Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh khối lớp 11 - Unit 8: Celebrations

Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh khối lớp 11 - Unit 8: Celebrations

I. Objectives:

1. Educational aim: Ss should know about traditional customs and cultural aspects of Vietnamese celebrations .

2. Knowledge:

 a. General knowledge: At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

 - know about VietNamese customs, foods in the celebration of Tet.

 - improve their reading skills (skimming, scanning, deducing, time reading )

b. Vocabulary: celebration, agrarian, traditional, peach blossom, apricot blossom.

3. Skills: Integrated, mainly reading

II. Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative

III. Techniques: Questions and answers, repetition, pair work, explanation, T/F statements, gap filling, games

IV. Teaching aids: Textbook, charts, pictures and chalks

V. Procedure:


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Date of preparation:
Date of teaching:
 Lesson: READING
I. Objectives: 	
1. Educational aim: Ss should know about traditional customs and cultural aspects of Vietnamese celebrations .
2. Knowledge:
 a. General knowledge: At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
 - know about VietNamese customs, foods in the celebration of Tet. 
 - improve their reading skills (skimming, scanning, deducing, time reading)
b. Vocabulary: celebration, agrarian, traditional, peach blossom, apricot blossom. 
3. Skills: Integrated, mainly reading
II. Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Techniques: Questions and answers, repetition, pair work, explanation, T/F statements, gap filling, games
IV. Teaching aids: Textbook, charts, pictures and chalks
V. Procedure:	
 Teacher’s activities
 Students’ activities
1. Warm-up: 
- Divides the class into 4 groups.
- Lets Ss listen to the songs:
 1.Happy New Year
 2. My Valentine
 3. We wish you a Merry Christmas
 4. Chiec den ong sao
 5. Happy birthday.
- Asks each group to tell the name of the songs and the occasion when these songs are played. The group has the faster and correct answer will be given 1 mar. The winner is the group with more marks. 
- Leads to the lesson: Today we are going to read a passage to know more about Vietnamese Tet’s Celebration.
2. Pre - reading: 
- Calls on some Ss to tell about how much they know about Tet’s celebration.
 + Could you tell me when the Vietnamese celebrate Tet?
 + What do you do in New Year’s Eve and during Tet?
- Asks Ss to look at the picture on page 90 and discuss the questions given.
- Gives more questions to make the description easier:
 + Are they family? Who are they?
 + What does the grandmother give the children?
 + What are on the table?
 + What tree is on the right of the picture; on the left of the picture?
 + Are they happy?
- Gives feedback.
3. While- reading: 
* Task 1:
- Gives Ss 1 minute to read and highlight the sentences containing these words and asks Ss to identify the part of speech of the new words in Task 
- Gives the available chart of each word’s meaning.
- Asks Ss to read the passage carefully within 3 minutes and match each meaning to each word so that these meanings could be suitable with the meanings of the sentences containing them.
1.Grand (adj) 
2.Agrarian (adj)
3. Banner (n)
4. Pray (v)
5. Sugared apples (n)
a. .Sugared apples
b. To hope very much that ST will happen.
c. Impressive and large or important.
d. Connected with farming
e. Long piece of fabric with a message on it that is carried between two poles or hung in a public place
- Calls on some Ss to give the answers.
- Asks other students to give comments.
- Gives feedback
* Task 2:
- Asks Ss to read and do the task 2 individually by deciding whether the statements are T or F within 5 minutes.
- Goes around and provides help if necessary.
- Asks Ss to check the answers with their partner.
- Calls on some Ss to give the answers and the evidence.
- Asks for peers’ comments. 
- Gives feedback.
* Task 3:
- Divides the class into 2 groups A and B and introduces a game “ Electric Shock”.
- Gives Ss 2 minutes to prepare 7 questions.
- Tell Ss the rule of the game: A member in group A will ask a certain question in the task 3. He/ she has right to point anyone in group B to answer. Then, group B takes turn. If Ss have one correct answer they will be given 1 mark. If the S of this group couldn’t answer, the other group who asks will give the correct answer and have 1 mark. Which group has more marks will be the winner.
