Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Unit 10: Nature in danger - Period: Reading

Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Unit 10: Nature in danger - Period: Reading

 Objectives

By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

+ develop reading skill: scanning for specific ideas.

+ use the information they have read to discuss the related topics.

 Materials

English textbook grade 11, blackboard.

 Procedure


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Period : READING
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
+ develop reading skill: scanning for specific ideas.
+ use the information they have read to discuss the related topics.
English textbook grade 11, blackboard.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
12 mins
Pictures exploiting
- Have Ss read the facts and discuss questions in pairs then get them to present theirs ideas in front of the class. 
- Have Ss name the kind of natural disasters on page 115. Ask for more disaster caused by nature.
- Collect Ss’ ideas about what they are going to read.
- Read the facts then discuss the questions in pairs.
Expected answer 
1. Some reasons why the numbers of these animals have become small:
+ Environmental changes/ habitat changes: green house effect.
+ Human influence : hunting, killing animals for fur, skin, food, industrialization and modernization process, keeping animals as pets
+ Environmental pollution
- Earth-quake, flood, elnio, tsunami, drought, landslide, volcanic eruption, sinkholes , blizzard, hurricanes, tropical cyclones, typhoons, tornado, epidemic, famine..
8 mins
Teaching vocabulary
+ humane race (n) = human beings = people.
+ in all respects = (
+ be in danger of = the ability of bad or unpleasant happening.
+ have (a great) influence on = affect (v) = influence (v).
+ destroy (v) 
destruction (n) = damage (n)
+ interfere (v) : can thiep
- Have Ss pronounce these new words correctly. 
- Take notes
- Pronounce these words correctly.
20 mins
Set the scene
Task 1: Filling blanks 
- Instruct Ss to do Task 1.
- Get Ss to do Task 1 individually
- Tell Ss to peer-check
- Call on Ss for their answer and explanation.
Task 2: Guessing the topic
- Instruct Ss to do Task 2
- Have Ss work individually. Remind Ss to locate the information.
- Call on Ss for their answer and explanation
Task 3: Answering questions
- Guide Ss to answer questions: have a quick look at the questions, elicit the meaning on new words Ss may not know then ask Ss to locate the question and its answer. 
- Get Ss to do the task individually the check the answers with a peer.
- Call on Ss for answers and location of the information.
- Listen to the T attentively
- Do Task 1 individually
- Compare their answers with their partners’ ones.
Answer key
1. extinct
2. protect
3. decreasing
4. pollutants
5. endangered
6. interference
- Listen carefully
- Work individually
Answer key
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. C
- Pay much attention to what T says
- Do the task
Answer key
1. Four ways that people change the world are :
- They are changing the environment by building cities and villages
- They are affecting the water supply by using water for industry and agriculture.
- They are changing weather conditions by cutting down trees in the forests.
- They are destroying the air by adding pollutants like smoke from factories and fumes from cars.
2. The serious consequences of people’s interference with the environment are:
- Many kinds of rare animals are killed.
- The environment where these animals are living is badly destroyed.
- The numbers of rare animals are decreasing so rapidly that they are in danger of becoming extinct.
3. Many things have been done to protect endangered nature , such as:
- Many organizations have been set up and money has been raised to save rare animals.
- Thousands of national parks have been established.
- Laws have been passed/ introduced to prohibit killing endangered animals.
5 mins
- Ask Ss to work in groups discuss the question.
- Call on Ss to present their talks in front of class.
- feed back.
 - Ask Ss to write a summary about what they have read.
- Work in groups and complete the task.
- Present their talks.

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