Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 16: The wonders of the world - Lesson 1: Reading

Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 16: The wonders of the world - Lesson 1: Reading

A. Aims and Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

 - Read and understand about space conquest.

 - Skim for general ideas.

 - Scan for specific ideas.

B. Materials and Teaching Aids: Textbook, handouts, pictures.

C. Procedures:


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Date of preparation: 	Date of signing:
Distributive period: 97	Date of teaching:
 Unit 16
 the wonders of the world
 Lesson 1
A. Aims and Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 
 - Read and understand about space conquest.
	- Skim for general ideas.
	- Scan for specific ideas.
B. Materials and Teaching Aids: Textbook, handouts, pictures.
C. Procedures:
1. Warm-up
 7 minutes
* Game: Word hunting
- Divide the class into two groups. 
- T prepares a song beforehand from the tape. T asks Ss to listen to the song. After listening to it, they have to write down the words consisting letters: e, w, r, o, n, d from the song. T asks one student of each group to go to the board and write the answer. The group with more correct words wins the game.
- T asks Ss to answer the question.
+ Question:
1. Who can use the letters: e, w, r, o, n, d to make a meaningful word?
+ Answer key: Wonder
- Declare the winner.
- Lead in: T asks Ss to tell her some wonders in the word. (The Pyramids, The Great Wall, The Lighthouse...)
 T Ss
T Ss
2. Pre-reading
8 minutes
* Questions:
- T asks Ss to answer some questions:
1. Can you name these two wonders of the world?
2. Where do you think they are located?
3. What do you know about them?
+ Suggested answers: 
1. These two wonders are the Great Pyramid Cheop (Khufu), and the Taj Mahal.
2. The Great Pyramid Cheop in Cariro, Egypt, and the Taj Mahal in India.
3. They were built as tombs for their royal families. The Great Pyramid was built over 4000 years ago. And the Taj Mahal was built between 1630 and 1652 by an Indian prince. 
* Teaching Vocabulary:
- T asks Ss to skim the passage and underline the new words.
- T explains the new words.
1. tomb (n) (picture)
2. pyramid (n) (picture)
3. construction (n) (gap-fill)
He designed the houses. He works for a famous construction company.
4. treasure (n) (translation): kho báu
- Ask Ss to give the Vietnamese equivalent (if necessary).
- Read a new word three times. Ss listen and repeat after the teacher.
T Ss
T Ss
3. While- reading
20 minutes
* Activity 1: Gap-fill
- Ask Ss to read the text and do task 1 in pairs.
- Instruction: The words in the box all appear in passage. Fill each blank with a suitable word.
- Move around to help Ss.
- Go over the answers with the class.
+ Answer key: 1. tomb 2. wonder 3. ramp 
 4. chamber 5. mysterious 6. spiral 
* Activity 2: Questions and answers 
- T divides the class into groups of four or five.
- Ask each group to read the text again and write down the answers to the following questions.
- T moves around class to give help.
+ Suggested answer: 
1. It is located on the west bank of the Nile River and was built around the year 2560 BC.
2. It was about 147 meters high on a base of 230 meters square.
3. The purpose of this huge stone pyramid was to serve as a tomb when the Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu died and to protect the burial chamber from the weather and from thieves who might try to steal the treasures and belongings there.
4. It is thought that the ancient Egyptian used straight or spiral ramps or huge weight arms to lift and place the blocks of stone in place.
5. The boat is believed to have been used to carry the body of Khuful in his last journey on Earth before being buried inside the pyramid.
+ Feedback: Teacher asks some Ss to ask and answer the questions.
Activity 3: Scan for information
- Ask Ss to scan the passage and work in pairs to say what the following words refer to.
- T moves around class to give help.
+ Suggested answers: 
1. who (line 4) refers to the thieves.
2. it (line 8) refers to the Great Pyramid.
3. it (line 9) refers to the Great Pyramid.
4. each (line 12) refers to the block of stone.
 Ss Ss
 T Ss
 T Ss
 Ss Ss
 T Ss
 S S
4. Post- reading
8 minutes
* Discussion
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss this question:
