Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Period 1 đến period 63

Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Period 1 đến period 63

A. Aims and objectives:

Help Ss know well about the structure of the book and learn English effectively

B. Teaching methods:

 Integrated skills, mainly communicative

C. Teaching aids:

 Text book, teaching plan

D. Procedures:

1. Class organization:


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Date of planning: 
 Period 1: Guiding how to learn and test
A. Aims and objectives:	
Help Ss know well about the structure of the book and learn English effectively 
B. Teaching methods: 
 Integrated skills, mainly communicative 
C. Teaching aids:
 	Text book, teaching plan 
D. Procedures: 
1. Class organization:
2. Check-up: Ask Ss to list some Grammar points and topics learnt in Grade 10 
 	3. New lesson
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- ask Ss some questions
- give feed back
- What did you do in last summer
- How did you prepare for new school-year?
- ask Ss to work in pairs to answering the given questions 
- ask Ss to look at the book and find out the structure of the book by answering given questions 
- check Ss’ answers and give feedback
I. The structure of the book:
1. How many units are there in the book?
 There are 16 units 
2. How many topics are there in the book and what are they? 
There are 16 topics in the book. 
They are: Friendship, Personal experiences
3. How may lessons are there in each unit and what are they?
 There are 5 lessons : Reading 
 Language focus
- ask Ss to share their experiences in learning English with other
 - give feedback and more experiences 
4. How many “Test you” are there in the book?
 There are 6 test yourself lessons 
II. How to learn and test : 
* In class : 
 - pay attention to the teacher 
 - note down the lesson carefully
* At home : 
 - revise the lesson and do the homework carefully
 - prepare well for the next lesson
	4. Consolidation: 
 	- The structure of the book
	- Way to learn English 
	5. Home work: 
	- Revise lesson
	- Prepare for the next lesson: U1.Reading 
	6. Self-comment
Date of planning: 
Period 2: Unit 1: Friendship
Lesson 1: Reading
A. Aims and objectives:
 	 	 Help Ss understand more about friendship and talk about their friendship 
B. Teaching methods: 
 	 Integrated skills, mainly communicative 
C. Teaching aids:
 	 Text book, teaching plan, cassettes tape 
D. Procedures: 
1. Class organization:
 2. Check-up: 
 Check Ss’ notebook
 	3. New lesson: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the questions
- give feedback to Ss answers
- introduce lesson 
- What can you see in the picture?
 A group of friends
- What are they doing? 
 They boy is playing guitar and other are singing 
Before you read
 Before you read
- ask Ss to work in pairs to read the short poem and discuss the questions “What do you think of the friend in the poem?”
* Pre-teach vocabulary : 
- elicit from Ss the meaning of the words
- have Ss listen and repeat 
I. Before you read: 
* The poem: 
 - down and trouble: boon phone
 - to brighten up: tap sang,suoi am
* The friend in the poem is very dedicated and thoughtful. He is wiling to help his friend
* New words: 
- lasting : boon v÷ng,l©u dµi
- to be concerned with: quan t©m tíi ai,c¸i g×
- constant: th­êng xuyªn - rumor :tin ®ån
- gossip : chuyÖn tÇm phµo 
While you read
 While you read 
* Task 1
- instruct Ss to do the task 
 - have Ss do the task and share their ideas to their friends
- give answers feedback 
* Task 2 : 
- ask Ss to read the text again and find out the option that sum up idea of the whole passage
- ask Ss to give answer 
- give feedback and corrective answers
I. While you read 
1. Task 1: Fill in the blankets 
mutual : t­¬ng hç, t­¬ng trî
incapable of : kh«ng cã kh¶ n¨ng
unselfish : kh«ng Ých kû
acquaintance/ friend : ng­êi quen/b¹n
give-and-take: sù nh­êng nhÞn 
loyal to : trung thµnh víi
suspicious : nghi ngê 
2. Task 2 : Choose the option that sum up ideas of the text : 
 B. Conditions of true friendship 
* Task 3: 
- ask Ss to six questions in the book
 + underline the key words 
 + decide what information need to find
+ look at the book and find out the answers
- have some Ss report their answers 
