Bài dạy phụ đạo khối 11 năm 2009

Bài dạy phụ đạo khối 11 năm 2009

I. Write the word from its transcription.

1. /’træfɪk/ . 2. /’treʒə(r)/ .

3. /'traʊzəz/ . 4. /'ju:ʒʊəli/ .

5. /dres/ . 6. /drɪNk/ .

7. /twelv/ . 8. /ʌNkl/ .

9. /’pi:pl/ . 10. /’fɔ:rɪnə(r)/ .

II. Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Make any changes in the

form if necessary.

disappoint perform competition find sponsor activity

member annual

1. Tâm Vy has just become a / an.of the fishing club.

2. The exhibition is held.

3. Mr. Tâm Vy is.a new medicine for AIDS.

4. We are very fond of outdoor.

5. He came first in the poetry reciting.

6. He criticized the recent poor.of the company.

7. Tâm felt a little.with the result of the competition.

8. We had no difficulty.the house

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 ~ 30 - 10 - 2009 
I. Write the word from its transcription. 
1. /’træfɪk/ .............................. 2. /’treʒə(r)/ .............................. 
3. /'traʊzəz/ .............................. 4. /'ju:ʒʊəli/ .............................. 
5. /dres/ ............................. 6. /drɪNk/ .............................. 
7. /twelv/ .............................. 8. /ʌNkl/ .............................. 
9. /’pi:pl/ .............................. 10. /’fɔ:rɪnə(r)/ .............................. 
II. Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Make any changes in the 
form if necessary. 
disappoint perform competition find sponsor activity 
member annual 
1. Tâm Vy has just become a / an........................of the fishing club. 
2. The exhibition is held.............................. 
3. Mr. Tâm Vy is...............................a new medicine for AIDS. 
4. We are very fond of outdoor................................ 
5. He came first in the poetry reciting................................ 
6. He criticized the recent poor...............................of the company. 
7. Tâm felt a little...............................with the result of the competition. 
8. We had no difficulty..............................the house. 
III. Rewrite each sentence in reported speech, beginning as shown. 
1. "Me? No, I didn't take Sơn's calculator," said Phong. 
Phong denied............................................................................. 
2 "I'm sorry I couldn't come on Saturday," said Danh. 
Danh apologised........................................................................ 
3 "Why don't we go back to u ?" I said. 
I suggested................................................................................ 
4. "No, I really don't want to stay the night, Sơn," Ân said. 
Ân insisted on........................................................................... 
5. "Congratulations on passing the entrance examination, Sương," said Mai. 
Mai congratulated..................................................................... 
6. "You are not allowed to smoke in school, Hung," said his teacher. 
Hung's teacher forbade............................................................. 
7. "Make sure you don't make the same mistake again, Tâm," said Linh. 
Linh warned Tâm.................................................................... 
8.' "It's very kind of you to give me a lift." 
I appreciated you...................................................................... 
IV. Use the verb from the box to rewrite each sentence in reported speech, 
beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning. 
congratulated insisted thanked denied confessed suggested 
admitted accused 
1. "No, it's not true. I didn't cheat in the exam!" 
2. "Why don't we go out for some coffee now?" 
3. "All right, it's true, I lost my temper." 
The teacher................................................................................. 
4. "You stole Tâm's watch, didn't you, Sinh!" 
Tâm's mother.............................................................................. 
5. "I'm very grateful to you for your help, Mr Vy.” 
7. "I'll buy this toy car. I insist." 
Giai insisted on................................................ 
8. "It's true. I killed the man." 
V. Read the description of the race course and fill each gap with ONE suitable 
 This year the (1)......................starts on top of Rose Hill. Contestants run down the 
hill, across the river. (2)................jump into the river – this isn't 
(3)......................swimming race! Run over the bridge and away (4)..................the 
football field. (5) ........................., turn right, so you (6) .....................running 
toward the sports club. After you run around that big tree, you are in the last 
(7).........................of the race. Run into the club parking lot, (8)......................you 
find the finish line. Good luck! 