4. Post reading: 
- Asks Ss to work in pairs to discuss what they did to celebrate the Tet last year.
- Calls on some Ss to make their speech.
- Asks for peers’ comments
- Gives feedback.
5. Homework:	
- Asks Ss to
+ write a short paragraph about their Tet last year.
+ learn the passage again and new words.
+ prepare for next lesson: Unit 8- Speaking
- Divide
- Answer
1. New Year’s Celebration
2. Valentine’s celebration
3. Christmas
4. Mid-Autumn Festival
5. Birthday’s celebration
- Listen
- Answer
+ From 1st to 3rd of January of Lunar calender.
+ I usually go to watch fireworks in New Year’s Eva and go to pagoda to pray, visit my relatives, teachers and friends and go to places of entertainment.
- Look at the picture and answer
+ Yes, they are. They are grandparents, parents and children.
+ Lucky money
+ Mut, fruits, Banh chung
+ Kumquat tree and peach blossom.
+ Yes, they are.
- Listen
- Read, highlight and identify Sentences:
1. It is the grandest and most important occasion in the year which falls sometimes between .
2. Tet marks the beginning of spring and, for agrarian people, the start of a new year.
3. Streets are decorated with coloured lights and red banners.
4. Many people go to pagoda to pray for a happy year for themselves and their family.
5. Mut, which is candied fruit such as sugared apples, plums or tomatoes, is also popular.
6. A great deal of excitement still builds up well before Tet. 
- Look at the chart
- Match
- Give answers
 1c 2d 3e 4b 5a
- Give comments
- Listen
- Read and decide
- Check
- Gives the answers 
1 F. New Year falls sometime between 19th and 20th February on the Western calendar.
2 F.  for agrarian people, the start of a new year.
3 T.  but nowadays the holiday is much shorter.
4 F. Children receive their “lucky money.”
5 T. is popular throughout the country.
6 F . during the whole year.
- Give comments
- Listen
- Divide
- Listen to the rule
- Ask and answer
1. It is sometimes between 19th January and 20th February.
2. For months.
3. Streets are decorated with coloured lights and red banners.
4. They buy gifts, clean and decorate their houses and cook traditional foods.
5. It is made from sticky rice, green beans and fatty port.
6. Mut is candied fruits such as sugared apples, plums ands tomatoes.
7. People usually visit their family members, old teachers and friends, exchange best wishes when meeting or visiting, go to pagoda, play games 
- Discuss
- Make speech
- Gives comments
- Listen
- Listen.
Date of preparation:17/11/2010
Date of teaching: 23/11/2010
I. Objectives: 	
1. Educational aim: Ss should know about traditional customs and cultural aspects of Vietnamese celebrations and festivals .
2. Knowledge:
a. General knowledge: At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
 - talk about the activities of some popular holidays and celebrations in Vietnam and in the world.
 - improve their speaking skills.
b. Vocabulary: 
3. Skills: Integrated, mainly speaking
II. Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Techniques: Questions and answers, repetition, pair work, explanation, games
IV. Teaching aids: Textbook, charts, pictures and chalks
V. Procedure:	
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. Warm-up: 
- Greets the class.
- Introduces a game “Guessing” to Ss and gives the rule: “I have a bag of things here. I would like to invite one student to touch one thing and describe it to your friends. Who can guess the right thing will become the next person to describe”
 The things are a lantern, a heart, a hat of Santa Claus, a flower and a box of chocolates.
- Lets Ss play the game.
- Asks Ss to guess the topic of the lesson. Ss base on the things they have just guessed.
- Has Ss give the name of some celebrations they know from these realias.
- Leads to the lesson: “Do you think that Lunar New Year is popular in the world. Let’s study the following dialogue to see if Anna, who is Mai’s new friend, know about it or not.”
2. Pre- speaking: 
- Gives a chart of the cues of the dialogue on page 93.
- Asks Ss to work in pairs to build the dialogue from the cues given
Mai: You/ know/ Tet holiday/ next month?
Ann: What/ Tet?
Mai: It/ time/ Vietnamese people/ celebrate/ beginning of spring. It/ also/ start/ lnar new year.
Ann: When/ it/ exactly?
Mai: This year/ 9th of February.
Ann: What/ you/ usually/ do/ Tet?
Mai: We/ eat/ a lot of special foods/ dress up/ visit friends and relatives/ play traditional games.
Ann: It/ sound/ interesting. 