- give feedback and more 
3. Task 3: 
1. The first quality for a true friendship is unselfishness. It tells me that 
2. Because they take up an interest with enthusiasm but they are soon tired of it and they feel the attraction of dome new objects
3. The third quality is loyalty. It tells me that....
4. Because if not people cannot feel safe when telling the other their secrets
5. Because they cannot keep a secret, either of their own or other’s
6. The last quality is sympathy. It tells me ...
After you read
 After you read 
- ask Ss to work in groups and discuss the questions 
- have Ss report their answers 
- give feedback to Ss answers 
III. After you read : Discuss ideas 
- to share troubles , problems
- to be safe 
4. Consolidations: 
 - Conditions of a true friendship
	5. Homework:
	 - Revise the lesson: New words, Tasks
	 - Prepare U1.speaking 	 
	6. Self- comment: 
Date of planning: 
Period 3: Unit 1: Friendship
Lesson 2: Speaking
A. Aims and objectives:
 	 	 Help Ss describe characteristics and personalities of a friend
B. Teaching methods: 
 	 Integrated skills, mainly communicative 
C. Teaching aids:
 	 	Text book, teaching plan
D. Procedures: 
1. Class organization:
2. Check-up: Ask Ss to write down new words and do the tasks2 
3. New lesson: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
 - ask Ss some questions and have them answer
- give feedback and introduce the lesson 
- What qualities should a friend have?
 * caring
 * helpful
 * understanding
 * sincere
 Task 1
- ask Ss to look at picture and describe people in the picture 
- elicit from Ss some adj to describe physical characteristics 
- ask Ss to work in pairs and look at the four pictures in the book to describe
- have Ss report 
1.Task 1: 
* Height: short, tall. medium 
* Face : square, round, oval 
 * Forehead : broad, high
 * Hair: straight, Curry, black, grey
 * Appearance: good-looking, handsome, beautiful 
 Describing physical characteristics :
The boy about 16 years old. He may be short-sighted because he is wearing a pair of glasses. He has a short black hair, a round face with a board forehead. He is quite good-looking. 
 Task 2 
- ask Ss to discus and number the personalities in order of importance in friendship.
- elicit from Ss the meaning of these adjectives
 - have some pairs report their idea
- give feedback to whole class
2.Task 2: 
Caring : chu dao
Hospitable : hieu khach
Modest : khiem ton
Understanding : thong cam, thau hieu
 The importance of personalities in friendship: 
“My group thinks that being caring is the most important in friendship because when friends care about each other, they will know when to share happiness or difficulty with their friend.......”
 Task 3
- have Ss read and understand the requirement
- have Ss look the suggestions
- elicit from Ss some questions they may ask and some words they can use
- have Ss work in pairs to perform the interview 
- have some pairs to report to whole class
- give feedback and more explanations 
3. Task 3: 
 Questions : 
- What does she look like?
- What are her hobbies? 
- How is she?
- Is she friendly?
quick-witted: thong minh
good_ nature tot bung 
The interview: 
What is your friend’s name? 
She is Mai
When was she born? 
She was born in 15th , May , 1992
 4. Consolidation: 
 - Physical characteristics 
 - Personalities 
	5. Homework: 
 - Revise lesson
 - Prepare for: U1. Listening
	6. Self-comment: 
Date of planning: 
Period 4: Unit 1: Friendship
Lesson 3: Listening
A. Aims and objectives:
 	 Help Ss understand more about friendship
B. Teaching methods: 
 Integrated skills, mainly communicative 
C. Teaching aids:
 Text book, teaching plan, cassettes tape 
D. Procedures: 
1. Class organization:
2. Check-up: Ask Ss to describe a person in the picture page 15 
3. New lesson: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
 - Revise the vocabulary items in previous lesson 
- ask Ss some questions about their friends 
- give feedback 
 - What personalities does a friend need?
1.Good-natured 2.Friendly
3.Helpful 4. Generous 5.Honest
Before you listen
 Before you listen 
- ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss the questions on page 17
- call on some Ss to report to whole class 
- give feedback to Ss and more explanations 