 Which of the wonders of the world do you like best? Why?
- Move around to help Ss.
- Ask some pairs to act out their conversation.
- T gives feedback.
T Ss
5. Homework
2 minutes
- Learn by heart the words in reading part.
- Prepare the next part.
Ss Ss
 D. To instruct Ss how to do the homework .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
E. Self – study:
Date of preparation: 	Date of signing:
Distributive period: 98	Date of teaching:
 Unit 16
 the wonders of the world
 	Lesson 2
A. Aims and Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 
 - Express their own ideas about facts and opinions.
 - Use facts and opinions to talk about features of man-made places.
B. Teaching Aids: Textbook, handouts.
C. Procedures:
1. Warm-up
 5 minutes
* Little things
- Divide the class into two groups. The teacher is going to ask Ss to give her some “Little” things. The members in each group have to give T the thing she needs as quickly as possible. When the Ss give one thing, they will get one mark for his group. The group with more marks wins the games. There will be 8 things.
T says: I need a pen/ ruler/ book/ pencil/ watch/ note of money/ notebook/ eraser. 
- T declares the winner.
T Ss
2. Pre-speaking
8 minutes
+ Lead-in:
- T sticks the picture of the Great Pyramid on the board and asks Ss:
1. What is this? ( The Great Pyramid)
2. Is the Great Pyramid high? (Yes)
3. What do you think about the Great Pyramid? (I think it is great)
- T writes on the board: 
+ The Great Pyramid is high.
+ The Great Pyramid is great.
- T asks Ss: Which sentence describes fact and which one describes opinion?
+ Expected answers: The first describes fact and the second describes opinion.
T Ss
Ss Ss
3. While-speaking
20 minutes
* Activity 1: Distinguish facts and opinion
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to read the statements and decide if each one describes fact or opinion.
- Walk round and help them, give the some information.
+ Feedback: Teacher asks some Ss to give their answers.
+ Suggested answers:
- Facts: 2, 3, 4.
- Opinions: 1, 5, 6, 7.
* Activity 2: Pair-work
+ Useful language:
- To express opinions and facts:
I think/ I am sure...
It is said/ believed/ thought that...
They might/ may / can have...
Probably/ Maybe they...
 I think the Great Pyramid was built by an enormous giant.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and tell their partner about some facts and opinions of the Great Pyramid of Giza, using the information in Task 1.
Fact: The Great Pyramid of Giza was 147 metres high.
Opinion: The Great Pyramid is believed to have been built over a 20-year period.
- Walk round and help them, give the some information.
+ Feedback: Teacher asks some Ss to give their answers.
T Ss
Ss Ss
Ss Ss
4. Post -speaking
10 minutes
* Group work
- Ask Ss to discuss possible answers to the following questions.
- Walk round and help them, give the some information.
- Listen to Ss and collect their mistakes for indirect correction.
- T gives feedback.
+ Suggestions:
- The Great Pyramid of Giza was built by an Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu.
- It is said that it took him a 20-year period to complete it.
- They are now many theories about it. One theory says the stones were taken from the site on the Giza Plateau, about 5 km away, and one other theory says the stones were transported from the east side of the Nile River from a distance of over 500 miles.
- These stones might have been transported on wooden sleds.
T Ss
Ss Ss
5. Homework
2 minutes
- Write a report on what your friend told you about how the Great Pyramid was built in activity above.
- Prepare the next part.
T Ss
D. To instruct Ss how to do the homework 
...................................................................................................................................................................E. Self – study:
Date of preparation: 	Date of signing:
Distributive period: 99	Date of teaching:
	 Unit 16
the wonders of the world 
 Lesson 3 Listening
A. Aims and Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 
 - Listen for specific information about the Great Wall.
	- Listen for general ideas.
B. Materials and Teaching Aids: picture, a tape CD, colored chalk.
C. Procedures:
1. Warm-up
 5 minutes
* Game: Guessing a noun phrase
