Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Unit 1 đến unit 10

Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Unit 1 đến unit 10



* Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will get to know more about friend are friendship.

* Teaching aids: Textbook, lesson plan, pictures, posters

* Procedures:


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Week: 1- Period: 2
Date of preparing: 
Date of teaching:
* Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will get to know more about friend are friendship.
* Teaching aids: Textbook, lesson plan, pictures, posters
* Procedures:
T’s activities
Ss’ activities
I. Warmer : Word square
® a, heart, friend, in, need, indeed, nice, dear, after, is
 A friend in need is a friend indeed.
 (bạn trong lúc khó khăn hoạn nạn mới thật là bạn)
II. Pre- reading : 
* Vocabulary :
- acquaintance [ə'kweintəns] (n): sự quen biết, người quen
- incapable of [in'keipəbl] (a): không đủ khả năng, bất tài, bất lực
- unselfishness [,ʌn'selfi∫nis] (n):tính không ích kỷ
- constancy ['kɔnstənsi] (n): tính kiên định, tính trung kiên
- loyalty ['lɔiəlti](n): lòng trung thành, lòng trung nghĩa
- sympathy ['simpəθi] (n) số nhiều sympathies: lòng/sự thông cảm - trust [trʌst] (n): sự tín nhiệm, lòng tin, sự tin cậy
- suspicious [sə'spi∫əs] (a): có sự nghi ngờ, tỏ ra có sự nghi ngờ
-> suspicion [sə'spi∫n] (n): sự nghi ngờ; sự bị nghi ngờ
Checking :ROR
* Brainstorm :
qualities for friendship
III. While – reading : 
* Task 1 : Fill in the blanks
 Answer :
 1. mutual 2. incapable 3. unselfish 
 4. Acquaintance / friend 5. give and take
 6. loyal to 7. suspicious
 * Task 3 : Choose the main idea
Answer : B - Conditions of true friendship
* Task 2 : Answer the questions.
1. What is the first quality for true friendship and what does it tell you?
-> The first quality for friendship is unselfish. It tells me that a man who is concerned only with their own interests and feelings cannot be a true friend.
2. Why are changeable and uncertain people incapable of true friendship?
-> Because they take up an interest with enthusiasm, but they are soon tired of it, and they feel the attraction of some new object.
3. What is the third quality for true friendship and what does it tell you?
-> The third quality for friendship is loyalty. It tells me that the two friends must be loyal to each other, and they must know each other so well that there can be no suspicious between them.
4. Why must there be a mutual trust between friends?
-> Because if not people cannot feel safe when telling the other their most intimate secrets.
5. Why can’t people who talk too much keep a friend long?
-> Because they cannot keep a secret, either their own or those of others.
6. What is the last quality for true friendship and what does it tell you?
-> The last quality for friendship is sympathy. It tells me that to be a true friend you must sympathize with your friend. Where there’s no mutual sympathy between friends, there’s no true friendship.
IV. Post – reading : 
Discuss the question: “Why do we need to have a friend?”
I think that we need to have friends because ..
I believe that friendship brings us 
In my opinion, we need to have friends to 
As for me, friendship brings
-> Answer key:
We have to need a friend because of the following reasons.
- First, every one of us has need of communicating with others. We have, in fact, the need exchanging, sharing information, emotion (sự xúc cảm) and feelings (sự xúc động).
These can only mostly be done within close relations, among which friendship is a typical example.
- Second, friendship help us out of loneliness ['lounlinis](n):(sự vắng vẻ, sự hiu quạnh), and as a result we feel more happy and confident in our lives.
- Moreover, a friend can also help us out of our problems, and encourage us to confront [kən'frʌnt] (đương đầu) any hardship ['hɑ:d∫ip] (sự gian khổ) of life.
V. Homework :
- Learn the lesson and prepare the next period.
- Explain the game.
- Divide class into 2 groups.
- Start the game.
- Control
- Ask Ss to make a sentence with these words
- Follow the steps for teaching voc.
- Set on the board.
- Ask Ss for the answer.
- Get feedback and check.
- Give posters
- Ask Ss to do
- Check and correct
- Ask Ss to do
- Check and correct
- Give instructions.
- Ask Ss to read for the answer.
- Ask Ss to discuss in pairs
- Elicit
- Give the assignment
- Listen
- Play the game.