Pre-teach new words:
- help Ss to pronounce the given words in the book 
- give feedback 
I. Before you listen 
1. Who is your best friend?
 My best friend is Lan
2. How did you happen to meet him or her?
 We are the neighbors and we learn in the same class 
3. How long have you known each other?
 For 15 years
4. What qualities do you admire in your best friend?
 Honest; Sincere ; Helpful ; Caring 
 * New words : 
- apartment building : toµ nhµ cã nhiÒu c¨n hé
- sense of humor : khiÕu hµi h­íc
- favorite : së thÝch
- around : xung quanh 
you listen
While you listen :listen to Lan and Long’s talks about their best friends 
 Task 1 
- ask Ss listen to the tape and decide the statements are true or false
- instruct Ss to do this kind of task
+ read the statements to understand and underline the keywords
+ listen to the tape and pay attention to the key words
+ decide the statements are true or false
- play the tape once for Ss to do the tasks 
- ask Ss to write down answers on the board 
- play the tape the second time or more to check answers 
- ask Ss to give explanations
- give feedback 
 Task 2 : 
- ask Ss to listen again and note down the ideas in the table below
II. While you listen : 
( Listen to the tape and do the tasks )
1. Task 1 : 
* Lan’s talk:
1. F ( They used to live in the same building there)
2. F ( It is what people think )
3. T
4. F ( Lan went to Do Son first and then called Ha, so Ha rode on her motorbike to do son to meet Lan)
5. T 
6. F(They have been best friend since Lan’s trip to Do Son)
* Long’s talk
1. F ( They met in college) 
2. F ( Minh was a guitarist) 
3. T
4. T
5. T
2.Task 2 
How and where they met
What they like about their friends
- They used to live in the same building in Ha Noi
- Lan went to Do Son and Ha went there to help her
- Ha is very friendly and helpful
- Ha is sociable. She’s got many friends in Do So and introduced Lan around 
-They met in college 
- Minh played the guitar and Long was a singer 
- They worked together 
- Minh has a sense of humor 
- Minh likes to go to play and movies
- Minh is a good listener
- Minh is friendly and helpful
you listen
 Work in pairs 
- get Ss talk about how Ha has bee ... ask Ss to write down new words and translate the text into Vietnamese 
 	 3. New lesson: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- have a game for Ss
- give out a list of jumbled words 
 - ask Ss to find out the right words and write on the board.
- give feedback and introduce the lesson 
Game : Jumbled words
* vienronment – dustryin – lutantspol – tingcut setre 
* Environment – industry – pollutants – cutting trees 
Task 1 
Task 1 
- pre-teach Ss some new words that they may find in task 1 
- have Ss practice reading out the sentences and make copy in the book . 
1. Task 1 : Putting the reasons in the order of importance:
 1. Burning forest 
2. Killing endangered animals for fur, skin and food. 
 In my opinion, the most importance thing is burning forest because animal and plants will die which causes the air polluted
Task 2 
Task 2 : Matching the reason with measures :
- ask Ss to match the reasons in Task 1 with possible measures for protecting the environment in Task 2
- call on some pairs to say the reason and the measures.
2.Task 2: Matching the reason with measures
1. killing animals for fur, skin and food
- killing animals for fur, skin and food should be banned
2. keeping animals as pets
- keeping animals as pets should be discouraged
Task 2
Pair works :
- a student raises a reason
- another student gives out measures. There can be more measures for one reason.
- give feedback to Ss 
6. discharging chemicals pollutants into the environment
- discharging chemicals pollutants into the environment should be prohibited
3. hunting or capturing animals for recreation and entertainment
animals should not be captured for recreation and entertainment
4. cutting down trees for wood and burning the forests
- cutting down trees for wood and burning the forests should be banned and planting trees should be encouraged
5. using fertilizers and pesticides for cultivation
- decreasing the use of fertilizers and pesticides for farming cultivation
Task 3 
Task 3
- ask Ss to make a conversation, using the passive voice of should to combine the ideas in Task 1 and Task2
