English test 10 tài liệu ôn thi đại học, tiếng Anh – Khối D

English test 10 tài liệu ôn thi đại học, tiếng Anh – Khối D

I. Ngữ âm

Chọn một từ có trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với ba từ còn lại trong mỗi câu.

1. A. happen B. local C. expect D. wander

2. A. correspond B. separate C. conclusive D. appliance

3. A. innovation B. efficiency C. misunderstand D. identified

4. A. evidence B. disappear C. fluency D. tropical

5. A. symbol B. purpose C. nuclear D. exchange

6. A. overweight B. convenient C. resistant D. allowance

7. A. criminal B. accurate C. diseases D. resolute

8. A. resources B. televise C. descendant D. possession

9. A. survival B. scholarship C. mechanic D. imagine

10. A. majority B. discovery C. benefactor D. machinery

Chọn từ có phần gạch dưới được phát âm khác các từ còn lại.

1. A. leaning B. reason C. feature D. pheasant

2. A. full B. skull C. pull D. bull

3. A. myth B. theme C. thick D. cloths

4. A. publish B. stub C. climb D. bulb

5. A. insecticide B. recount C. campus D. applicant

6. A. mountain B. pronounce C. county D. poultry

7. A. deceive B. perceive C. ceiling D. leisure

8. A. colonise B. special C. oversleep D. aspects

9. A. won B. common C. conceited D. terror

10. A. unfortunate B. nun C. unanimous D. unlace


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Tài liệu ôn thi đại học, tiếng Anh – Khối D 
§ç Hång TuyÕn
I. Ngữ âm
ŒChọn một từ có trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với ba từ còn lại trong mỗi câu.
1. A. happen
B. local
C. expect
D. wander
2. A. correspond
B. separate
C. conclusive
D. appliance
3. A. innovation
B. efficiency
C. misunderstand
D. identified
4. A. evidence
B. disappear
C. fluency
D. tropical
5. A. symbol
B. purpose
C. nuclear
D. exchange
6. A. overweight
B. convenient
C. resistant
D. allowance
7. A. criminal
B. accurate
C. diseases
D. resolute
8. A. resources
B. televise
C. descendant
D. possession
9. A. survival
B. scholarship
C. mechanic
D. imagine
10. A. majority
B. discovery
C. benefactor
D. machinery
Chọn từ có phần gạch dưới được phát âm khác các từ còn lại.
1. A. leaning
B. reason
C. feature
D. pheasant
2. A. full
B. skull
C. pull
D. bull
3. A. myth
B. theme
C. thick
D. cloths
4. A. publish
B. stub
C. climb
D. bulb
5. A. insecticide
B. recount
C. campus
D. applicant
6. A. mountain
B. pronounce
C. county
D. poultry
7. A. deceive
B. perceive
C. ceiling
D. leisure
8. A. colonise
B. special
C. oversleep
D. aspects
9. A. won
B. common
C. conceited
D. terror
10. A. unfortunate
B. nun
C. unanimous
D. unlace
II. Ngữ pháp và từ vựng
Chọn phương án đúng (A/B/C/D) để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau.
1. The hall was very crowded with over fifty people ___ into it. (pushed/packed/stuck/stuffed)
2. The teachers at the school ___ with flu one after the other. (went down/went off/went out/went under)
3. To promote him so quickly you must have a very high ___ of his ability. (view/opinion/idea/feeling)
4. He was born during the war, which would ___ him about 50 now. (give/make/age/calculate)
5. The noise got ___ as the car disappeared into the distance. (smaller/fainter/weaker/slighter)
6. I had to be up early the next morning, so I ___ myself and left the party. (refused/thanked/excused/apologised)
7. The ___ part of the week is always busy for me. (front/start/early/near)
8. When you come tomorrow, why not ___ your brother with you? (fetch/take/bring/carry)
9. We had to drive carefully because the road was icy in several ___. (blocks/places/pieces/bits)
10. The hotel receptionist said she would ___ what she could do about the dripping tap immediately. (find/try/see/look)
11. He ___ very quickly after a long illness. (covered/uncovered/discovered/recovered)
12. As his car had broken down, she gave him a ___ to work. (drive/carry/lift/passage)
13. It didn’t take the inspector ___ to solve the murder. (time/much/lot/long)
14. His face has rather a sad ___. (aspect/look/visage/light)
15. As it was so hot in the office he ___ his tie. (tightened/let out/slackened/left)
16. He looked such a fool with his hair dyed green that I just ___ laughing at him. (couldn’t help/can’t help/ couldn’t enjoy /didn’t stop)
17. He found your remarks offensive. You really ___ to him like that. (couldn’t speak/couldn’t have spoken/can’t have spoken/oughtn’t to have spoken)
18. How on earth ___ lied to your best friends? (should you have/must you have/could you have/needn’t you have)