- Make a meaningful sentence
- Listen & answer
- Repeat
- Copy
- Look at the board.
- Answer
- Work in groups
- Answer
- Work in pairs.
- Answer
- Listen
- Read the question.
- Look at
- Write the answer.
- Copy
Week: 1- Period: 3
Date of preparing: 
Date of teaching:
*Aim: Describe the physical characteristics of a person
*Objective: By the end of a lesson, ss will be able to talk about the physical characteristics of a person.
* Skills: Main Skill: Speaking
 Sub skills: Listening, Reading, Writing
* Procedure:
T’ activities
Ss’ activities
I. Warm up: Kim’ game
sincere [sin'siə] (a): thành thật
modest ['mɔdist] (a): khiêm tốn
broad ['brɔ:d] (a): rộng
hospitable ['hɔspitəbl] (a): hiếu khách
* Introduction:
II. Pre-speaking:
1. Vocabulary
- crooked ['krukid] (a): cong, oằn, vặn vẹo; xoắn
- humorous ['hju:mərəs] (a): khôi hài, hài hước; hóm hỉnh
- quick-witted ['kwik'witid] (a): nhanh trí, ứng đối nhanh
- good-natured ['gud'neit∫əd] (a): tốt bụng, hiền hậu, đôn hậu
- studious ['stju:diəs](a): chăm chỉ; siêng năng
* checking: ROR
2. Set the scene about face, hair, height, forehead
III. While –speaking:
*Task 1: Look at the people below & describe their physical characteristics (page 15)
*Useful language:
Height: tall medium, short
Face: square, large ,oval 
Forehead: broad, high,.
Nose: straight, crooked ..
Hair: black, grey.
Appearance: handsome, beautiful, good-looking.
* Task 2: Number the following personalities in order of importance in friendship .Report your result to the class
caring (chu đáo)
generous hospitable ['hɔspitəbl] (mến khách, hiếu khách)
honest modest ['mɔdist] (khiêm tốn)
IV. Post –Speaking :
* Task 3: Role play
*Dialogue build
Journalist Interviewee[,intəvju:'i:]
 (người được phỏng vấn)
Her / his name 
Date of birth 
His/ her personalities 
 ? (friendly, honest , helpful)
What made her successful 
V. Homework:
Learn the lesson.
Prepare section C Listening
-Stick the poster on the board
-Run through voc.
-Give instructions
-Follow the steps for teaching voc.
-Draw on the board
-Ask ss to guess the physical characteristics
Supply ss some useful languages
-Ask ss to describe
-Run through voc.
-Give instructions
Give ss a dialogue build
-Ask them to make an interviewee
-Go around for help if necessary
-Call each pair to report in front of the class
Summarize the main points
-Give homework
-Look at the board
-Play a game
Group work
-Follow the teacher’s instructions
-Look at the board
-Work individually
-Listen &answer
-Work individually
-Listen & do the task
-Group work
Work in pairs
Listen& take note
 Week: 2 - Period: 4
Date of preparing: Aug. 1st, 2009
Date of teaching:
* Aim : Listening about Lan’s friendship and Long’s friendship.
* Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen the information about Lan’s friendship and Long’s friendship.
* Teaching aids : Textbook, lesson plan, cassette player, tape, poster.
* Procedures :
T’s activities
Ss’ activities
I. Warmer : Matching
 A B
apartment building yeâu thích
sense of humour xe gaén maùy
guitarist toaø nhaø
favourite tình baïn
motorbike tính haøi höôùc
around xung quanh
friendship ngöôøi chôi guita
II. Pre- listening : 
* Ask & answer the questions :
1. Who is your best friend?
2. How did you happen to meet him or her?
3. How long have you known each other?
4. What qualities do you admire in your best friend?
III. While – listening :
* Task 1 : Listen and decide T or F
Lan’s Talk
1. Ha and Lan share an apartment in Nguyen Cong Tru Residental [,rezi'den∫l]((thuộc) dân cư) Area in Hanoi.
2. Lan think hat Hai Phong people are unfriendly.
3. Lan spent two days in Do Son.
4. Ha took Lan to Do Son on her motorbike.
5. Ha introduced Lan to a number of her friends there.
6. Ha and Lan have become friends since Lan’s trip to Do Son.
Long’s Talk
1. Minh and Long have been friends since school
2. Long was a guitarist 
3. Long loves Minh’s sense of humour
4. They have a lot of things in common.
5. Minh always helped Long out of difficulties.
Key : 
Lan’s Talk: 1-F, 2-F, 3-T, 4-F, 5-T, 6-F
Long’s Talk: 1-F, 2-F, 3-T, 4-T, 5-T
* Task 3 : Listen and write
How and where they meet
What they like about their friend
- They used to live in the same residential area in Hanoi.