- model the conversation with a good student.
- call on some pairs to demonstrate in front of the class.
- give feedback and make comments
- if there is time, ask Ss to make another conversation
3. Task 3 
Sample conversation
A. Do you know these days people are cutting
 down a lot of trees in the forests for wood?
B. Yes, I do. I think laws should be enacted to
 stop people from cutting trees for wood.
A. You’re right. And planting trees should be
B. Yeah I agree with you.
4. Consolidation: - reason and measures to environment problems 
5. Homework: - make another conversation 
 - prepare for U10.Listening 
6. Self-comment: 
Date of planning: 04/01/2010
Period 61: Unit 10: Nature in danger 
Lesson 3: Listening 
A. Aims and objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss are able
 - know more about National Parks, especially in the US...
B. Teaching methods: Integrated skills, mainly communicative 
C. Teaching aids: Text book, teaching plan, Cassette player 
D. Procedures: 
1. Class organization:
 2. Check-up: ask Ss to talk about the reason and measures for the threatening of nature 
 3. New lesson: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- divide the class into 2 groups and have them play guessing game
- tell Ss: I have two words. The first word consists of 8 letters. The 2nd word consists of 4 letters. I’ll give you some hints. If you can guess the word at the first hint, you’ll get 10 points. If you can guess the word at the 2nd hint, you’ll get 7 points. If you can guess the word at the 3rd hint, you’ll get 5 points.
- ask Ss 2 questions to introduce the lesson. 
- give feedback to Ss and introduce the lesson 
 Game : Guessing word
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4
1. It is a place where many visitors who are
 interested in nature like to visit.
2. It is a place where there are a lot of forests,
 caves, rivers, plants, trees, wild animals 
3. It is known as Cuc Phuong, Cac Ba, Ba Be
1. What national parks in VN or in the world do you know?
2. Why have many national parks been founded?
Before you listen
Before you listen
- pre-teach Ss some new words.
- elicit new words from Ss
- practice reading and copy down
 - give feed back to Ss
I. Before you listen: 
New words: 
- scenic features ['si:nik 'fi:t∫ə] 
- approximately [ə'prɔksimitli] - devastating (a) /'devəsteitiη/ 
- vehicles ['viəkl; 'vi:hikl]
- maintenance ['meintinəns] 
- completely(adv) [kəm'pli:tli]
While you listen 
While you listen :
Task 1 : True or false statements
- ask Ss to read through the statements 
- play the tape once for Ss to get information
- play it again and ask Ss to answer
- give feedback to Ss’ answers 
II. While you listen :
1. Task 1 : True or false statements
1. T 
2. T 
3. F ( Many national parks are in danger of being destroyed) 
 4. T 
 5. T
Task 2 : Answering the questions : 
- check if Ss can answer the questions in Task 2 without listening again.
- play the tape for them to listen 
- have Ss give the answers and give feed back 
4.- Rare animals and trees should be protected
- Fires caused by careless people should be limited
- Pollution from visitors vehicles should be decreased and many should be raised for the park’s staff and maintenance of their resources
2.Task 2 : Answering the questions :
1. There are 52 national parks in the National Parks in the United States.
2. Millions of people visit national parks every year.
3. - Rare animals are killed or hunted for fur, skin or other parts
- Trees are cut down for food
- Large areas of national parks experience devastating fires caused by careless people
- The increasing number of visitors is harming the parks due to the pollution from their vehicles
you listen 
After you listen :Summarizing the passage 
- ask Ss to work in group and base on provided suggestion to summarize the main point of the listening
- ask Ss to report their work 
- give feedback to Ss
III. After you listen : Summarizing the passage 
 People have established national parks to protect and preserve natural beauty and rare animals. Therefore national parks contain a variety of scenic features. Today, many national parks are in the danger of being destroyed such as rare animals are killed for fur and skin. Fires cause by careless visitors and pollutions from visitors does a lot of harmful to the parks. So, people should do something to preserve national parks’ resources. 
