Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Unit 15: Space conquest - Lesson 1: Reading

Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Unit 15: Space conquest - Lesson 1: Reading


 1. Objectives : By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to:

 - Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas, answering

 the questions and summarising the main point of the reading text.

 - Use the information they have learnt to discuss the topic.

 2. Teaching aids:

 - blackboard, chalk, some pictures, handouts

 - textbook, lesson plan



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 Date of preparation: 
Unit 15: space conquest
Lesson 1: Reading
 A. Aims 
 1. Objectives : By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to:
	- Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas, answering 
 the questions and summarising the main point of the reading text.
 - Use the information they have learnt to discuss the topic.
 2. Teaching aids:
	- blackboard, chalk, some pictures, handouts
	- textbook, lesson plan
 B. Procedures
Teacher’s activities
Student’s activities
I. Organization
- T checks the number of students and asks Ss to make some class arrangement.
 II. Checking the old lesson
- T calls on one student and asks him some questions:
1. What do you think about our environment?
2. What are we doing to the environment?
3. How should we do to protect them?
- T gives comment and marks.
 III. New lesson 
 1. Warm- up
- T sows some pictures and asks sts some questions
1. Look at the picture and tell me what you can see in the pictures..
2. What do you call a person who flies a plane or a spaceship?
3. ..
- T checks and gives the keys.
- T introduces the topic of the lesson. 
 2. Before you read
- T gets sts to work in pairs to look at the picture on page 166 and discuss the questions on page 166.
- T calls on some sts to give the answers to the questions and elicits comments from other sts. T may give some suggested answers.
- T pre-teaches some words:
+ approximately (adv):gần 
+ tobe in orbit: trong quy đạo
+ weightlessness(n): phi trọng lượng
+ uncertainties(n): không chắc chắn
+ precisely(adv): chính xác
+ psychological(adj):tâm lý
+venture(n):mạo hiểm
+ feat(n): chiến công
 3. While you read
* Setting the scene: You are going to read a passage about the space conquest. While reading, do the tasks below.
* Task 1:
- T writes the phrases on board and instructs sts to read the passage quickly and get the general information of each paragraph.
- T checks sts’ understanding by asking them to provide the Vietnamese meaning.
- T instructs sts to use some strategies to do task 1.
- T asks sts to work individually to do the task.
- T goes around to help sts when necessary.
- T asks sts to exchange their answers to the others.
- T asks sts for the answers and tells them to explain their choices.
1. B 2. E 3. D 4. C 5. A
* Task 2
- T asks sts how to do this task and may instruct them to use some strategies to do the task.
- T asks sts to work individually to do the task.
- T asks sts to exchange their answers to the others.
- T calls on some sts to write their answers on the board and asks them to explain their choices.
- T gives the correct answers.
1. He was 27 then.
2. He was in space for 108 minutes.
3. They were “What would happen to  tension”
4. It was more than 17,000 miles per hour
5. Because he died in a plane crash on a routine training flight 
6. After his death, his hometown of .. hero.
4. After you read
- T writes the words on board and instructs sts to read the passage quickly and then stop at the lines that contain the words to get their meaning.
- T checks sts’ understanding by asking them to provide the Vietnamese meaning.
- T instructs sts to use some strategies to do the task.
- T asks sts to work individually to do the task.
- T goes around to help sts when necessary.
- T asks sts to exchange their answers to the others.
- T asks sts for the answers and tells them to explain their choices.
1. cosmonaut 2. in space 3. lasted
4. success 5. gravity 6. view
7. impossible 8. named after
 IV. Consolidation
- T summarises the main points of the lesson.
 V. Homework
- T asks sts to learn by heart all of the new words and do the extra exercises in the workbook.
11 mins
12 mins
- The monitor reports the number of students in his/her class to the teacher.
- answer the teacher’s questions.
1. it is being badly polluted.
2. We are polluting it.
3. Plating trees, 
- listen to the T
- describe the pictures.
- listen.
- get general information.
- work in pairs to look at the picture on page 166 and discuss the questions on page 166.
- give the answers to the questions and comments on what their friends have answered.
- listen and copy.
- listen to T 
- get the general information of each paragraph.
- provide the Vietnamese meaning.
- listen to T
- work individually to do the task.
- ask for help when necessary.
- exchange their answers to the others.
- give the answer and explain it
- give the answer and listen to the instruction
- work individually to do the task.
- exchange their answers to the others.
- write the answers on the board and explain it.
- copy down
- get the meaning of the words based on the contexts in the sentences.
- provide the Vietnamese meaning.
- listen to T
- work individually to do the task.
- ask for help when necessary.
- exchange their answers to the others.
- give the answer and explain it
- listen
- note down

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  • docReading 15.doc