- Lan went to a holiday to Do Son and ha went there to visit her.
- Ha is very friendly and helpful.
- Ha’s sociable. She got many friends in Do Son and she introduced Lan aground.
- They met in college.
- Minh played the guitar, Long was a singer.
- They work together.
- Minh has sense of humour.
- Minh likes to go to plays and movies.
- Minh is a good listener
- Minh is friendly and helpful.
IV. Post – listening : 
 Take turns to talk about how Ha has been Lan’s best friend and how Minh has been Long’s best friend.
- How Ha has been Lan’s best friend?
Lan and Ha used to live in Nguyen Cong Tru Residental Area in Hanoi. When Lan was going on a two-day trip to Do Son, she didn’t know anybody there. She gave Ha a ring, then Ha rode her motorbike and stay with Lan for two days. Ha happened to know a lot of people there, so she introduced Lan around, and they have been first friends ever since.
- How Minh has been Long’s best friend?
Long and Minh met in college. Long was there singing and Minh was a guitarist. So they work together a lot. Minh is very humourous, which is the things Long likes most about him. And over the year, they have been through ups and downs. And they have many things in common. Minh is a very good listener and he always help Long with his problem.
V. Homework :
- Prepare the next lesson : Writing
- Show the poster
- Give clear instruction
- Model
- Ask Ss to match
- Check
- Read & ask Ss to repeat
- Show the questions
- Ask Ss to ask & answer
- Control
- Call 1 or 2 pairs to speak loudly.
- Lead to Lan’s talk and Long’s talk.
- Give instruction.
- Ask Ss to read the statements in 2 minutes.
- Play the tape twice.
- Divide class & ask them to give the answer.
- Play the tape & check.
- Give instructions.
- Give posters.
- Play the tape twice.
- Ask Ss to stick the posters on the board.
- ... n class : 
1.Stabilization : ( 2 minutes )
 -Asks the Ss : “ How are you today ?”
2.Checking up the previous knowledge : 
3.New lesson :
Teaching steps
Teacher’s activities
Student’s activities
The content of the lesson
I.Presentation of the new materials :
4 minutes
2 minutes
5 minutes
2 minutes
5 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
5 minutes
A.Activity 1 : Getting Started
1.Lead-in :
-Asks the Ss : “ Do you know about UFOs ? Please tell me something about it .”
-Leads to the lesson .
2.Pre-practice :
-Teaches some new words .
.UFO (n) ( explanation ) 
-Asks the Ss to pronounce the words in chorus .
-Calls on some Ss to pronounce again in front of the class .
-Checks their understanding of the new words .
3.While-practice :
-Asks the Ss to look at the pictures then work in pairs and ask-answer the questions .
a.Have you ever heard about UFOs ? Do you think they really exist ?
b.Have you ever seen any films on UFOs ? What were they about ?
c.What do you want to know about UFOs ?
d.If you saw a UFO , what would you do ?
-Asks the Ss to compare the result with their friends .
-Calls on some Ss to give the answers in front of the class .
-Gives feedback .
4.Post-practice :
B.Activity 2 : Listen and read
1.Lead-in :
-Says to the Ss : “ Let’s come to the UFOs ”
2.Pre-practice :
-Teaches some new words .
.spacecraft (n) 
.planet (n) ( translation )
.meteor (n) 
.pilot (n) ( explanation ) 
.capture (v)
.alien (n) ( synonym ) 
-Asks the Ss to pronounce the words in chorus .
-Calls on some Ss to pronounce again in front of the class .
-Checks their understanding of the new words .
3.While-practice :
Exercise a :
-Asks the Ss to listen to the passage two times , then practise in groups and find the words in the text having the following meanings .