4. Consolidation: - national parks in the danger of being destroyed
5. Homework: - finish the summary 
 - prepare for U9.Writing 
6. Self-comment: 
Date of planning: 06/01/2010
Period 62: Unit 10: Nature in danger 
Lesson 4: Writing 
A. Aims and objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to 
write a description of a location.
B. Teaching methods: Integrated skills, mainly communicative 
C. Teaching aids: Text book, teaching plan 
D. Procedures: 
1. Class organization:
 2. Check-up: ask Ss to summarize the passage about national parks. 
 3. New lesson: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- ask Ss 2 questions to introduce the lesson. 
- give feedback to Ss and introduce the lesson 
 - Have you ever been to Cat Ba? 
 - Have you ever been to Cat Ba? 
Before you write
- ask Ss to read the information of Cat Ba National Park 
- ask Ss some questions Cat Ba National Park
- have Ss answers these questions
- pre-teach some Useful language
 to Ss to help them to write a description about Cat Ba, a national park. 
- ask Ss to make copy in notebooks 
I. Pre-writing :
Answering questions :
1. Where is Cat Ba National Park located?
2. What are the features of Cat Ba National Park?
3. How large is it?
4. What do you know about the animals and plants in Cat Ba National Park?
5. What are some of historic features of the parks?
Useful language
It’s located in/on..
It’s famouas for
It covers/contains.
Its total area is
There are.species of/kinds of/sorts of
We can find
Something is found in..
While you write 
- ask Ss to write a description about Cat Ba National Park, using the facts and figures
- go around the class to offer help and correct mistakes 
- call some Ss to go to the board and write their writing
II. While- writing : 
 Cat Ba National Park is situated on Cat Ba island, 120 km from Hanoi, 20 km east of Hai Phong.
 Cat Ba National Park is the only site in VN endowed with both tropical forests and coastal waters with white sand beach, abundant natural resources, beautiful landscapes, and many kinds of rare animals and plants. It covers 15,200 ha.
 About animals and plants, Cat Ba National Park has approximately 300 species of fish, 40 kinds of animals, 150 species of birds and 620 species of plants.
 Up to now 6,000-year-old stone tools and human bones have been found in the island’s limestone caves. 
After you write 
After you while 
- give feedback to Ss’ writing 
III. Post-writing :
- correct their mistakes and finish writings 
4. Consolidation: - Cat Ba national park
5. Homework: - finish writings 
 - prepare for U10.Language focus 
6. Self-comment: 
Date of planning: 8/01/2010
Period 63: Unit 10: Nature in danger 
Lesson 5: Language focus 
A. Aims and objectives:	By the end of the lesson Ss are able to use English effectively 
B. Teaching methods: Integrated skills, mainly communicative 
C. Teaching aids: Text book, teaching plan
D. Procedures: 
1. Class organization:
 2. Check-up: check Ss writings 
 3. New lesson: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
* Listen and repeat : 
- model the two sounds and have Ss repeat
- play the tape have Ss listen & repeat
*Practice sentences :
- ask Ss to practice in pairs
- give feedback to Ss
I. Pronunciation: 
* Listen and repeat:
 /w / /j / 
*Practice reading aloud these sentences: 
1. Gerund : 
- elicit from Ss the form and the use gerund 
- give some examples and more explanations to Ss
- ask Ss to give more examples and further examinations 
II. Grammar: 
1.Gerund : 
*Form:: V +ing 
 - as a subject of the sentence:
 Reading helps you learn English.
 - as the complement of the verb ‘to be’
 Her hobby is reading.
- after prepositions::
Exercise 1: 
- ask Ss do Ex1 then compare their answers with another student.
- have Ss give answers 
- give feedback to Ss’ answers 
- after a number of ‘phrasal verbs’ 
 I look forward to hearing from you soon.
 - in compound nouns:
 a driving lesson, a swimming pool........
 - after the expressions
 I can’t stand being stuck in traffic jams

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