Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 21: Preparation - Unit: 3 Lesson: Speaking

Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 21: Preparation - Unit: 3 Lesson: Speaking

I. Aims :

- By the end of the lesson, the students are able to discuss a plan for a party.

- By the end of the lesson, the students are able to assign responsibilities.

II. Lexical items :

-a sit – down meal -duty

-farewell -serve

Structures :

-How about entertainment?

 - I ‘ll be the chef. Mai and Minh will serve the foods and drinks.

III. Teaching aids:

- textbook - Handouts

- chalk - cards

IV. Techniques :

- skill-based ( listening, speaking)


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Lesson Plan (grade 11 – advanced)
Period : 21	Preparation date :6 /10/2007
Unit :	3	Lesson : 	Speaking
Aims :
- By the end of the lesson, the students are able to discuss a plan for a party..
- By the end of the lesson, the students are able to assign responsibilities..
Lexical items :
-a sit – down meal	-duty
-farewell	-serve	
Structures :
-How about entertainment?
 - I ‘ll be the chef. Mai and Minh will serve the foods and drinks.
Teaching aids:
- textbook	- Handouts
- chalk	- cards	 
Techniques : 
- skill-based ( listening, speaking)
Procedures :	
Teacher’s and students’ activities
1. warm-up
Games: ‘Word wheel’
-Put the class into groups of four.
-Set the time limit of 5 minutes. 
-Within groups, SS fill the wheel, using the clues. Each five- letter word starts at the edge of the wheel and ends in the center. All the words end in the same letter Y
-After SS have filled the wheel, they are supposed to find the key word which can fit in all of the spaces below.
-Monitor the class unobtrusively.
-As the time is up ,get the goups to hand in their word wheel and the key word .
-Go over the answers with the whole class.
-Award one point for each correct word in the word wheel and three points for the key word.
-The first groups to get all the words correct wins
Transition:-In Today ‘s speaking section, we’re going to learn how to plan a party
-Write down on the board : 
1.A farewell...2.A birthday ..3.A garden.
Expected answers: 
PARTY a farewell party , a birthday party, a gaden party 
Unit 3 : Parties- speaking
2. Pre- Speaking
Teaching some vocabulary
-farewell : loi tam biet
-a sit-down meal : tiec ngoi
-serve (v) : phuc vu
-Give each student a copy of the task below.
Chalk and board
3. while-Speaking.
Activity 1:Drilling 
-Put the SS into pairs.
-within pairs ,SS practice the dialogue.
-Assign some pairs to role-play the dialogue in front of the whole class.
-Make corrections in terms of intonation, pronunciation and grammar.
Activity 2: Situation-based role-playing
- Set the situation: tell SS they are to plan their coming birthday party.
- Elicit kinds of information to be included in their discussion.
-Refer SS to the information categories in the previous task.
-Elicit some language used to ask for such information.
-Also remind SS of such filling expression as:
-Within pairs ,SS plan their coming birthday party.
-the teacher monitors the class unobtrusively, invite some presentations in font of the class
Making suggestion:
What about/ how about?why don’t we ?/ let’s.
Assigning duty: WILL + verb ( bare- infinitive)
Take care of , be in charge of , be responsible for
Well , Hmm, let me see, Ok, All right , Well , I mean
4. Post-Speaking 
Writing & speaking 
-Give each student an invitation card 
-Ask SS to imagine they were to celebrate their next birthdays.
-Get SS to complete their invitation cards 
-Get SS to stand up and give the card to the invited person in the class
-Ask SS how many invitation cards they have got 
-Declare the most invited and the least invited.
5. Homework
Language preparation
- Ask Sts to think of some language used to refuse or accept an invitation and write it down onto their notebook .

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