1.proof , support
2.falling star , or shooting star
3.unknown / strange people or things
4.bringing together or gathering
5.caught as a prisoner
6.became impossible to see 
-Walks around the class , listens to the Ss’ discussion and offers ideas when the Ss need help .
-Asks the Ss to compare the result with other groups .
-Calls on some Ss to give the answers in front of the class .
-Gives feedback .
Exercise b:
-Asks the Ss to read silent the text again , then discuss in groups and complete the notes .
-Walks around the class , listens to the Ss’ discussion and offers ideas when the Ss need help .
-Asks the Ss to compare the result with their friends .
-Calls on some Ss to give the answers in front of the class .
-Gives feedback .
4.Post-practice :
-Asks the Ss to talk more about the UFOs .
-Listen and answer .
Yes / No .
-Take notes .
-Write down and guess the meaning of the new word .
-Look at the pictures , then work in pairs and ask-answer the questions .
-Compare the result with their friends .
-Give the answers in front of the class .
-Take notes .
-Write down and guess the meaning of the new words .
-Listen to the passage two times , then practise in groups and find the words in the text having the following meanings .
-Compare the result with other groups .
-Give the answers in front of the class .
-Take notes .
-Read silent the text again , then discuss in groups and complete the notes .
-Compare the result with their friends .
-Give the answers in front of the class .
-Take notes .
-Discuss in groups and talk more about the UFOs .
Period : 61 
Part : Getting Started + Listen 
 and Read 
A.Activity 1 : Getting Started
1.Lead-in :
2.Pre-practice :
New words :
.UFO (n) : ñóa bay
(Unidentified Flying Object ) 
3.While-practice :
-The Ss look at the pictures and ask-answer the questions .
4.Post-practice :
B.Activity 2 : Listen and read
1.Lead-in :
2.Pre-practice :
New words :
.spacecraft (n) : taøu vuõ truï 
.planet (n) : haønh tinh 
.meteor (n) : sao baêng 
.pilot (n) : phi coâng .capture = catch (v) : baét
.alien=strange people(n): ngöôøi laï 
3.While-practice :
Exercise a :
-The Ss listen to the passage two times and find the words in the text having the following meanings .
Exercise b :
-The Ss read silent the text again and complete the notes .
a.An aircraft , a weather balloon , or a meteor can be mistaken for an alien spacecraft .
b.In 1947 , a pilot saw nine large round objects traveling at about 2,800 meters an hour .
c.There were over 1,500 UFO sightings worldwide in 1952 .
d.In 1954 , a woman and her children saw a UFO above their house .
e.A farmer saw an egg-shaped object in one of his fields and also aliens collecting soil samples in 1964 .
f.In 1971 , two men claimed they were captured by aliens and taken aboard a spacecraft .
g.A pilot and his plane disappeared after sighting a UFO in 1978 .
h.In 1981 , a Frenchman reported that he saw a plate-like device at a treetop 30 meters away from his garden . 
4.Post-practice :
-The Ss talk more about the UFOs 
3 minutes
-Asks the Ss to review what they’ve just learnt .
-Review what they’ve just learnt .
-The Ss review what they’ve just learnt .
III.Homework :
2 minutes
-Asks the Ss to learn the old lesson and prepare – Speak + Listen -
-Take notes .
 V.Self-evaluation :
 Date of preparation : Sunday , April 20th , 2008 .	
 Date of teaching : Tuesday , April 22nd , 2008 . 
 Period : 62 - Part : Speak + Listen
I.Aims and objectives :
 + Language content : To help the Ss get acquainted with some things in Mars and the life on the moon .
 + Language function : To enable the Ss to talk about possibility and seek information .
 + Educational aim : To educate the Ss to know about the life on other planets .
1.Language :
 + Vocabulary : mineral , microorganism , gemstones , creature , trace .
 + Structures : Modals : may / might
2.Skills : Listening and Speaking
3.Educational factor : To educate the Ss to know about the life on other planets .
II.Teacher’s and students’ preparation :
1.Method : Communicative approach 
2.Techniques : Pairwork , seeking information .
3.Materials needed : Flashcards , pictures , small boards .
4.Students’ preparation : New words .
5.Previous exercises : 
III.Procedures in class : 
1.Stabilization : ( 1 minute )
 -Asks the Ss : “ How are you today ?”