VI. Use the given words to make meaningful sentences which form a letter. 
 Dear Sir, 
1. I read / information / Maths Contest / your school's website. 
2. I / be very interested / Maths / especially mathematical puzzles / I'd like / have / 
information / contest. 
3. You please send / details / contest / include / place / time? 
4. Please contact me / 0833-874399. 
5. I look forward / hear / you soon. 
 Yours sincerely, 
 Thu Trang 
VII. Read the passage and choose one appropriate phrase in the box for each 
blank. There are more phrases than needed. 
 A. to prepare themselves F. the media 
 B. becoming extremely popular G. about the Games 
 C. from all over the world H. other exciting events 
 D. something really special I. in 1998 in the US 
 E. other places J. the competitors 
 The Gravity Games are fast (1)...........................with young people who have a 
preference for a different form of entertainment. The five-day event, which was set 
up (2) ..........................., features competitions in extreme sports as well as pop 
music concerts by famous singers or groups. Over 250 athletes 
(3)...........................take part in seven different competitions, including 
skateboarding, biking and (4) ........................... . Athletes have to train for a long 
time (5) ........................... for the competitions. The games receive a lot of attention 
from (6)........................... and are broadcast live all over the world. So, if you want 
to see (7) ..........................., do yourself a favour and watch this year's Gravity 
 For more information (8) ..........................., visit their website on the Internet. 
VIII. Give the correct forms of the words in brackets. 
1. Each nation has many people who............................ take care of others. 
2. Some high school students take part in helping the disadvantaged 
or............................children. (handicap) 
3. MSF is the world's largest ............................ organization that provides 
emergency medical relief. (independence) 
4. This design has always been............................. (popularity) 
5. In most of the countries in the world............................is free. (education) 
6. Literacy is the starting point for women and girls to............................ skills and 
greater independence. (acquisition) 
7. They all tried hard to win the championship in the ..................(compete) 
8. A lot of people made........................on how to reduce the content of the report. 
IX. Fill in each gap with ONE suitable word. 
 My 15-year-old sister asked me to lend my CD player (1)...........................her but 
I didn't want to as she never takes care of things she borrows. I thought I should 
explain to her (2)...........................I couldn't let her have it. However, I had made a 
promise to (3)...........................not to argue with her and, seeing that her birthday 
was approaching, I didn't want to upset her. And I also had to get 
(4)...........................a present. Then a friend of mine suggested a great idea to 
(5)............................I bought a CD player (6)...........................her for her birthday. I 
went to the Post Office and sent (7)........................... to her. Some days later, as I 
was writing her an electronic (8)...........................card on the Internet, I got a text 
message. It read: "You're the best sister in the world! Thank you! xxx". She had got 
X. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 
1. Although we are (A) concerned about the problem of energy sources, we (B) 
must not fail (C) recognizing die need (D) for environmental protection. 
2. Never before (A) has so (B) many people (C) in the United States been (D) 
interested in soccer. 
3. (A) From space, astronauts are (B) able (C) to clearly see the outline (D) of the 
whole earth. 
4. (A) Almost all pupils are bad at English (B) in spite of their teachers’ careful (C) 
teachings and (D) them parents’ help. 
5. Dairying (A) is concerned not only (B) with the production of milk, (C) but with 
the manufacture of milk products (D) such as butter and cheese. 
6. They were (A) thrilling to have a child (B) after they had (C) virtually given (D) 
7. Those student (A) who took part in the (B) war against illiteracy (C) considered 
it an honorable job to help people in their (D) home villages. 
8. What percentage (A) of the students (B) felt mutual respect was esssential (C) to 
effective learning (D) to take place? 
9.They (A) give care and (B) comfortable to them and help (C) them to (D) 
overcome their difficulties. 
10. He was (A) accused of (B) to have burnt the (C) neighbour’s house (D) and 
Thaåm Taâm Vy, 2009 

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