- Calls on some Ss to read their dialogue. The T doesn’t correct mistakes at this stage.
- Asks Ss to open their books to check the dialogue. 
3. While- speaking: 
* Task 1:
- Lets students practise the dialogue on page 93 in pairs.
- Calls in some pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class. Then asks them to practice without materials.
- Asks other Ss to give comments.
- Corrects mistakes if there is any.
* Task 2:
- Sticks a chart on the board with so many gaps. 
- Asks Ss to work in 2 groups A and B
- Gives Ss 6 flash cards containing the purposes and activities of three celebrations: Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving, Mid- Autumn Festival. Asks Ss to discuss these purposes and activities belong to which celebrations. 
- Asks each group to stick the flash cards on the chart. Which group has the first and correct answer will be given 2 marks.
- Lets Ss play the game “Electric Shock” in 10’
- Explains the rules of the game: “You continue to play the game in 2 groups above. You have to close your books and answer the following questions. After I read a question and count 1, 2, 3 which group raises your hand first will be given right to answer. If this person gives a right answer, his group will be given 1 mark. If this person gives a wrong answer, the other group will get chance to answer and get 1 mark. The winner is the group which has more marks, including the 2 marks above.”
What is the purpose of Valentine’s Day, Mid – Autumn Festival, Thanksgiving celebrations?
What are the main activities in Valentine’s Day, Mid – Autumn Festival, Thanksgiving celebrations?
* Task 3:
- Gives Ss a lot of topics about celebrations (Valentines, Mid- Autumn, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year) and asks them to choose one topic to practice speaking in groups of 5, using the purposes and activities of the three celebrations above.
- Goes around and gives helps if necessary.
- Calls on some groups to present.
- Asks other groups to give comments
- Gives feedback.
4. Post- speaking: 
- Divides the class into 4 groups.
- Directs the drama: “Class, have you ever wished to become an actor or actress? Today, I will give you a chance to make your dream come true. I have 4 bags of secret things related to 4 different celebrations (Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Halloween, Tet holiday). I will give it to 4 groups. And your duty is to set a play according to situations I give you in the bag. Then, I will call on 4 groups, in turn, to act. Remember! You only have 5 minutes to make your play. Which group performs best will take a special gift from me.
* Relias:
 + Christmas: sock, Santa Claus puppet.
 + Valentine’s Day: rose, chocolate.
 + Halloween: candies, a mask.
 + Tet: a red envelope, watermelon.
* Situations:
 + C ... r teachers and tell about their achievement and recall unforgettable memories of student hood.
 On the third day, friends meet together. They wish each other a happy new year. Then, they have a party or go somewhere. Friends enjoy this day so much because they may not see ach other throughout a year.
 Overall, New Year’s Day are celebrated as a time of reunion and thanksgiving among members in family, students, teachers and friends. We all wish a happy and prosperous new year to every one in the world. 
- Asks Ss to work in groups to discuss the main points of the passage as told before within 2’.
- Calls in some Ss to come to the board and write down their answers.
- Asks others to give comments.
- Asks Ss how the passage is organized in terms of time, place, etc(Chronological or spatial order).
- Asks Ss to analyze the passage: 
 1. How many paragraphs are there in the passage?
 2. What is the function of the first paragraph? (introduction)
 3. How about the last one?
 4. What did the author write in the body paragraphs?
 5. How did the author connect the paragraphs and sentences within a paragraph?
- Gives feedback:
- Shows the model outline to Ss:
I. Introduction:
 1. Write the topic sentence.
 2. Provide some background information about your topic (time, purpose)
II. Supporting paragraphs:
 1. List the ideas that develop the main idea of your description.
 2. Place each supporting ideas in its own paragraph.
 3. Develop each supporting point with facts, details and examples.
II. Conclusion:
 1. Restate the main idea in different words.
 2. Your feeling
3. While- writing:
- Divides the class into 4 groups.
- Gives Ss 4 topic of celebrations and asks them to choose one topic for their group.