2.Checking up the previous knowledge : 
3.New lesson :
Teaching steps
Teacher’s activities
Student’s activities
The content of the lesson
I.Presentation of the new materials :
2 minutes
5 minutes
7 minutes
10 minutes
3 minutes
2 minutes
3 minmutes
7 minutes
2 minutes
A.Activity 1 : Speak
1.Lead-in :
-Asks the Ss : “ Let’s come to the drawings of things a space-tourist to Mars .” 
-Leads to the lesson .
2.Pre-speaking :
-Teaches some new words .
.mineral (n)
.gemstone (n) ( translation )
.creature (n) 
.trace (n) 
-Asks the Ss to pronounce the words in chorus .
-Calls on some Ss to pronounce again in front of the class .
-Checks their understanding of the new words .
3.While-speaking :
Exercise a :
-Asks the Ss to look at the drawings and the words given , then guess and match the drawings with the words .
-Calls on some Ss to give the answers in front of the class .
-Gives feedback .
-Asks the Ss to read the dialogue after the T , then practice in pair .
-Calls on some pairs to practice in front of the class .
-Gives feedback .
Exercise b :
-Asks the Ss to work in pairs , make up similar dialogues about the drawings , using the cues in section a .
-Walks around the class , listens to the Ss’ discussion and offers ideas when the Ss need help .
-Calls on some pairs to present in front of the class .
-Gives feedback .
4.Post-speaking :
-Asks the Ss to discuss the question : “ What do you think there might be on Mars , on the moon and on other planets ?”
B.Activity 2 : Listen 
1.Lead-in :
-Let’s listen to the talk about the life on the moon .
2.Pre-listening :
-Asks the Ss to read all the statements given and guess the answers before listening .
3.While-listening :
-Asks the Ss to listen to the talk three times , then discuss in pairs and check the correct statements about the moon .
-Walks around the class , listens to the Ss’ discussion and offers ideas when the Ss need help .
-Asks the Ss to compare the result with their friends .
-Calls on some Ss to present their answers in front of the class .
-Asks the Ss to listen the last time to check .
-Gives feedback .
4.Post-listening :
-Asks the Ss to listen the talk again 
-Listen and answer .
-Take notes .
-Write down and guess the meaning of the new words .
-Look at the drawings and the words given , then guess and match the drawings with the words .
-Give the answers in front of the class .
-Take notes .
-Read the dialogue after the T , then practice in pair .
-Practice in front of the class .
-Take notes .
-Work in pairs , make up similar dialogues about the drawings , using the cues in section a .
-Present in front of the class .
-Take notes .
-Discuss in pairs .
-Listen .
-Read and guess the answers .
-Listen to the talk three times , then discuss in pairs and check the correct statements about the moon .
-Compare the result with their friends .
-Present their answers in front of the class .
-Listen the last time to check .
-Take notes .
-Listen the talk again 
 Period : 62
Part : Speak + Listen
A.Activity 1 : Speak
1.Lead-in :
2.Pre-speaking :
New words :
.mineral (n) : khoaùng saûn
.microorganism (n) : vi sinh vaät 
.gemstone (n) : ñaù quyù 
.creature (n) : sinh vaät 
.trace (n) : daáu veát 
3.While-speaking :
Exercise a :
Exercise b :
-The Ss make up similar dialogues about the drawings , using the cues in section a .
A :What do these drawings say,B ?
B :There might be plants in Mars .
A :And what about those black things in the between ?
B :Well , they might be traces of little creatures . There may be a lot of creatures on Mars . 
4.Post-speaking :
-The Ss discuss the question .
B.Activity 2 : Listen 
1.Lead-in :
2.Pre-listening :
3.While-listening :
-The Ss listen to the talk three times and check the correct statements about the moon .
a.There is no air on the moon .
c.There are no sounds on the moon 
d.It is very cold at night on the moon .
f.There are great round holes on the moon .
i.You will be able to jump very high on the moon .
j.One day on the moon lasts for two weeks .
4.Post-listening :
-The Ss listen the talk again .
2 minutes
-Asks the Ss to review what they’ve just learnt .
-Review what they’ve just learnt .
-The Ss review what they’ve just learnt .
III.Homework :
1 minute
-Asks the Ss to learn the old lesson and prepare - Read -
-Take notes .
 V.Self-evaluation :

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