19. Descriptive analysis of language merely reflects ___ used without concern for the social prestige of these structures. (it how grammar structures and vocabulary is/ how are grammar structures and vocabulary/ how grammar structures and vocabulary are/ it is how grammar structures and vocabulary are)
20. Originally, the first European colleges consisted of groups of individuals ___ joined their efforts to study sciences, medicine, and law. (who lived together and/ whose life together and/ and who lived together/ whose living together and)
‚Hoàn thành mỗi câu sau với dạng thích hợp của từ trong ngoặc.
1. We had the phone _______________________ because we are moving tomorrow. (CONNECT)
2. Mr. Thomson is a _______________________ person. If he says he will do something, you know that he will. (DEPEND)
3. _______________________, there are black holes in space. (THEORY)
4. After her illness, she started worrying that she was _______________________. (WEIGHT)
5. It is very rude to interrupt someone in _______________________. (SENTENCE)
6. This matter is very _______________________. Don’t discuss it outside the office. (CONFIDENCE)
7. Clive was _______________________ when he did the test badly. (HOPE)
8. Dolly enjoyed the book very much, because it was so _______________________. (READ)
9. The water in this area is _______________________ and should not be drunk. (PURE)
10. Miss White’s boss accused her of being over _______________________. (AMBITION)
III. Kỹ năng
1/ Kỹ năng đọc
Đọc kỹ đoạn văn và chọn phương án đúng (A/B/C/D) cho mỗi chỗ trống.
Seasonal advice
If you are about to graduate from school or college this summer and feel (0)__in__ need of a little advice about what’s important (1)___ life, you could do a lot worse than consider the words of (2)___ that were read out on my last day at school.
Do not expect to understand the value of your youth until it has (3)___. But you can be sure that thirty years from now you’ll (4)___ back on life and (5)___ just how good things were. 
Try not to worry (6)___ the future – or at least be aware that worrying never really helps to (7)___ anything. Real troubles will always sneak up and (8)___ you by surprise. But remember it doesn’t do any harm to do something that (9)___ you every so often.
Do not lie and cheat – especially in love – and do not (10)___ up with people who deceive you. Do not let opportunities pass you by, as the time to do things simply runs (11)___. Today is almost certainly more important than tomorrow.
It helps to be kind (12)___ neighbors and colleagues – it’s nice to know they’ll (13)___ you when you’re not around. Friends come and go, but there are a precious (14)___ that you should try and (15)___ on to. Without quality friends, quality time is harder to come by.
0. A. on
B. in
C. to
D. so
1. A. at
B. with
C. in
D. of
2. A. knowledge
B. learning
C. opinion
D. wisdom
3. A. gone
B. been
C. lasted
D. spent
4. A. come
B. look
C. think
D. go
5. A. remind
B. rethink
C. recall
D. reappear
6. A. for
B. at
C. about
D. on
7. A. triumph
B. succeed
C. solve
D. deal
8. A. get
B. happen
C. appear
D. take
9. A. dislikes
B. scares
C. fears
D. minds
10. A. look
B. come
C. put
D. bring
11. A. out
B. down
C. off
D. over
12. A. about
B. to
C. for
D. in
13. A. remark
B. care
C. wish
D. miss
14. A. some
B. little
C. several
D. few
15. A. take
B. hold
C. stay
D. stick
‚Đọc kỹ đoạn văn và chọn phương án đúng (A/B/C/D) cho mỗi câu.
Robbie Williams and His School Day Story
On my first day at school I saw all these kids crying as they said goodbye to their mums, but I was more concerned with playing with the boys. I told my Mum to go home; she was more upset than I was!
After Millhill Primary School I went on to St Margaret Ward which was the local High School. I was there until sixteen and graduated with eight or nine GCSEs. I was a good boy at school because I never got caught. I did the normal things that you would expect from a fourteen-year-old boy. I didn’t smoke but I went to smokers’ corners. And you were not allowed to wear sport shoes, so I’d always put them on. I always used to be the one that would make the class laugh. Then as soon as the teacher turned round, I’d sit straight and the rest of the class would be laughing and the teacher would tell them off.
1. On his first day at school, Robbie ___.
A. cried a lot	B. wanted to go home 	
C. was more upset than his mother	D. was fond of playing with other boys
2. Robbie studied at his high school until he was ___.
A. sixteen	B. eight	C. nine	D. fourteen
3. According to the text, at high school Robbie did NOT ___.
A. always wear sport shoes	B. smoke
C. go to the place where others smoked	D. often make the class laugh
