Lesson plan Unit 12: The asian games - Lesson: Language focus

Lesson plan Unit 12: The asian games - Lesson: Language focus


 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

o Distinguish the differences between the consonant clusters /str/, /skr/, /skw/.

o Pronounce the words containing these sounds correctly.

o Write the sentences with relative clauses with the omission of relative pronouns.


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Trường: THPT Phạm Hùng 	GVHD: Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Tâm	
Lớp: 11/2. Môn: Tiếng Anh	Họ và tên GSh: Nguyễn Duy Thanh
Tiết:	MSSV: 7086609
Ngày 6 tháng 3 năm 2012 
	By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Distinguish the differences between the consonant clusters /str/, /skr/, /skw/.
Pronounce the words containing these sounds correctly.
Write the sentences with relative clauses with the omission of relative pronouns.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
** Warm-up:
 Games: Kim’s Games
Street, strong, strange, scream, screen, screw, square, squeeze, squeak
- Showing the poster containing these words.
- Choosing two groups of 9 students to join this game.
- Telling the rules
- Asking students to play the game
- Listening to teacher’s instructions carefully.
 - Playing games.
 Consonant clusters /str/, /skr/, /skw/.
Street, strong, strange, scream, screen, screw, square, squeeze, squeak
– Asking Sts to look at their books
– Reading the sounds three times as a model
– Asking Sts to repeat the sounds
- Looking at the books.
- Listening to the sounds.
- Repeating
8’ Presen-tation
Activity 1
1. The boy who spoke to John is my brother.
Notes: relative pronouns are subjects of relative clauses, relative clauses can be replaced by a present participle/ past participle and an infinitive phrase.
2. I like the diamond ring which Mary is wearing.
_ I like the diamond ring Mary is wearing.
Notes: Relative pronouns are objects of relative clauses, we can omit them
- Showing a poster containing the sentence
- Eliciting students to revise relative clauses
 + Where is the relative clause in this sentence?
 + looking at “who”. What is it called?
 + Where is a verb in this sentence?
 + Is relative pronoun before or after verb?
 + Is it a subject or object of relative clauses?
 + Who can rewrite this sentence by using present participle phrases to replace relative clauses?
- Showing another sentence
- Eliciting students to revise relative clauses
 + Where is the relative clause in this sentence?
 + looking at “which”. What is it called?
 + Where is a verb in this sentence?
 + Where is the subject of relative clause?
 + Is relative pronoun a subject or object of relative clauses?
- Can we rewrite this sentence by using present participle phrases to replace relative clauses?
- Showing the sentence rewritten in correct ways.
- Asking students to look at the sentence and asking:
What is a relative pronoun? 
 - Is there any relative pronoun in this sentence? 
- who spoke to John
- relative pronoun
- spoke
- before
- subject
- The boy speaking to John is my brother.
- which Mary is wearing.
- relative pronoun
- is wearing
- Mary
- object
No. there isn’t
Activity 2: Decide whether relative pronouns can be omitted or not in the following sentences.
1. Are these the keys that you are looking for?
2. The girl who we are going to see is from Britain.
3. He works for a company that makes cars.
4. What was the name of the man who you met yesterday?
5. The table that was broken has now been repaired.
6. Do you know the girl who he is talking to?
7. This is the novel that I’ve been expecting.
Answer keys:
Omission: 1;2;4;6;7
- Asking students:
 + What will we do in this task?
- Asking students to look at number 1 and asking them:
 + Where is the relative clause? 
 + Is relative pronoun the subject or object of the relative clause?
 + Is relative pronoun here omitted?
- Checking students: What will you do?
- Asking students to work in individuals in 3 mins
- Asking students to share their answers with their partners in 1 min
- Correcting 
- Decide whether relative pronouns can be omitted or not in the following sentences.
- that you are looking for
- object
- yes
- Identifying which sentence can be omitted relative pronoun
- Working
- Correcting their mistake
 Activities 3 Rewrite the following sentences, using relative clauses without relative pronouns.
1. Have you found the bike? You lost it?
2. Most of the classmates couldn’t come. He invited them to the birthday party.
3. The short stories were very funny. John told them.
4. The dictionary is expensive but very interesting. I bought it yesterday.
5. I didn’t like the man. We met him this morning.
6. The beef was really delicious. We had it for lunch.
- Asking students: What will you do in this task?
- Asking students to look at number 1 and asking them:
 + How many clauses are there?
 + Who can combine them by using relative clauses?
 + Correcting
 + Asking students to look at the new sentence rewritten and asking them:
 Is relative pronoun here an object of relative clause?
 Can it be omitted?
- Checking students: what will we do?
- Asking students to work in pairs in 10 mins
- Asking students to write their answers on the board
- Correcting 
- Rewrite the following sentences, using relative clauses without relative pronouns
- 2
- Have you found the bike that you lost?
- object
- yes
- Rewrite the following sentences, using relative clauses without relative pronouns
- working
- correcting
Activities 3: Choose the best answer:
1. I enjoy my job because I like the people.. I work with.
 a. where b. when c. x
2. The dinner party  we went to wasn’t very enjoyable.
 a. where b. when c.x 
3. The house . we are living in is not in good condition.
 a. in which b. when c. x
4. I wasn’t interested in the things . they were talking about.
 a. in which b. when c. x
5. He didn’t get the job  he applied for.
 a. in which b. when c. x 
6. The bed . I slept in was very modern.
 a. in which b. when c. x 
Answer keys:
1. C 4. C
2. C 5. C
3. C 6. C
- Running through activity 3
- Doing one sentence as a model
- Asking students to work in individuals in 3 minutes
- Correcting
- Taking notes
- Doing exercises
- Taking notes
- Reviewing the lesson at home
- Preparing the next lesson uint 13 Hobbies, part A
- Asking students to review the lesson and prepare the next lesson
- Taking notes
Duyệt của GVHDCM	Long Hồ, ngày 01 tháng 3 năm 2012
	Người soạn
Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Tâm	 Nguyễn Duy Thanh

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  • docunit 12 language focus 143.doc