 (Topics: New School Year, Teacher’s Day, Christmas Day, Valentine’s Day).
- Asks Ss to work in groups to make an outline telling about names, times, purposes, main activities according to the pictures they have matched (in lead-in stage) on 4 flashcards within 15’.
- Asks 4 Ss of 4 groups to go to the board to stick their flashcards.
- Gives 4 groups a lot of smiling and crying faces to give comments on other groups’ outlines.
- Gives feedback.
4. Homework:
- Asks Ss to:
+ write a description about the celebration or festival they like best.
+ prepare for the next lesson
- Read and underline
- Discuss
- Write down on the board
- Give comments
- Answer
1. There are 5 paragraphs in the passage.
 2. The first paragraph functions as an introduction.
 3. The last one functions as a conclusion.
 4. In the body paragraphs, the author described some activities in three main days in New Year holiday.
 5. To connect 5 paragraphs, the author used chronological language: On the New Year’s Eve, on the second day, on the third day, overall.
 To connect sentences, the author used: then, next, finally.
- Listen and take notes
- Divide
- Choose the topic
- Make an outline in group
- Stick on the board
- Give comments
- Listen
- Listen
Date of preparation: 21/11/2010
Date of teaching: 30/11/2010
I. Objectives: 	
1. Educational aim: Ss should be aware of the importance of pronouncing correctly and using pronouns one(s), someone, no one, anyone, everyone and vocabulary about holidays and celebrations in daily life.
2. Knowledge:
 a. General knowledge: At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
 - pronounce and distinguish the sounds / fl /, / fr /, / 0r / correctly.
 - understand and use pronouns one(s), someone, no one, anyone, everyone and vocabulary about holidays and celebrations
b. Vocabulary: quarrel, apply for, situation
3. Skills: Integrated skills
II. Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Techniques: Questions and answers, repetition, pair work, explanation, gap filling and practice.
IV. Teaching aids: Textbook, charts, pictures and chalks.
IV. Procedure:
Teacher’s activities
Student’s activities
1.Warm-up :
- Gives some pictures about flower, flag, flood, fruit, fridge, frog, three, throat and thread.
- Asks Ss to look at the pictures and read aloud the words describing the pictures.
- Give the correct words.
- Has Ss guess the sounds they are going to learn based on the pictures above.
- Leads to the lesson: Today we will learn how to pronounce the 3 sounds / fl /, / fr / and / 0r /.
2. Pronunciation 
2.1. Presentation
- Divides the board into 3 columns labeling with / fl /, / fr / and / 0r / and asks Ss to fill in each column with suitable words they have just found.
- Asks Ss to add more words that they know to the five lists.
- Helps Ss pronounce these sounds by demonstrating them clearly and correctly.
- Reads through these above words and the words containing the 3 sounds on page 97.
- Reads again and asks Ss to repeat.
- Calls on some Ss to read aloud.
- Asks for peers’ comments
- Gives feedback. 
2.2. Practice
- Models the dialogue with a S
- Asks Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs within 2’.
- Goes around and provides help when necessary.
- Calls on some pairs to act out in front of the class.
- Asks other Ss to gives corrections.
- Gives feedback.
3. Grammar :
3.1. Pronouns one(s), someone, anyone, no one, everyone
a. Presentation:
- Run through the meaning and use of these above pronouns.
+ someone = somebody: It is used with a singular verb in an affirmative statement or in a question when the speaker/ writer expects the “yes” answer.
 E.g: There is someone waiting for you at the school gate
 Did someone call me last night?
+ anyone = anybody: It is used with a singular verb in a negative or interrogative statement.
 E.g: Have you ever met anyone like him?
 Don’t tell anyone my secret.
+ everyone = everybody: It usually goes with a singular verb. It refers to every person or allpeople
 E.g: Everyone must protect the environment.
+ no one: It usually takes a singular affirmative verb.
 E.g: No one like her story.
+ one and ones: They are used to replace a previous mentioned noun when we don’t want to repeat that noun. “One” replaces a singular noun, and “ones” replace a plural noun.
 E.g: I don’t like the red shirt; I prefer the blue one.
 Don’t buy the sour oranges. Buy the sweet ones. 
* Extra exercise: Sentence completion
- Divides the class into groups of 4.
