Lesson plan - Unit 15: Space conquest - Lesson: Language focus

Lesson plan - Unit 15: Space conquest - Lesson: Language focus


 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Distinguish and pronounce four sounds /nt/, /nd/, /n /, /ns/, /nz/.

- Use “could (not) and be (not) able to” as well as “tag questions” correctly and suitably.


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Trường: THPT Phạm Hùng 	GVHD: Cô Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Tâm	
Lớp: 11/2. Môn: Tiếng Anh	Họ và tên GSh: Nguyễn Duy Thanh
Tiết:	MSSV: 7086609
Ngày 27 tháng 3 năm 2012 
	By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Distinguish and pronounce four sounds /nt/, /nd/, /n /, /ns/, /nz/.
Use “could (not) and be (not) able to” as well as “tag questions” correctly and suitably.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
** Jumbled words
** Answer keys
- Showing a poster containing jumbled words
- Asking students to re-oder them in individuals in 2 minutes
- Asking students to express their answers
- Giving correction
- Asking students to read the words reordered
- Correcting and explaining how to pronounce them
- Working
- Giving their answers
- Taking notes
- Reading aloud
- Taking notes
** Practice:
- Running through these words
- Asking students to practice these sounds in pairs 3 minutes
Lead in:
- Do you know how to pronounce these sounds?
- We can conclude: we could pronounce these sounds 3 minutes ago or we were able to pronounce these sounds 3 minutes ago?
- Do you know differences between could and be able to?
- Now we move on section Grammar to find the differences
** Could or was/were able to
* Situation 1
When Peter was young, he could / was able to hear everything far away from him.
We use could for general ability to say that somebody could did something at any time in the past. Was able to is also possible 
* Situation 2
Peter didn’t go for a walk with us last night at first, but Mary was able to persuade him.
 Rules: We don’t normally use could to say that somebody did something in particilar situation. Instead, we use was/were able to 
Notes: However, we use
- Couldn’t to say that something didn’t happen in particular situation
- Could can refer to one occasion or particular situation with perceptive verbs: see, look, hear, taste, feel, smell
- Showing a poster containing examples
- Eliciting the target language:
 + Is this sentence about, class?
 + This sentence mentioned him in general or in details?
 + in the pass or at present?
 + Which words is used to mention that?
- Eliciting the target language:
 + Is this sentence about?
 + This sentence metioned her generally or particularly?
 + When is she metioned?
 + Which words is used to mention that?
- Peter
- general
- in the past
- could / was able to 
- Mary
- particularly
- in the past
- was able to
Exercise 1: Complete the sentences, using could/ couldn’t or was, were (not) able to
On page 176
Answer keys:
1. couldn’t/ was not able to
2. was able to
3. could/ was able to
4. was able to
5. could/ was able to
6. couldn’t/ was not able to
- Running through the task
- Doing one sentence as a model
- Asking students to work in individuals in 5 minutes
- Asking students to share theirs answers with their friends
- Asking students to express their answers
- Correcting exercise 1
- Taking notes
- Working
- Sharing
- Showing their answers
- Taking notes
Who can help me make one yes/ no question?
- Asking students to make a question
- Analizing the question:
 + Is it a verb?
 + What is it?
 + In question, Is a verb before subject?
- Today, I will introduce you another kind of questions. It,s tag question
** Situation 3
She has lovely blue eyes, doesn’t she?
** Tag question is a question added at the end of the statement.
** Rules:
 - Question tags are used after affirmative and negative sentences, but not after questions.
- we most often put negative tags after affirmative sentences, and non- negative tags after negative sentences. 
 - If the main sentence has an auxiliary verb, this is repeated in the question tag.
- If the main sentence has no auxiliary verb, the question tag has “do”
The tag questions for:
- “I am” is “aren’t I”?
- Imperative is “won’t you/ will you”?
- “Let’s” is “Shall we”?
- “There are” is “Aren’t there”?
- “There is” is “Isn’t there”?
- “Nothing/ everything is” is “Is it”?
- “Nobody/ no one is” is “Are they “? 
- Asking students to look at an example on the poster
- Eliciting the target language:
 + Where is the main verb in this sentence?
 + Is it normal or special verb?
 + When we make a question with a normal verb, can we need auxiliary verb?
 + Subject is “she”, we need do or does?
 + Is it “does She” class?
 + The part of sentence before comma is possitive, the part after comma is nagetive and vice versa
- Looking at example
- has
- normal
- need
- does
- yes
Exercise 2:
On page 176- 177
Answer keys:
1. It’s expensive, isn’t it?
2. The film was great, wasn’t it?
3. She has a lovely voice, doesn’t she?
4. It does not look very good, does it?
5. you have had your hair cut, haven’t you?
- Running through the task
- Doing one sentence as a model
- Asking students to work in individuals in 5 minutes
- Asking students to share theirs answers with their friends
- Asking students to express their answers
- Correcting exercise 2
- Taking notes
- Working
- Sharing
- Showing their answers
- Taking notes
Exercise 3: 
On page 177
Answer keys:
1. doesn’t she?
2. haven’t you?
3. wasn’t this?
4. didn’t we?
5. won’t we?
6. can’t you?
7. mustn’s that?
- Running through the task
- Doing one sentence as a model
- Asking students to work in individuals in 5 minutes
- Asking students to share theirs answers with their friends
- Asking students to express their answers
- Correcting exercise 3
- Taking notes
- Working
- Sharing
- Showing their answers
- Taking notes
- Reviewing the lesson
- Preparing the next lesson
Asking students to review the lesson and the next lesson
Taking notes
 Duyệt của GVHDCM	Long Hồ, ngày 26 tháng 3 năm 2012
	Người soạn
Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Tâm	 Nguyễn Duy Thanh

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