4. The phrase “tell them off” in the last line in the text probably means that the teacher ___.
A. enjoyed the class environment	B. laughed with the students
C. spoke angrily to the students 	D. told the students to continue studying
5. According to the text, Robbie was ___.
A. the class clown	B. the best student in class	
C. bottom of the class	D. a naughty boy who got caught several times
2/ Kỹ năng viết
Chọn phương án (A/B/C/D) ứng với từ/cụm từ có gạch chân cần phải sửa trong câu.
1. As a child grows on, its physical health is affected by many elements in the air, water and food.
	 A	 B	 C	D
2. Usually the climate in mountainous areas becomes much windy at higher altitudes.
 A B	 C	 D
3. No one would have attended the lecture if you told the truth about the guest speaker.
	 A	 B	 C	 D
4. When there are low sales, companies often decide developing new products.
 A	 B	 C	D
5. The novel and the short story are the literary forms most commonly called “fiction”, but contemporary narrative poetry and 
	 A B	 C
drama were also forms of fiction.
6. The Concorde can fly across the Atlantic without re-fueling and carrying 11 tons of freight.
	 A	 B	 C	 D
7. Most babies will grow up to be as cleverer as their parents.
 A	 B	C	 D
8. With animals both humans, chewing helps relieve tension.
 A	 B	 C	D
9. Diane Arbus’s unusual and controversial work includes photograph of sixties celebrities.
	 A	 B	 C	 D
10. It should not be assume that the lower the price, the happier the buyer.
	A	B	 C	 D
‚Chọn phương án (A/B/C/D) ứng với câu có nghĩa gần nhất với mỗi câu có sẵn sau đây.
C©u 1. “Don’t worry about that!” she said to me.
A. She said to me not worry about that.	B. She said to me should not worry about that.
C. She told me to not worry about that.	D. She told me not to worry about that.
C©u 2: I last heard this song ten years ago.
A. It is ten years since I last heard this song.	B. It is ten years when I have heard this song.
C. It has been ten years when I have heard this song.	D. It was ten years since I have heard this song.
C©u 3: They left early because they didn’t want to get caught in the traffic.
A. They left early so that not to get caught in the traffic.	B. They left early to avoid getting caught in the traffic.
C. They left early so as to not get caught in the traffic.	D. They left early in order to not get caught in the traffic.
C©u 4: You should take a torch because the car might break down at night.
A. If the car breaks down at night, you should take a torch.
B. If the car will break down at night, you should take a torch.
C. In case the car breaks down at night, you should take a torch.
D. In case the car will break down at night, You should take a torch.
C©u 5: My interview lasted longer than yours.
A. Your interview wasn’t as short as mine.	B. Your interview was shorter as mine.
C. Your interview was as long as mine.	D. Your interview was longer than mine.
C©u 6: Somebody repaired her bicycle last week.
A. She had to repair her bicycle last week.	B. She had her bicycle to repair last week.
C. She had her bicycle repair last week.	D. She had her bicycle repaired last week.
C©u 7: The carpet still needs cleaning.
A. The carpet hasn’t been cleaned yet.	B. The carpet hasn’t cleaned yet.
C. The carpet has been cleaned.	D. The carpet has cleaned.
C©u 8: They finished their tea and then they left.
A. They finished their tea after they left.	B. After they left, they finished their tea.
C. They had left before they finished their tea.	D. After they had finished their tea, they left.
C©u 9: The sandwiches were too stale to eat.
A. The sandwiches were so stale in order to eat.	B. The sandwiches were very stale to be eaten.
C. The sandwiches weren’t fresh enough to eat.	D. The sandwiches weren’t enough fresh to eat.
C©u 10: If only I had taken that job in the bank.
A. I regret not taking that job in the bank.	B. I regret not take that job in the bank.
C. I wish I took hat job in the bank.	D. I wish I have taken that job in the bank.
ƒViết lại câu sao cho ý nghĩa không thay đổi.
1. Open the window. Would you be good enough?
ỊWould you ________________________________________________________________________________________
2. He worked out the answer. It was clever of him.
ỊIt was ____________________________________________________________________________________________
3. They don’t take any part in local life. It’s silly of them.
ỊIt’s ______________________________________________________________________________________________
4. We can’t refuse their invitation. It would look rude.	
ỊIt would __________________________________________________________________________________________
