell the class about his/ her past experience
III. While-writing
-ask Ss to work individually and write a personal letter about their past experience basing on the suggestions
-lets Ss do the task in 15 ms
-goes around to observe and offer help
IV. Post writing
-asks Ss to change their paperboards & check each other
-selects some to hang on the b/b 
-has Ss correct their friends’ mistakes on the b/b
-gives feedback
-look at the pictures and answer the teacher’s questions
- listen to the teacher
-listen and answer
-listen and answer
-look at the chart
- read the story and answer the questions
-do the task in the allotted time
-listen and answer
-stand up and tell the class about his/ her past experience
-listen to the teacher’s instructions
-do the task in the allotted time
-change their papers to check each other
-look at their friends’ work 
-correct their friends’ mistakes 
-listen and answer
Part: Writing
Writing about a personal letter about a past experience
+ The heading( Date)
+ The salutation ( Greeting)
+ The body
+ The closing ( your love, your son, )
+ The signature(Name of the writer)
Answer the following questions:
1. When it happened?
2. Where it happened?
3. How it happened?
4. Who was involved?
5. How it affected you?
Homework: (4ms)
Asks Ss to correct the mistakes and write in their note books
Preparation for the next lesson: 
Asks Ss to prepare par: “Language Focus” 
Self –evaluation:
 Date of teaching: 
 Period : 12
Part: Language Focus
At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
 + distinguish the sounds /m / , / n/ and / / and pronounce them exactly 
 + master the tenses and use them correctly
1. Vocabulary: the words the sounds /m / , / n/ and / / in: snow, wrong 
2. Structure: Revision: The present simple, the past simple, past progressive and past perfect
3. Procedures:
I. Warm- up (5ms)
-greets Ss
-has a short chat with Ss
II. Checking up Previous knowledge ( no checking because the lesson is long)
III. Content of the lesson (35ms)
Pronunciation (10ms)
-draws on the b/ a face with a nose, a mouth smiling
-writes down the words:
 mouth, nose, smiling
-introduce the three sounds: / m , / n/ , / /
-tells the aim of the lesson : practice the sounds / m , / n/ , / / in a single word and practise them in sentences 
-introduces some more in the text book
-has Ss listen and repeat the words
-calls some Ss to stand up and repeat
-helps Ss practice the dialogue containing the target sounds
-calls some pairs to stand up and practice
-gives feedback
Grammar (25ms)
Presentation and Exercises
I. A. Presentation 1 : The present simple indicating past time 
-asks Ss to give the correct form of the Verbs 
 1. The earth( move).. around the sun.
 2. She never (get).up late
-gives feedback 
-helps Ss revise the simple present tense
-tells the aim of the exercise 1: The present simple indicating past time
 B. Exercise 1:	
-gives instructions
-lets Ss do exercise 1 in 3 ms
-asks Ss to give their answers
- gives feedback
The keys:
1.invites 2. sets 
3. gets 4. waves 
5. promises 6. . 
II. A. Presentation 2 : The simple past or past progressive
-asks Ss to give the correct form of the Verbs 
 When I (go). to school yesterday, I ( meet). him
-gives feedback 
 “ was going / met”
-helps Ss revise the simple past 
-tells the aim of the exercise 2: The simple past or past progressive
-gives examples in the textbook
 B. Exercise 2:
-gives instructions
-lets Ss do exercise 1 in 3 ms
-asks Ss to give their answers
-gives feedback
The keys:
1. broke / was playing
2. wrote / was
3. .
II. A. Presentation 3 : The simple past or past perfect
-asks Ss to give the correct form of the Verbs 
 When I (come). back home last night, he ( go). to bed
-gives feedback 
 “ came / had gone”
-helps Ss revise the simple past tense
-tells the aim of the exercise 3: The past simple or past perfect
 B. Exercise 3:
-gives instructions
-lets Ss do exercise 3 in 3 ms
-asks Ss to give their answers
- gives feedback
The keys:
1. had eaten / arrived
2. found / had taken
3. got / had closed 4. .
IV. Home work (5ms)
-asks Ss to write in their note-books:
 + do all the exercises in the exercise note-book
 + give some more examples with the past simple or past progressive / past perfect 
-asks Ss to revise Unit 2 and to prepare “Unit 3- Reading“
V. Teacher’ s comments
Self –evaluation:

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