- Divide the class into two groups. T tells Ss that T is thinking about a noun phrase. T will give some clues about the noun phrase and members of each group can make a guess about the noun phrase at any time. Each group has only two chances to guess about the noun phrase. The first group to give the correct answer will win the game.
* Cues:
1. This word is a noun phrase with three words. It is one of the wonders of the world.
2. It is enlisted in the World Heritage by UNESCO.
3. It is the symbol of China.
4. We can see it from the Moon.
* Key word: The Great Wall
- Declare the winner.
* Lead-in: 
- In today’s lesson, you are going to listen about the Great Wall.
T Ss
Ss Ss
2. Pre-listening
8 minutes
 * Questions
- Ask Ss some questions:
+ Have you ever seen the Great Wall on TV?
+ How old ... ...................................................
...................................................................................................................................................................E. Self – study:
Date of preparation: 	Date of signing:
Distributive period: 100	Date of teaching:
 Unit 16
 the wonders of the world 
 Lesson 4 Writing
A. Aims and Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 
	- Write a report on a man-made place. 
	- Work in pairs/ groups effectively.
B. Materials and Teaching Aids: hand outs, textbook.
C. Procedures:
1. Homework
5 minutes
* Homework
- Ask Ss to say some information about the Great Wall.
- Listen and give comments and mark.
T Ss
2. Pre- writing
8 minutes
* Activity 1: Vocabulary :
- Introduce some words/ phrases relating to the writing.
1. consist of (v) (example)
Water consists of two elements: hydrogen and oxygen.
2. in honor of (expression) (translation) thể hiện sự tôn kính
3. statue (n) (picture)
4. Buddha (n) (picture): Đức Phật
- Ask Ss to give the Vietnamese equivalent (if necessary).
- Read a new word three times. Ss listen and repeat after the T.
T Ss
3. While- writing
18 minutes
* Activity 1: Writing
- Ask Ss to look at the notes made by a visitor to the Ponagar Cham Towers in Nha Trang.
- Ask Ss to use the note to write a report on the visit.
 - Go around giving help.
* Feedback: - Ask Ss to compare their answers.
- Call on some Ss to go to the board and write their paragraph.
- Listen to Ss and collect their mistakes for indirect correction.
* Checking 
- T finds out the mistakes and correct with Ss.
- T gives feedback on Ss’ work.
- T points out some common mistakes made by Ss.
- Ask Ss to give comments on the others’ writing.
+ Sample development.
 My visit to Nha Trang last year included a brief tour to Ponagar Cham Towers. This complex town is one of the most beautiful examples of Cham architecture in central Vietnam.
 The Ponagar Cham Towers consists of four towers. They are located on Cu Lao Marble Hill two kilometers north of Nha Trang. They were built between the 8th and 3rd centuries.
 Each town was dedicated to a different God. The largest tower was built in honor of Lady Thien Y. The 22,5 m high tower contains her sandstone statue sitting on Buddha’s throne. The 26m high statue has 10 hands, holding specific objects illustrating the power of Buddha.
 The tour to Ponagar Cham Towers lasted 5 hours. I felt tired but the visit was enjoyable, memorable and informative.
T Ss
4. Post-writing
12 minutes
* Role-play
- T asks Ss to read the tourist’s report again and work in pairs to play the role of the tourist and the tourist’s friend, who are talking about the tour to Ponagar Cham Towers. This time, the two friends talk on the phone. The conversation should be opened like this:
Ann: Hello, May I speak to Ben please?
Ben: Ben here. Who’s speaking?
Ann: It’s me, Ann.
Ben: Oh, Ann. A long time no see. Where have you been?
Ann: I have just come back from Ponagar Cham Towers in Nha Trang.
Ben: Oh, how nice. Please tell me about it.
- Go around giving help with the new words.
- Listen to Ss and collect their mistakes for indirect correction.
* Feedback:
- Ask Ss to go to the board and write their conversation.
- T points out some common mistakes made by Ss.
T Ss
S Ss
5. Homework
2 minutes
- Write a short report on your favorite tour, real or imaginary.
- Prepare for the next part.
T Ss
D. To instruct Ss how to do the homework 
..................................................................................................................................................................E. Self – study:
Date of preparation: 	Date of signing:
Distributive period: 101	Date of teaching:
 	Unit 16
 the wonders of the world
 Lesson 4 
 Language focus
A. Aims and Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 
 - Distinguish the difference between the consonant clusters: / ft/, / vd /, / fs /, / vz/.
	- Know how to use: It is said that.....and People say that.
B. Materials and Teaching Aids: Textbook, pictures, colored chalks.
C. Procedures:
1. Warm-up
 5 minutes
Presentation 1
10 minutes
Presentation 2
14 minutes
3. Practice:
14 minutes
2 minutes
* Homework
- Ask Ss to read their report.
- Listen and give comments and mark.
- T leads Ss to the lesson.
* Pronunciation:
- Hang on a flipchart of the sounds on the board and introduce the sounds to the Ss. Teacher reads the sounds three times.
/ ft/
/ vd/,
/ vz/
* Repetition: 
- Ask Ss to read the words aloud.
- Ask Ss to add some more words that contain the sounds.
* Practice reading aloud the sentences.
- Practice reading aloud the sentences.
- Ask some Ss to read the aloud the sentences.
- Correct their mistakes if necessary.
1. It is said/ believed that...and People say that...
- Teacher gives examples:
 It is said that time is money.
People say that time is money.
- T remarks: Cả hai cùng có nghĩa là: Người ta nói rằng.
 + It is said/ believed that: Dùng cho dạng bị động của câu với túc từ là một mệnh đề.
- T focuses the form:
 S1 + V1 (that) + S2 + V2 + 0 + M
à It + be + V1 (V-edP2) (that) S2 + V2 + 0 + M
à S2 + be + V1 (V-edP2) + V2 (infinitive) + 0 + M
- T asks Ss to give some examples and rewrite the sentences using the above structures.
- Teacher gives examples:
 It is said that health is more precious than gold.
à Health is said to be more precious than gold.
a. Mệnh đề chính và mệnh đề túc từ cùng thời gian (cùng thì): V2 được ở dạng nguyên mẫu đơn. 
 People believe (that) knowledge is the key to open all things.
à Knowledge is believed to be the key to open all things.
b. Mệnh đề túc từ diễn tả hành động xảy ra trước hành động của mệnh đề chính V2 được ở dạng nguyên mẫu hoàn thành.
 They know that the prisoner escaped from the jail.
à The prisoner is believed to have escaped from the jail.
c. Mệnh đề chính và mệnh đề túc từ cùng thời gian nhưng khác thì: V2 được ở thì tiếp diễn và V1 ở thì đơn.
 They think that the police are searching for the murderer.
à The police are thought to be searching for the murderer.
* Exercise 1: - Ask Ss to work in pairs to do Exercise 1.
- Give enough time for Ss to do it.
- Move around to help if necessary.
* Feedback: - Call on some Ss to read the sentences aloud.
+ Key: 1. Many people are said to be homeless after the floods.
2. The prisoner is thought to have escaped by climbing over the wall.
3. He is believed to have driven through the town at 90 km an hour.
4. Two people are reported to have been seriously injured in the accident.
5. Three men are said to have been arrested after the explosion.
6. The strike is expected to begin tomorrow.
7. He is said to speak English well. 
* Exercise 2: - Ask Ss to do exercise 2 in pairs. 
- Move around to help if necessary.
- Ask Ss to compare their answers together.
* Feedback: - Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud.
+ Key: 1. He is thought to be very clever.
2. The wanted man is believed to be living in New York.
3. He is known to be very rich.
4. The film is supposed to be very good.
5. Many people are thought to have been killed in the accident.
6, About a million puppies are thought to be born each year.
7. The factories are said to be worse.
8. Those dogs are said to be dangerous.
- Prepare for the next part.
- Make two sentences using It is said that.....and People say that.
* Choose the best answer:
1. It was in this village that Mr. John................17 years ago.
A. were born B. was born C. born D. has been born
2. Nam is said ..................a big company in Ho Chi Minh city now.
A. be B. to have been C. been D. has been
3. His wife is said...............for her husband ten years before she remarried.
A. be running B. to have run C. run D. will be running
4. The woman was said .................in the rain for 10 minutes.
A. wait B. to have waited C. waiting D. waited
T Ss
Ss Ss
T Ss
T Ss
 S S
Ss Ss
Ss Ss
Ss Ss
D. To instruct Ss how to do the homework:

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