5. He’s eager. He wants to help us in any way he can.
ỊHe’s _____________________________________________________________________________________________
6. He was foolish. He left such a good firm.
ỊHe was ___________________________________________________________________________________________
7. You want to ask for money. You would be stupid if you didn’t.
ỊYou would be ______________________________________________________________________________________
8. Ring me later. Would you be so good?
ỊWould you ________________________________________________________________________________________
9. The children love to watch the cartoons.
ỊThe children are ____________________________________________________________________________________
10. They enjoy fishing.
ỊTheir hobby _______________________________________________________________________________________
„Sử dụng nguyên dạng của từ/cụm từ cho sẵn trong ngoặc để viết lại các câu sau sao cho ý nghĩa không thay đổi.
C©u 1: Have you got any desks in stock which are cheaper than this? (DESK)
C©u 2: Teams of experts were examining the damage to the building. (EXAMINED)
C©u 3: Joe’s father used to insist that he washed the car at the weekend. (MAKE)
C©u 4: I wish John still wrote to me. (MISS)
C©u 5: Everyone thinks Alan will accept the job within the next few days. (EXPECTED)
C©u 6: She did not buy the car because it was too expensive. (IF)
C©u 7: He managed to make some extra money by writing stories. (ORDER)
C©u 8: My father thinks that people who watch television are wasting their time. (A)
C©u 9: You won’t have to go to the meeting next week. (NECESSARY)
C©u 10: My friend had not expected the film to be so funny. (FRIEND)
…Chọn câu đúng nhất dựa theo từ gợi ý.
C©u 1: Paul/deny/cheat/exam.//
A. Paul denied to cheat in the exam.	B. Paul denied cheating in exam.
C. Paul denied cheating in the exam.	D. Paul denied cheating the exam.
C©u 2: unfortunately/Sam/not get/neighbours.//
A. Unfortunately Sam doesn’t get with his new neighbours. B. Unfortunately Sam doesn’t get on with his new neighbours.
C. Sam doesn’t unfortunately get on with his new neighbours. D. Unfortunately Sam doesn’t get on new neighbours.
C©u 3: police/arrest/thief/leave/bank.//
A. The police arrested the thief as he was leaving bank.	B. Police arrested the thief as he was leaving bank.
C. The thief arrested the police as he was leaving the bank.	D. The police arrested the thief as he was leaving bank.
C©u 4: people/unemploy/feel/depress.//
A. People who are unemployed often feel depressed.	B. People are unemployed often feel depressed.
C. People who unemployed often feel depressed.	D. People who are unemployed often feel depressing.
C©u 5: I/awake/drink/black coffee.//
A. After drinking a cup of black coffee I felt wide awake.	B. I felt wide awake after I drank a cup of black coffee.
C. I felt awake after I drank a cup of black coffee.	D. I awake after I drank a cup of black coffee.
C©u 6: it/no use/ask/way/I/visit/here.//
A. It’s no use asking the way I visit here.	B. It has no use to ask me the way, I’m a visitor here.
C. It’s no use asking me the way; I’m only a visitor here.	D. It is no use asking the way, I’m visiting here.
C©u 7: they/blame/fire/electrical failure.//
A. They blamed fire on an electrical failure.	B. They blamed the fire on an electrical failure.
C. They blamed an electrical failure on fire.	D. They were blamed the fire for an electrical failure.
C©u 8: you/see/Julia/give/love.//
A. You see Julia, would you give her my love?	B. If you see Julia, would you give her my love?
C. When you see Julia, would you give my love?	D. If you should see Julia, would you give her my love?
C©u 9: strange/Mark/like/here.//
A. It is strange that Mark likes here.	B. Strange as it may seem, mark likes it here.
C. Strangely as it is, Mark likes it here.	D. Mark strangely likes here.
C©u 10: They/not/come/solution/problem.//
A. They still haven’t come up with a solution to the problem. B. They still haven’t come with a solution to the problem.
C. They still haven’t come up a solution to the problem.	 D. They still haven’t come up with a solution for the problem.
@The end
tr 64 bia vang sam ngu am + 73
25% tr 65 bia vang sam
doc doan van 25% cho trong tr 52 bia nhieu mau
sach trac nghiem 12 bia tim tr 59 doan van tra loi
phải sửa trong câu tr 34 (22 bo de tr nghiem) + tr 51
22 de trac nghiem bia xanh tr 110 viet cau ko doi
tr 62 bia nhieu mau viet cau goi y
nguyen dang tr 84 bia xanh va viet cau ko doi tr 14
tr 89 tu vung + 93

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