- Delivers each group a handout of some uncompleted sentences and asks them to complete them by adding the missing clause. Which group have the first and correct answers will become the winner.
1. I will tell you the truth if.
2. If I were you, 
3. If I had had enough money, ..
4. If it is nice tomorrow, 
5. What would happen if..
6. I would have gone swimming if
- Gives feedback.
3.2 Conditional in reported speech
a. Presentation:
- Gives Ss a chart of three examples
1. “If you finish before 4.30, I come..........and pick you up,” he said to me.
 He told me (that) if I finished before 4.30, he would come and pick me up.
2. “I could see my parents everyday If I live in Hue,” Hoa said.
 Hoa said (that) she could she her parents everyday if she lived in Hue.
3. “I wouldn’t have begun to learn Russian if I had known the difficulties,” the man said to her.
 The man said to her (that) he wouldn’t have begun to learn Russian if he had known the difficulties.
- Asks Ss: “When the direct speech is a conditional sentence, which type that we have to change, which types we don’t have to change?”
- Corrects Ss’ answers and gives the correct answers:
 Type 1 Type 2 
 Types 2, 3 The same
b. Practice:
- Has Ss to do the exercise 3 by changing conditional sentences into reported speech.
- Goes around and provides help when necessary.
- Asks Ss to check the answers with their partner.
- Calls on some Ss to read aloud the answers and write them down on the board. 
- Asks for peers’ comments.
- Gives feedback. 
* Extra practice: Use the given information to make conditional sentences 
1. I wasn’t hungry so I didn’t eat anything.
2. The accidents happened because the driver in front stopped so suddenly.
3. I didn’t know that Lan had to get up early, so I didn’t wake her up.
4. Mary wasn’t injured in the crash because she was wearing seat belt.
5. I didn’t meet you last night, so I couldn’t tell you the truth.
6. Because Alan never eats breakfast, he always overeats at lunch.
7. Jack was late to his own wedding because his watch was ten minutes slow.
8. I don’t ride the bus to work every morning because it’s always so crowded.
4. Homework:
- Asks Ss to:
+ learn the form and use of the conditionals types 1, 2 and 3.
+ make 6 conditional sentences.
- Look at the pictures
- Read aloud
 - Listen
- Guess 
- Listen
- Fill in
/ fl /
/ fr /
/ 0r /
- Add more
- Listen to the T’s pronunciation
- Listen
- Repeat
- Read aloud
- Gives comments
- Listen
- Read the dialogue with the T
- Practise in pairs
- Act out
- Gives corrections.
- Listen
- Fill in
- Make sentences
1. If I have time, I’ll help you
2. If I were the King, you would be the queen.
3. If he had studied hard, you would have passed his exam.
- Give comments
- Listen
- Give the correct form
- Compare
- Read aloud and write down
* Exercise 1:
1. would drive
2. could choose
3. is 
4. will take
5. closed
6. will come
* Exercise 2:
1. had been told
2. had realized
3. wouldn’t have been
4. would have bought
5. had studied
- Give comments
- Listen
- Divide into groups of 4
- Complete the sentences
- Listen and take notes
- Look at the chart.
- Answer
- Listen and take note
- Change into reported speech
- Check with the partners
- Read aloud and write down
1. The man told her that he would come to see her if he had time.
2. He asked her what she would say if someone stepped on her feet.
3. They told me that if it didn’t rain they would go out with me.
4. The man asked the woman what she would do if she were a billionaire.
5. The man said to me that if I had asked him, he would have lent me his motorbike.
6. The man said to his daughter that he would be very disappointed if she didn’t come.
7. The boy told the girl that he was sure they would understand if she explained the situation to them. 
- Gives comment.
- Listen and take note.
- Make conditional sentences
1. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
2. The accidents wouldn’t have happened if the driver in front hadn’t stopped so suddenly.
3. If I had known Lan had had to get up early, I would have woken her up.
4. Mary would have been injured in the crash if she hadn’t been wearing seat belt.
5. If I had met you last night, I could have told you the truth.
 6. If Alan always ate breakfast, he wouldn’t have overeaten at lunch.
7. Jack wouldn’t have been late to his wedding if his watch hadn’t been 10 minutes slow.
8. I would ride the bus to work every morning if it were not always crowded.
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